The Crop Journal
The Crop Journal
Harness the power of genomic selection and the potential of germplasm in crop breeding for global food security in the era with rapid climate change
Research Papers
Ordering of high-density markers by the k-Optimal algorithm for the traveling-salesman problem
Bayesian regularized quantile regression: A robust alternative for genome-based prediction of skewed data
The improved FASTmrEMMA and GCIM algorithms for genome-wide association and linkage studies in large mapping populations
Joint association analysis method to dissect complex genetic architecture of multiple genetically related traits
META-R:A software to analyze data from multi-environment plant breeding trials
Genome-wide association mapping for grain shape and color traits in Ethiopian durum wheat(Triticum turgidum ssp.durum)
SNP-based QTL mapping for panicle traits in the japonica super rice cultivar Liaoxing 1
Detecting the QTL-allele system controlling seed-flooding tolerance in a nested association mapping population of soybean
Map-based cloning of a novel QTL qBN-1 influencing branch number in soybean[Glycine max(L.)Merr.]
Detection of QTL and QTN and candidate genes for oil content in soybean using a combination of four-way-RIL and germplasm populations
Quantitative trait locus mapping of yield and plant height in autotetraploid alfalfa(Medicago sativa L.)
Using genomic data to improve the estimation of general combining ability based on sparse partial diallel cross designs in maize
Genome-wide prediction in a hybrid maize population adapted to Northwest China
Use of family structure information in interaction with environments for leveraging genomic prediction models
A sulfotransferase gene BnSOT-like1 has a minor genetic effect on seed glucosinolate content in Brassica napus
Modeling and simulation of recurrent phenotypic and genomic selections in plant breeding under the presence of epistasis
Brief Guide for Authors
Quantitative genetic studies with applications in plant breeding in the omics era