Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics
The Precision Analysis of the Chinese VLBI Network in Probe Delay Measurement
The Origin of The Soft X-Ray Excess in the Seyfert 1.5 Galaxy ESO 362-G18
FAST Continuum Mapping of the SNR VRO 42.05.01
Fast Radio Bursts as Crustal Dynamical Events Induced by Magnetic Field Evolution in Young Magnetars
Is TOL 1326–379 a Prototype of γ-Ray Emitting FR0 Radio Galaxy?
Precise Positions of Triton in 2010–2014 based on Gaia-DR2
Spatial Distribution of HOCN Around Sagittarius B2
Evaluating Helium Variations By Modeling Red Giant Branch Bump of Large Magellanic Cluster NGC 1978
The First Photometric Analysis of Two Low Mass Ratio Totally Eclipsing Contact Binaries:TIC 393943031 and TIC 89428764
Application of a Space-based Optical Interferometer Toward Measuring Cosmological Distances of Quasars
Method of Separating Cosmic-Ray Positrons from Electrons in the DAMPE Experiment
The New Wuqing 70m Radio Telescope and Measurements of Main Electronic Properties in the X-band
Optical Properties of C-rich (12C,SiC and FeC) Dust Layered Structure of Massive Stars*
Temperature Analysis of Flaring (AR 11283) and Non-flaring (AR 12194)Coronal Loops
Transonic Accretion and Winds Around Pseudo-Kerr Black Holes And Comparison with General Relativistic Solutions
Radiative Diffusion in a Time-dependent Outflow:a Model for Fast Blue Optical Transients
Analysis of the Distribution,Rotation and Scale Characteristics of Solar Wind Switchbacks:Comparison between the First and Second Encounters of Parker Solar Probe
Imprints of the Jittering Jets Explosion Mechanism in the Morphology of the Supernova Remnant SNR 0540-69.3
Solving Surface Deformation of Radio Telescope Antenna by Artificial Neural Network
New Massive Contact Twin Binary in a Radio-quiet HII Region Associated with the M17 Complex
Physical Properties of 29 sdB+dM Eclipsing Binaries in Zwicky Transient Facility
Hypercritical Accretion for Black Hole High Spin in Cygnus X-1
V0644 Ser:An Active Ultrashort Period Contact Binary Star
Common Envelope to Explosion Delay time Distribution (CEEDTD) of Type Ia Supernovae
Influence of Megaregolith on the Thermal Evolution of Mercury’s SilicateShell
Estimation of HII Bubble Size Distribution from 21cm Power Spectrum with Artificial Neural Networks