China Nonferrous Metals Monthly
China Nonferrous Metals Monthly
Technology Innovation Heralds the Development of the Nonferrous Metals Industry
China’s Growing Dependence on Foreign Supplies Makes it Urgently Necessary to Develop the Secondary Metal Industry
Hami’s Nonferrous Metal Industry Evolves Towards Clusters
CHINALCO Invested RMB 40 Billion in Development of East Tibet Lead & Zinc Mine
Large Nonferrous Metals Deposits Found in Yunnan
Inner Mongolia to Implement Production Quota in Iron Alloy Industry
Shanxi Became A Key Production Base of Aluminum and Magnesium
Jinchuan Becomes a Shareholder of Huading Copper
Xinjiang Nonferrous Metals Group Achieved Annual Sales Revenue of RMB 50 Billion
Production of Fabricated Products in 2011
China’s Major Non-ferrous Metals Imports & Exports
Zinc Production by Province in 2011