

果树学报 2024年12期

摘" " 要:果树设施栽培是通过人为因素改变果树生产的外部环境,从而改变果树生产周期,使果品提前或推迟成熟,提高果树的生产效益,已成为中国果业发展的新业态。重点阐述分析了果树设施栽培中的建筑设施、监测系统、环境调控设备、生产设备与机具等关键装备的研究应用现状,总结中国设施果树栽培装备研究应用中存在的问题有:设施结构简陋,缺乏专用覆盖材料,环境调控能力弱,农机生产装备落后、智能化不足等。指出了中国设施果树栽培装备未来的发展方向为:建筑设施智能化、生态化,设施环境调控智能化,农机农艺高度融合。


中图分类号:S66 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009-9980(2024)12-2567-15

Research status and prospects of equipments for protected fruit tree cultivation in China

WANG Wenming1, WANG Zhiqiang2#, SUN Yongli3, HE lihong4*, WANG Haibo2*

(1Taizhou Vocational College of Science and Technology, Taizhou 318020, Zhejiang, China; 2Research Institute of Pomology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Xingcheng 125100, Liaoning, China; 3Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, Heilongjiang, China; 4China Agricultural Machinery Testing Centre, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing 100122, China)

Abstract: The cultivation of fruit trees in facilities is a new format in the development of China’s fruit industry, which changes the external environment of fruit production through human factors, thus changing the production cycle of fruit crops, making fruit ripening ahead of or behind schedule, and improving the production efficiency of fruit trees. Compared with open-air cultivation and field production, the protected fruit tree cultivation has the outstanding advantages of being unaffected by climatic conditions, high degree of automation, high utilization rate of space per unit area, and continuous production throughout the year. Facility fruit tree cultivation equipment is a key element for realizing the facility cultivation of fruit trees. In recent years, with the continuous progress of science and technology and the deepening of agricultural modernization, significant achievements have been made in the research on and application of facility fruit tree cultivation equipments in China. This article focuses on analyzing the current research and application status of key equipments in fruit tree facility cultivation, including architectural facilities, monitoring systems, environmental control equipment, production equipment and machinery. The issues identified in the research and application of fruit tree facility cultivation equipment in China are summarized as follows: (1) Simplistic facility structures: Fruit tree facility cultivation requires specialized facilities such as greenhouses, large sheds, and irrigation and fertilization systems. However, market supply is limited, and orchards often rely on general agricultural facilities. These facilities are inadequate for meeting the specific needs of fruit trees, leading to poor growth and low yields. Due to economic and technical constraints, fruit growers tend to opt for low-cost and structurally simple large sheds or greenhouses. While these can basically meet growth requirements, they lack insulation, ventilation and shading functions, resulting in significant environmental fluctuations and cramped spaces that are unfavorable for mechanized operations, thereby limiting the production efficiency of facility fruit trees. (2) Lack of specialized covering materials: Fruit tree facility cultivation necessitates specialized covering materials and suitable substrates, but the market offers limited specialized materials. Orchards frequently use ordinary agricultural materials as substitutes, yielding unsatisfactory results. These alternative materials often have poor light transmission and weak weather resistance, and are prone to damage and aging, leading to insufficient illumination and temperature fluctuations. Simultaneously, unsuitable substrates cause poor root development and frequent pest and disease outbreaks in fruit trees. These issues collectively affect the effectiveness of facility cultivation and fruit quality, highlighting the urgency of research and application of specialized materials. (3) Weak environmental control capabilities: Facility fruit tree cultivation requires precise control of environmental factors such as temperature, humidity and lighting to meet the needs of fruit trees at different growth stages. However, due to simplistic facility structures, many orchards lack corresponding environmental control equipment, such as temperature control systems, humidity control systems and light supplementation systems. This results in ineffective environmental control within the facilities, failing to meet the optimal conditions for fruit tree growth, which subsequently affects fruit tree yield and quality. (4) Outdated agricultural machinery and equipment with insufficient intelligence: Facility fruit tree cultivation requires specific agricultural machinery and equipment to adapt to its production environment and operational needs, such as miniaturized agricultural machinery to fit the cramped spatial layout within facilities. However, most fruit tree facilities still use general agricultural machinery and equipment, whose operational accuracy and efficiency fail to meet the requirements of facility fruit tree cultivation. Additionally, the level of automation and intelligence of agricultural machinery and tools is low, with many requiring manual assistance, preventing automated operations and precise control. This increases the production costs of facility fruit tree cultivation and limits production efficiency. The future development directions for fruit tree facility cultivation equipment in China are pointed out as follows: (1) Future architectural facilities will not only provide basic functions like insulation and shading but also integrate smart materials and Internet of Things technology to achieve automated adjustment and ecological cycling. Simultaneously, an ecological cycling system will be constructed within the facilities, such as rainwater collection and reuse, and natural degradation of waste through the synergistic effects between plants and microorganisms. This development direction aims to enhance the adaptability and ecological sustainability of the facilities. (2) Monitoring and control devices will be upgraded to comprehensive intelligent systems that perceive the growth status of fruit trees through the addition of biosensors. The data analysis terminal will employ deep learning and pattern recognition technologies to analyze data in real-time and provide precise guidance for environmental control. Combined with big data and AI, the system can automatically formulate management plans, such as irrigation, fertilization, and pest and disease control, thereby improving the management level and production efficiency of facility fruit tree cultivation. (3) Water and fertilizer integration equipment, combined with high-precision sensors and control systems, will monitor fruit tree growth and soil conditions in real-time, precisely control irrigation and fertilization, and achieve personalized customized management. This will enhance water and fertilizer utilization efficiency, reduce waste, and improve fruit tree quality and yield. Simultaneously, facility agricultural machinery and equipment will incorporate advanced navigation, recognition and communication technologies to achieve automated and intelligent operations, like precise pruning and efficient harvesting. Multiple agricultural machinery and equipment will also share information in real-time and work in coordination to complete complex cultivation tasks. This trend will significantly enhance the efficiency and quality of facility fruit tree cultivation, promoting higher-level development of facility agriculture.

Key words: Facility fruit tree; Cultivation; Equipment; Environmental control; China


1 中国设施果树栽培装备研究现状


1.1 建筑设施

1.1.1 建筑设施类型与特点 常用的设施果树栽培的建筑设施主要有日光温室、塑料大棚和连栋玻璃温室,其结构特点与材料组成如表1所示。日光温室是节能日光温室的简称,又称暖棚,由两侧山墙、维护后墙体、支撑骨架及覆盖材料组成[11-12],在中国北方地区广泛应用,是一种在室内不加热的温室,通过后墙体对太阳能吸收实现蓄放热,维持室内一定的温度水平,以满足作物生长的需要[13];塑料大棚俗称冷棚,是一种简易实用的保护地栽培设施,利用竹木、钢材等材料,并覆盖塑料薄膜,搭成拱形棚,具有建造容易、使用方便、投资较少等优点,在中国南方被广泛应用,其有利于果树防御自然灾害,能提早或延迟供应鲜果,提高单位面积产量;连栋玻璃温室是一种以钢结构为主体,利用玻璃作为覆盖材料的温室类型,内置了采暖、通风、灌溉等配套设备,其采光好、强度高、环境调节能力强,在中国南方经济发达省份已少部分推广使用,但建造成本较高[14-15]。

1.1.2 建筑设施结构研究 在设施果树栽培中,建筑设施的结构设计直接关系到温室的稳定性、耐久性以及果树的生产效率,合理的结构设计不仅能有效抵御风雪等自然灾害,还能最大化利用光照资源,为果树创造适宜的生长环境[16]。中国农业科学院果树研究所浆果类创新团队设计了一种适合国情的低成本、节能型日光温室[17],并在不同地区进行了试验验证,结果显示该温室在保温、采光及积雪清理方面表现优异,对葡萄等果树的生长质量和果实品质有显著提升。郭利民等[18]设计了一种高脊、大跨度、空间宽敞的钢结构日光温室,其结构稳固性显著提升,增强了抵抗自然灾害的能力。陈吉[19]和陆琳等[20]针对不同地域和气候条件分别设计了果树专用大棚和适应低纬高原气候的新型日光温室。闫冬梅等[21]利用有限元软件建模分析了不同作物吊挂模式等对温室结构内力的影响,发现柱脚铰接的单管拱架在作物荷载两点吊挂时会出现强烈的局部应力集中现象,提出应采用前柱脚铰接、后柱脚固接、后墙立柱为格构柱的结构形式,以达到最小和最大应力及最合理的应力分布。此外,郄丽娟等[22]设计了一种装配式异质复合墙体日光温室,使用环保建材和装配式钢骨架,与传统温室相比,该温室墙体热阻高、传热系数低,且具有更高的放热效率和升温速率,室内温度更稳定,且结构安全性更好。王蕊等[23]的研究结果表明,针对北方土质墙体日光温室,黏土、粉质黏土和沙土含水量超26%、16%和14%时墙体易失稳,外坡角增至70°加剧风险,建议控制含水量,外坡角60°~70°为宜。

1.1.3 建筑设施环境与能耗研究 建筑设施环境与能耗的研究是提升设施果树生产效率和实现绿色发展的关键,降低能耗、提高能源利用效率,不仅能降低生产成本,还能减轻对环境的影响,推动设施果树栽培向更加环保、可持续的方向发展[24-26]。赵晓彤等[27]通过实时监测典型日光温室的环境因子,分析了温室的能耗情况,发现传热能耗在冬季夜间占主导地位,其次为冷风渗透能量消耗,土壤在日光温室夜间起到室内保温作用。王超等[28]的研究结果表明,最冷月和冬至日的日光温室采暖能耗需求随纬度升高而增加,冬至日需求量分布不均,关键影响因素为南屋面保温和换气次数。史宇亮等[29]通过测试最冷季节(30 d)温室内气温、墙体温度、室外气温及室外太阳辐照度等数据,分析了土墙温室内外温度分布规律,结果表明,墙体表面及浅层温度随温室气温周期性变化,深层温度稳定,墙体夜间放热效率为43%。许红军等[30]研究结果表明,日光温室墙体可划分为保温层、稳定层、蓄热层,各层的厚度与墙体蓄热材料、保温材料的热物性有关,墙体厚度大于30 cm时,温室内温度波动平缓。在温室结构、保温性能不变的情况下,温室蓄热层厚度及波动情况受外界光温环境的综合影响较小。

1.1.4 建筑设施覆盖材料研究 设施果树栽培中,建筑设施的覆盖材料选择多样,主要包括塑料薄膜(如PVC、PE、PO膜)、玻璃、遮阳网、无纺布、草苫(或草帘)以及水帘等[31-33]。其中,塑料薄膜因其成本低、透光保温性能优良且安装维护简便,得到广泛应用。玻璃则以其出色的透光隔热性著称,但成本相对较高。遮阳网和无纺布等半透明材料,能够有效调节设施内的光照和温度,满足特定栽培需求。草苫和草帘等不透明材料,则主要用于保温,确保果树在寒冷季节的正常生长。此外,水帘在夏季用于降温,以保持设施内的适宜温度。在选择这些覆盖材料时,应综合考虑作物生长需求、当地气候条件、成本效益以及环保因素,以实现最佳栽培效果。王伟等[34]通过CFD方法对比发现,双膜拱棚在夏季能减少高温积聚,冬季则保持较高平均温度,特别适合寿光地区气候。魏巍等[35]的研究显示,双膜日光温室能显著提高浅层土壤温度,且室内热环境更稳定。杨小锋等[36]则提出了覆盖PE薄膜较之白色防虫网和露地处理,可提高棚内温度,调节设施温差和光环境,防止害虫侵入,显著改善果实品质,提高果实产品安全性,促进杧果植株生长。杨定伟等[37]和程丽等[38]的研究则分别揭示了装配式砾石和土模块温室的优异保温蓄热性能,以及双层薄膜覆盖和复合材料后墙体对保温性能的提升作用。

1.2 监测系统


1.3 环境调控设备


1.3.1 温湿度控制装置 在设施果树栽培中,温湿度控制装置通过温湿度传感器收集数据,依据预设范围自动调节风机、卷膜器和加湿器等,维持最佳生长环境。张明秋[47]采用先进的随机森林算法,设计了人工光源设施内的温湿度控制系统。该系统通过多变量解耦内模控制方法,实现了对温湿度的精准控制,试验证明其性能稳定且满足生产需求。李亨[48]通过对比多种控制方法,发现模糊解耦控制在设施内温湿度调控方面表现最佳。刘云骥等[49]研发了日光温室正压式湿帘风机降温系统,并优化了结构参数,该系统在夏季能显著降低温度,提供均匀的温湿度环境。宋财柱等[50]则利用L-M算法的BP神经网络模型,成功建立了温室内空气温湿度的预测模型,为温室内的环境调控提供了有力支持。陈辛格等[51]针对中高纬度地区温室冬季面临的问题,提出了结合窄槽式集热器与固体除湿剂的调控系统,显著改善了作物生长环境。薛晓萍等[52]研究结果表明,自然通风降湿能力弱,温室内湿度呈现明显的下高上低垂直分布,高风速降湿能力强,温室北侧湿度高于南侧,偏东风降湿效率高,北风效果差。

1.3.2 自动卷帘机 自动卷帘机能自动卷放保温覆盖物,调节棚内光照、温度和湿度,提高劳动效率,减小劳动强度,是设施果树栽培不可或缺的装备[53]。刘洋等[54]设计了一种锥形滚筒式翻越卷放装置,该装置由卷被轴、摇杆、主机、辅助翻越机构组成,通过绳索传动实现保温被的翻越卷放,有效解决了保温被卷起后的问题。吴若丁等[55]研发了一种新型日光温室双稳态折叠结构保温设施,通过充气或抽气进行状态切换,免除了卷帘机的使用。张国祥等[56]设计的协调铺卷装置,能实现多种覆盖物的协调铺卷,展现出较好的控制精度和稳定性。裴雪等[57]设计了基于温光耦合的卷帘机精准控制系统,该系统采用光照与温度传感器实时监测,结合温光耦合模型决策,通过中间继电器及红外限位开关控制卷帘机,提高其控制精度与使用安全性。董亮等[58]设计了一款自动接缝的日光温室卷帘装置,实现中间覆盖材料同步卷放,可折叠且与卷帘轴同步运行,保持恒定角度避免碰撞。

1.3.3 CO2发生装置 CO2发生装置一般安装在设施中央部,利用化学反应产生CO2,通过排气管将产生的CO2均匀释放至整个空间,促进果树光合作用,提高果树产量与果实品质[59-60]。辛敏[61]设计的零浓度差CO2施肥系统,能够将室内CO2浓度有效补充至室外相同水平,不仅降低了成本,还提高了CO2的利用率。马凯等[62]设计了日光温室CO2施肥系统,试验结果表明,日光温室的施肥区CO2浓度提高12.4%,油桃光合速率提高48.2%,品质显著改善,增施CO2气肥可有效提高油桃光合速率及品质。

1.3.4 通风装置 通风装置是设施果树栽培的重要设备,主要由进风口、出风口、风机及控制系统等组成,其通过风机驱动空气流动,实现温室与外界的空气交换,有效降低室内温度,减少病虫害发生,一些先进的通风装置还集成了降温、加湿等功能,进一步提升了设施果树栽培的效率和果实品质[63-67]。胡万玲等[68]研究不同的送/回风方式对日光温室的影响,发现下送上回的通风方式效果最佳。万敏等[69]研究发现开启后墙通风口及调整其位置能提高降温效率、降低作物蒸腾速率。郑若琳等[70]则通过数值模拟揭示,通风形式显著影响温室内气流与温湿度分布,上下通风口同时开启在炎热天气下效果最佳,有效降低室内温湿度,而下通风口单独使用则会导致分布不均。

1.4 生产设备与机具

1.4.1 水肥一体化装备 设施果树栽培可通过水肥一体化装备,将水与肥料混合后,经过精确的灌溉系统,将水分和养分均匀地输送到果树的根部,为果树精确供应水肥,优化果树的生长环境[71-73]。水肥一体化装备一般由储水装置、肥料储存与混合装置、灌溉系统和控制系统组成,如图3所示。储水装置储存各种水源以确保灌溉连续,肥料储存装置混合适合果树吸收的营养液,灌溉系统将水肥溶液均匀送至果树根部,实现节水、节肥、高效灌溉;控制系统监控管理整个装备,根据果树生长、环境条件和用户需求,自动调整水肥混合比例、灌溉时间和频率,确保果树获得最佳水肥供应[74]。黄卿宜等[75]研究水肥一体化条件下设施甜瓜施肥灌溉制度,试验结果表明,增加施肥量能显著提升甜瓜株高和茎粗,高灌水下限可促使作物早熟,提高市场价值。李增源等[76]设计了设施葡萄智能化水肥管理系统,其基于NB-IoT网络传输的固态电阻传感器设备对设施葡萄根系土壤水分进行实时监测,建立基于土壤水分张力的设施葡萄灌溉决策指标,并依托水肥一体化设备实现自动灌溉。

1.4.2 农机作业装备 设施果树栽培的农机作业装备包括微耕机、割草机、修枝机、植保机、采摘机等[77-79],其性能参数如表2所示。微耕机是小型土壤耕作机械,适用于狭小空间,能进行旋耕、松土、开沟等作业,可根据需求更换刀具和附件;割草机以电动遥控式为主,高效除草,保持果园整洁;修枝机则根据果树需求修剪枝条,保持树形和通风,有手动、电动、气动等类型;植保机用于病虫害防治,喷洒化学药剂,电动植保机喷雾均匀且高效;采摘机则能自动采摘成熟度和大小合适的果实,提高采摘效率,有振动式、吸入式等多种类型,这些机械大大提高了设施果树的生产效率[80-82]。姬丽雯等[83]研究设计了一种应用于日光温室的草莓采摘机器人,该机器人使用激光雷达构建地图与定位,双目深度相机识别成熟草莓,并由6自由度机械臂进行抓取和放置,能实现自主路径规划,行走过程中识别成熟草莓并完成采摘。

2 国外设施果树栽培装备研究现状


美国新建造的果树栽培温室单体面积均在1 hm2以上,并大量采用无土栽培技术[92];荷兰的设施果树栽培连栋玻璃温室如图4所示,温室以文洛式结构设计,具有超大空间和跨度,便于中大型农业机械进入作业,采用中空铝合金骨架代替传统温室的单层铁材质天沟,不仅减少了设施温室的支撑结构,也降低了支撑结构的遮光面积,提升了采光及保温效果,设施顶部覆盖高透光漫反射玻璃,透光率在90%以上,为果树提供了充足的光照条件。同时温室内配备先进的环境调控系统和智能化管理系统,能够精确控制温室的环境参数,为果树提供最佳的生长环境[93-95]。

日本的设施葡萄栽培大棚如图5所示,大棚多采用坚固耐用的钢架结构作为支撑,覆盖材料则选用透光性好、耐用的聚乙烯长寿无滴膜等;大棚设计充分考虑采光、保温和通风需求,通常坐北朝南、东西延长,确保葡萄能够充分接受光照;大棚尺寸适中,一般脊高在4.5~5 m之间,长度在80~120 m之间,既方便管理又适宜机械化,大棚内配备了传感器及水肥一体化系统,以实现葡萄生长环境的实时监测和精准控制。


3 中国设施果树栽培装备发展面临的问题

3.1 设施结构简陋


3.2 设施环境调控能力弱


3.3 缺乏专用覆盖材料


3.4 设施生产机械化程度低、智能化程度不足


4 设施果树栽培装备未来的发展方向

4.1 建筑设施智能化、生态化


4.2 设施环境调控智能化


4.3 农机农艺高度融合


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