摘" " 要:【目的】评估桃蚜Myzus persicae和桃粉蚜Hyalopterus amygdali种群对两种常用杀虫剂吡虫啉和双丙环虫酯的敏感性。【方法】2022年和2023年在我国不同桃产区桃园采集桃蚜和桃粉蚜种群,利用玻璃管药膜法测定了两种蚜虫的毒力水平。【结果】2022年监测结果表明,浙江省嘉兴市的桃蚜种群对吡虫啉最敏感,LC50为0.222 mg·L-1,相比之下,河北省秦皇岛市、陕西省西安市和甘肃省兰州市的桃蚜种群表现出较低敏感性。2023年,浙江省杭州市的桃蚜种群对吡虫啉最敏感,LC50为1.574 mg·L-1。对比两年的监测数据发现,山东省青岛市桃蚜对吡虫啉的敏感度变化不大,陕西省咸阳市桃蚜种群显示出对吡虫啉的敏感度降低的趋势。对于双丙环虫酯,2022年河北省秦皇岛市的桃蚜种群对双丙环虫酯最敏感,LC50为0.011 mg·L-1。2023年,浙江省杭州市的桃蚜种群对双丙环虫酯最敏感,LC50为0.159 mg·L-1。对比分析发现,甘肃省兰州市的桃蚜种群对双丙环虫酯的敏感度呈增加趋势。桃粉蚜的监测结果表明:云南省昆明市的桃粉蚜种群对吡虫啉和双丙环虫酯均表现出最高的敏感度,然而,河北省秦皇岛市和安徽省宿州市的桃粉蚜种群对吡虫啉的敏感度显著降低。【结论】不同地区和年份的桃蚜和桃粉蚜种群对吡虫啉表现出显著的敏感度差异。两种蚜虫对双丙环虫酯的敏感度差异不显著,均处于敏感水平。
中图分类号:S662.1+S436.621 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009-9980(2024)09-1836-10
Examination of the sensitivity of peach orchard aphids to imidacloprid and afidopyropen
LIU Xinxin1, WU Mengmeng1, XUE Li2, WANG Su1, GUO Xiaojun1, XIAO Da1*, XU Qingxuan1*
(1Institute of Plant Protection, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences/Key Laboratory of Environment Friendly Management on Fruit and Vegetable Pests in North China (Co-construction by Ministry and Province),Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Beijing Key Laboratory of Environment Friendly Management on Fruit Diseases and Pests in North China, 100097, Beijing, China; 2Zhucheng City Agricultural Technology Extension Center, Shandong Province, Zhucheng 262200, Shandong, China)
Abstract: 【Objective】 Green peach aphid and peach mealy aphid are pests causing significant harm to peach trees and other crops worldwide. They primarily feed by sucking plant sap, resulting in leaf damage that affects the growth, development, and photosynthesis of peach trees. Simultaneously, they pose a threat to the health and yield of peach trees and other crops by transmitting viruses. Control of the peach aphids has traditionally relied on chemical methods. However, due to characteristics such as large population sizes, short life cycles, high reproduction rates, and strong migratory capabilities, these aphids have developed varying degrees of resistance to many commonly used insecticides. Therefore, monitoring the sensitivity of the peach aphids to common insecticides is particularly important. This not only helps in assessing the actual effectiveness of the pesticides but also enables timely adjustments in control strategies based on the degree of resistance development. By doing so, the emergence of resistance can be delayed or avoided, leading to more precise pest management measures and thus achieving sustainability in agriculture. The populations of Myzus persica and Hyalopterus amygdali were collected from peach orchards in different peach-producing areas in China during 2022 and 2023 to monitor the sensitivity to imidacloprid and afidopyropen. 【Methods】 The toxicity levels of these aphids to the insecticides were determined using the glass tube film methods. The active pharmaceutical ingredient of imidacloprid and afidopyropen were diluted with acetone to prepare a master stock solution for subsequent experimentation. An aliquot of 250 μL insecticide-acetone solution was applied to each tube (length: 7.5 cm; diameter: 1.2 cm, internal surface area: 27.51 cm2), and they were immediately rotated using a micro-rotator (American Wheaton Company) until solutions were dried. These peach aphids were treated for each concentration with three replicates, while controls were treated with acetone only. The tubes were then placed under laboratory conditions. After 24 h, mortality was recorded, and individuals were deemed dead if they showed no response when prompted with a brush. 【Results】 The monitoring results of 2022 showed that the M. persica population from Jiaxing city of Zhejiang province was found to be most sensitive to imidacloprid, with an LC50 of 0.222 mg·L-1. In contrast, the M. persica population from Qinhuangdao city of Hebei province, Xi’an city of Shanxi Province, and Lanzhou city of Gansu province exhibited lower sensitivity. These results suggest a significant variation in the response to imidacloprid across different geographic locations, potentially influenced by environmental and genetic factors. In the subsequent year, the M. persica population from Hangzhou city of Zhejiang province displayed the highest sensitivity to imidacloprid, though with an increased LC50 of 1.574 mg·L-1. Comparative analysis of the two years monitoring data revealed that the sensitivity of the M. persica from Qingdao city of Shandong province to imidacloprid remained relatively stable. While a decreasing trend in sensitivity was observed in the M. persica from Xianyang city of Shanxi province, underscoring the dynamic nature of pesticide resistance. As for afidopyropen, the M. persica population from Qinhuangdao city of Hebei province, was most sensitive in 2022, with an LC50 of 0.011 mg·L-1. In 2023, the M. persica from Hangzhou city of Zhejiang province was most sensitive with an LC50 of 0.159 mg·L-1. Comparative analysis found that the sensitivity of the M. persica population to afidopyropen showed an increasing trend from Lanzhou city of Gansu Province. The monitoring results of the H. amygdali indicated that the population from Kunming city of Yunnan province exhibited the highest sensitivity to both imidacloprid and afidopyropen. This observation is crucial as it points to possible interspecies differences in how the resistance mechanism is developed and managed. In contrast, the sensitivity of the H. amygdali to imidaclorpid significantly decreased from Qinhuangdao city of Hebei province and Suzhou city of Anhui province, highlighting the need for ongoing monitoring and adaptive management strategies. 【Conclusion】 The results of this study indicated significant regional and annual variations in the susceptibility of the M. persica and H. amygdali to common used insecticides imidacloprid and afidopyropen, respectively. These variations might be associated with factors such as the history of insecticides use, environmental conditions, and the genetic diversity within the populations. Therefore, it is imperative to consider these factors when devising pest control strategies, implementing targeted measures to enhance control efficiency and slow down the development of resistance. This comprehensive approach would not only clarity the causes behind the varying pesticides sensitivities but also aid in the development of more effective pest management strategies. Moreover, continuous monitoring of the changes in pest sensitivity to insecticides is crucial for effective pest management and sustaining agricultural development. Rotating insecticides with different mechanisms of action, reducing the frequency of specific insecticide usage, and conducting in-depth research into the molecular mechanisms behind reduced sensitivity in specific regions would contribute to delaying the development of insecticide resistance in pests.
Key words: Peach orchard; Myzus persica; Hyalopterus amygdali; Imidacloprid; Afidopyropen; Sensitivity
中国是全球桃树栽培面积和产量最大的国家,其中以河北、山东等北方桃主产区为代表,面积约占全国的22%,产量超过30%,总产值达到400多亿元[1]。然而,在生产过程中,害虫的危害严重影响了桃树的产量和果实品质。蚜虫以刺吸危害枝叶、嫩梢为主,影响果树生长发育,间接影响果实品质。在桃树上常见的蚜虫主要包括桃蚜[Myzus persicae(Sulzer)]、桃粉蚜[Hyalopterus amygdali (Blanchard)]和桃瘤蚜[Tuberocephalus momonis(Matsumura)][2]。桃蚜又名烟蚜,是一种分布广泛且危害严重的害虫,能够寄生于50多个科400多种植物上。除了对桃的危害外,还会危害十字花科蔬菜、烟草和马铃薯等茄科作物。桃蚜除通过刺吸植物汁液吸收营养外,还可以传播植物病毒,对植物造成更大的间接伤害,从而对农业生产造成巨大的经济损失[3]。桃蚜除直接取食植物造成危害外,其分泌的蜜露也会引起植物的煤污病,进一步影响果树的光合作用[4]。
双丙环虫酯(Afidopyropen)是一种源自丝状真菌粪生青霉(Penicillium coprobium)的新型丙烯类杀虫剂[13],其防治对象为刺吸式口器和吮吸式口器的害虫,如蚜虫、粉虱、木虱、介壳虫、粉蚧和叶蝉等[14-15]。双丙环虫酯作用于香草酸型瞬时感受器电位通道,通过阻碍运动协调和汁液型害虫的摄食能力而导致其死亡[16-17]。研究表明,双丙环虫酯对非靶标昆虫的毒性较低或无毒[14]。由于其独特的作用模式,与拟除虫菊酯和吡虫啉无交互抗性,可高效防治对有机磷和新烟碱类杀虫剂产生抗药性的害虫[18]。因此,双丙环虫酯为杀虫剂抗性管理提供了另一种改变杀虫剂种类的选择。2019年,该药剂在中国登记使用,用于防治桃蚜等刺吸式口器害虫。
1 材料和方法
1.1 试验昆虫
2022年和2023年,在我国14个省24个市区的桃产业试验站采集桃蚜和桃粉蚜样本,具体样本采集点如表1所示。样本采集后放置于北京市农林科学院植物保护研究所室内养虫室饲养3 d后,选取体型大小一致的成蚜进行毒力测定。
1.2 供试药剂
1.3 试验方法
药剂配制:用丙酮溶剂将吡虫啉和双丙环虫酯配置成1000 mg·L-1的母液储存备用。称取104.17 mg吡虫啉原药加入100 mL丙酮配置成1000 mg·L-1的母液。称取102.78 mg双丙环虫酯原药加入100 mL丙酮配置成1000 mg·L-1的母液。
采用玻璃管药膜法进行桃蚜和桃粉蚜对药剂敏感度的检测。将供试药剂吡虫啉和双丙环虫酯用丙酮按照等比序列配置成7个浓度,每个浓度设置3个技术重复。用移液器吸取250 μL药液转入玻璃管中(长:7.3 cm;底面直径:1.2 cm;内表面积:27.51 cm2),利用微型旋转器旋转玻璃管直至药膜形成。以丙酮处理为对照。每个药膜管中转入20头桃蚜或桃粉蚜。然后将玻璃管放置于养虫室中,温度(25±1) ℃,湿度70%,光/暗周期16 h/8 h。24 h后检查死亡率,以毛笔轻触虫体,不能活动者视为死亡。
1.4 数据分析
使用PoloPlus 2.0 软件进行数据分析,得出吡虫啉和双丙环虫酯对桃蚜和桃粉蚜种群的LC50值,并计算95%置信区间。使用卡方值(χ2)进行统计分析,以评估观察值与期望值之间的偏差程度,从而确定药剂对害虫种群的毒力效果。
2 结果与分析
2.1 桃蚜对吡虫啉的敏感度
桃园桃蚜种群对杀虫剂吡虫啉的敏感度如表2所示,2022年度在所有监测的地区中,浙江省嘉兴市的桃蚜种群表现最敏感,其LC50为0.222 mg·L-1,可作为敏感基线,用于分析其他检测地区桃蚜对吡虫啉的敏感度水平。其次为陕西省咸阳市的种群,其LC50为0.388 mg·L-1。相对而言,山东省泰安市和青岛市、河北省石家庄市、北京市昌平区以及甘肃省秦安市的桃蚜种群对吡虫啉处于相对敏感水平,而河北省秦皇岛市、陕西省西安市和甘肃省兰州市的桃蚜种群对吡虫啉的敏感度显著降低。
2023年度在所有监测地区中,浙江省杭州市的桃蚜种群表现为对吡虫啉最敏感,其LC50为1.574 mg·L-1,同样可作为敏感基线用于分析其他监测地区的敏感度水平。其次为山东省青岛市的种群,其LC50为2.687 mg·L-1。以浙江省杭州市种群的LC50值为基础,分析判断除辽宁省大连市的桃蚜种群外,其他地区的桃蚜种群对吡虫啉处于相对敏感水平。
2.2 桃蚜对双丙环虫酯的敏感度
桃园桃蚜种群对杀虫剂双丙环虫酯的敏感度如表3所示,2022年度在所有监测的地区中,河北省秦皇岛市的桃蚜种群对双丙环虫酯最敏感,其LC50为0.011 mg·L-1,可作为敏感基线用于分析其他监测地区桃蚜种群对双丙环虫酯的敏感度水平。其次为陕西省咸阳市和浙江省嘉兴市的桃蚜种群,其LC50分别为0.040和0.050 mg·L-1。相对而言,甘肃省的桃蚜种群对双丙环虫酯的敏感度不高,其LC50分别为4.357和1.062 mg·L-1,北京市昌平区的桃蚜种群对双丙环虫酯的敏感度最低,其LC50达到7.819 mg·L-1。
2023年度在所有监测地区中,浙江省杭州市的桃蚜种群表现为对双丙环虫酯最为敏感,其LC50为0.159 mg·L-1,同样可作为敏感基线用于分析其他监测地区的敏感度水平。其他监测地区的桃蚜种群对双丙环虫酯也均处于相对敏感水平,LC50在0.195~0.987 mg·L-1之间。
2.3 桃粉蚜对吡虫啉的敏感度
桃粉蚜田间种群对杀虫剂吡虫啉的敏感度如表4所示,2022年度在所有监测的地区中,云南省昆明市的桃粉蚜种群对吡虫啉最敏感,其LC50为0.090 mg·L-1,以其为敏感基线分析其他监测地区对吡虫啉的敏感度水平。山东省青岛市和河南省郑州市的桃粉蚜种群对吡虫啉仍处于相对敏感水平。河北省秦皇岛市和安徽省宿州市的桃粉蚜种群对吡虫啉的敏感度显著降低,推测其可能产生抗药性。2023年所监测的两个地区的桃粉蚜对吡虫啉也处于相对敏感水平。河南省郑州市和广西壮族自治区柳州市的桃粉蚜种群的LC50值分别为8.129和10.304 mg·L-1。通过对同一地区两年数据的分析,笔者发现河南省郑州市的桃粉蚜种群对吡虫啉的敏感度降低。
2.4 桃粉蚜对双丙环虫酯的敏感度
桃粉蚜田间种群对杀虫剂双丙环虫酯的敏感度如表5所示,2022年度在所有监测的地区中,云南省昆明市的桃粉蚜种群对双丙环虫酯最敏感,LC50为0.007 mg·L-1,以其为敏感基线分析其他监测地区对双丙环虫酯的敏感度水平。其次为山东省青岛市的种群,LC50为0.098 mg·L-1。其他监测地区的桃粉蚜种群对双丙环虫酯也均处于相对敏感水平,LC50在0.104~0.724 mg·L-1之间。2023年度在两个监测地区中,河南省郑州市和广西壮族自治区柳州市的桃粉蚜种群对双丙环虫酯均处于敏感水平,其LC50值分别为0.419和0.958 mg·L-1。河南省郑州市连续两年进行采样监测,监测数据表明,该地区桃粉蚜对双丙环虫酯敏感度变化不大。
3 讨 论
双丙环虫酯自2019年在中国登记后被广泛应用于对蚜虫和粉虱等刺吸式口器害虫的防治中。为了提高药剂的防控效果,延缓抗药性的发生,科研人员已开始监测蚜虫和粉虱田间种群对双丙环虫酯的敏感度。研究结果表明,我国棉蚜田间种群对双丙环虫酯处于敏感水平,但敏感度呈现逐年下降趋势[22-23]。相对而言,烟粉虱的监测结果则显示北京市海淀区的种群已对双丙环虫酯产生约40倍的抗性[24]。在此基础上进行抗药性机制的分析研究,初步推断细胞色素P450酶可能参与抗性的形成[25]。本研究结果表明,除北京市昌平区和甘肃省兰州市的桃蚜种群外,其余地区的桃蚜和桃粉蚜种群对双丙环虫酯的LC50值均小于1.0 mg·L-1。北京市昌平区的桃蚜种群对双丙环虫酯的LC50值高达7.819 mg·L-1,明显高于其他监测地区。结合烟粉虱的监测结果分析,笔者推断北京地区双丙环虫酯的药剂使用频次较高,这可能导致该地区的靶标害虫蚜虫和粉虱对其敏感度下降,且产生一定的抗药性。后续应加强对重点区域桃蚜种群的监测,以便及时发现抗药性的发展趋势。这些研究结果对制定有效的抗药性管理策略至关重要,通过持续的监测和分析,可以更好地了解抗药性发展的模式,从而有助于减缓抗药性的发展速度。
4 结 论
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*通信作者Author for correspondence. E-mail:xiaoda@ippbaafs.cn;E-mail:xuqxfarmer@126.com