摘" " 要:【目的】探究风送式塔型喷雾机在矮砧宽行密植苹果园中的施药效果,优化施药参数,为现代矮砧苹果园农药施用“减量增效”提供理论参考。【方法】以5年生烟富3苹果为试验材料,采用水敏纸雾滴测试卡测定3WF-1000风送式塔型喷雾机雾滴粒径、雾滴密度与覆盖率,并利用示踪剂诱惑红测定喷雾机的药液沉积量及地面沉积量。【结果】在5年生现代矮砧宽行密植苹果园中,喷雾机在不同牵引速度下的雾滴特性差异显著,与牵引速度为1.16 m·s-1(4.18 km·h-1)时相比,牵引速度为1.77 m·s-1(6.37 km·h-1)时的雾滴覆盖率和雾滴粒径由62.19%和142.67 μm下降到57.03%和131.67 μm,而雾滴密度由141.72点·cm-2增加到179.86点·cm-2;牵引速度为1.77 m·s-1时的叶面平均沉积量、地面沉积量和农药利用率分别为0.24 μg·cm-2、0.55 μg·cm-2和47.1%,均高于1.16 m·s-1时(分别为0.22 μg·cm-2、0.43 μg·cm-2和43.7%)。【结论】3WF-1000型风送式喷雾机两个牵引速度(1.16 m·s-1和1.77 m·s-1)的雾滴特性均能满足矮砧宽行密植苹果园病虫害的防治要求,喷雾机在牵引速度1.77 m·s-1时农药利用率更高,但易导致土壤流失率增高。
中图分类号:S661.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009-9980(2024)09-1821-08
Evaluation of spraying efficacy of the air-assisted orchard sprayer in modern dwarfing-rootstock apple orchard
ZHU Lizheng1, WANG Tao2, WANG Dan2, YU Xianmei2, ZHAI Hao2*
(1Feixian Fruit Tea Service in Shandong Province, Feixian 273400, Shandong, China; 2Shandong Institute of Pomology, Tai’an 271000, Shandong, China)
Abstract: 【Objective】 Combining good application technology with advanced application machinery, optimizing parameters such as droplet size, spray volume and traction speed can give full play to the performance of application instruments, improve the utilization rate of pesticides, and achieve precise prevention and control. However, the normative evaluation of the application efficacy of modern machinery, and the reference of the measure adjustment and the equipment improvement are lacking. This research aimed to investigate the spraying effect of air-assisted sprayer, optimize application parameters by comparing and analyzing the changes of droplet characteristics, droplet deposition distribution and ground loss rate of 3WF-1000 air-assisted tower sprayer in the apple orchard with wide planting rows and dwarfing rootstocks, so as to provide theoretical reference for pesticide application “reducing quantity and increasing efficiency” in modern dwarfing-rootstock apple orchards. 【Methods】 Five-year-old Yanfu 3 apple cultivar with spindle-shaped canopy was used as experimental material. The spacing between plants and rows were (1.25-1.50) m × 4.5 m, respectively. The volume median diameter (VMD), droplet density and droplet coverage of the 3WF-1000 air-assisted tower sprayer were tested by water-sensitive paper, and the foliar deposition and ground deposition were tested by tracer agent allura red. A row with the length of 50 m was selected as the test plot and three discontinuous apple trees were randomly selected as sampling points. In order to investigate the droplet characteristics, the canopy was vertically divided into upper (2.0 m), middle (1.5 m) and lower (1.0 m) layers, and five points were selected as distribution sample points in the east, south, west, north and middle of each canopy. A paper clip was used to fix each water-sensitive paper with the detection face down. To investigate the ground loss rate, a dish was placed in each of four directions (east, south, west and north), 30 cm away from the trunk. 20 g of allura red was fully dissolved in 100 L of water and added to the sprayer at the traction speeds of 1.16 m·s-1 (4.18 km·h-1) or 1.77 m·s-1 (6.37 km·h-1). The water-sensitive paper was put into a plastic bag and brought back to the laboratory. After scanning, the droplet size, droplet density and coverage were measured by Image J software. In order to test the foliar deposition, three leaves were collected at each sampling point. After measuring the leaf area, each leaf was washed with 5 mL distilled water for 10 min, the absorption of the washing solution at 501 nm was determined, and the concentration of allura red was calculated according to the standard curve. The dried dishes were added with 10 mL distilled water, and shaken at 100 r·min-1 for 5 min. The absorption of the washing solution at 501 nm was measured and the concentration of allura red was calculated. 【Results】 The droplet characteristics of the sprayer at different traction speeds were significantly different in the five-year-old modern dwarfing-rootstock and wide-row apple orchard. Compared with the traction speed of 1.16 m·s-1 (4.18 km·h-1), the droplet coverage and VMD at 1.77 m·s-1 (6.37 km·h-1) decreased from 62.19% and 142.67 μm to 57.03% and 131.67 μm, and the droplet density (141.72 points·cm-2) increased to 179.86 points·cm-2. The average foliar deposition, ground deposition and utilization rate at the speed of 1.77 m·s-1 were 0.24 μg·cm-2, 0.55 μg·cm-2 and 47.1%, respectively, and were both higher than those of 1.16 m·s-1 (0.22 μg·cm-2, 0.43 μg·cm-2, and 43.7%, respectively). The droplet parameters of the sprayer in the east, south, west, north and middle of the tree were also different at two traction speeds. When the traction speed was 1.77 m·s-1, the droplet coverage in the east, west, south and north was lower than that at the traction speed of 1.16 m·s-1, but it was opposite in the middle canopy, which was significantly higher than that at the traction speed of 1.16 m·s-1 (p<0.05). The droplet particle size at the traction speed of 1.77 m·s-1 was lower than that at 1.16 m·s-1 in all 5 directions, and the south direction had a significant difference (p<0.05). The droplet density in the east, west, north and middle of the tree at the traction speed of 1.77 m·s-1 was higher than that at 1.16 m·s-1, while the droplet density in the south was slightly lower. The distribution of foliar deposition at the two traction speeds of the sprayer was in such a descending order: the upper canopy gt; the middle canopy ≥ the lower canopy of the tree, and the deposition amount in the outer of the tree was higher than that in the inner at the height of the middle and low canopy. At the traction speed of 1.77 m·s-1, the deposition amount in the inner and outer canopy of the middle and lower canopy (deposition ratio of inner to outer was 0.73 and 0.65) was higher than that at the traction speed of 1.16 m·s-1 (deposition ratio of inner to outer was 0.72 and 0.64). However, there was no significant difference in the amount of liquid deposited in the upper, middle and lower canopy of the tree (p<0.05). 【Conclusion】 The droplet characteristics of the 3WF-1000 air-assisted sprayer at two traction speeds (1.16 m·s-1 and 1.77 m·s-1) could meet the requirements of disease and pest control in modern dwarfing-rootstock apple orchards. The better pesticide utilization rate was observed with the sprayer at the traction speed of 1.77 m·s-1, but the soil loss rate would increase as well.
Key words: Orchard; Air-assisted sprayer; Droplet density; Droplet coverage; Volume median diameter (VMD); Utilization rate; Ground loss index
1 材料和方法
1.1 材料
供试果园:山东省威海市大水泊镇矮砧宽行密植苹果园(37°11' N,122°15' E)。以5年生烟富3苹果为试验材料,纺锤形树冠,株行距(1.25~1.50 m)×4.50 m,南北走向,果园自然生草。
设备及试剂耗材:3WF-1000风送式塔型喷雾机(威海新元果业技术服务有限公司,容积1000 L,工作压力0.5~3.0 MPa,长×宽×高为3.20 m×1.40 m×2.26 m,设备额定转速540 r·min-1,流量135 L·min-1)。U-3900型紫外分光光度计(日立,日本);CI-202便携式激光叶面积仪(CID公司,美国);培养皿(直径7 cm);食品染色剂诱惑红(上海染料研究所),蒸馏水,水敏纸雾滴测试卡(中国农业科学院植物保护研究所生产)。
1.2 方法
1.2.1 诱惑红标准溶液配制及标准吸收曲线的测定 称取诱惑红0.01 g,将其溶解并转移至10 mL容量瓶中定容,配成质量浓度为1000 μg·mL-1的母液。分别用移液枪移取母液50、150、250、350、450、550、650 μL至7个10 mL容量瓶中定容,配制成5、15、25、35、45、55、65 μg·mL-1系列质量浓度的诱惑红溶液。用U-3900型紫外分光光度计测定上述标准溶液在501 nm波长下的吸光度,并绘制标准曲线。
1.2.2 雾滴特性、雾滴沉积分布和地面流失的测定 选择长50 m的一行果树作为试验小区,喷雾开始前,随机选取3株不连续苹果树进行采样点布置。为研究苹果树冠层的雾滴特性,在垂直方向将树冠层分为上、中、下3层(2.0 m、1.5 m和1.0 m),在冠层的东、南、西、北、中选五点作为布样点(图1)。用回形针分别固定一张检测面朝下的水敏纸雾滴测试卡。为研究雾滴的地面流失率,在距离树干30 cm处的4个方位(东、南、西、北)各放置一个培养皿(图2-A)。雾滴特性以各方位布样点的平均值表示。
将20 g诱惑红充分溶解于100 L水中,加入3WF-1000风送式塔型喷雾机,在牵引速度为1.16 m·s-1(4.18 km·h-1)和1.77 m·s-1(6.37 km·h-1)时对果树进行喷施,测量剩余溶液体积以确定用水量。将晾干的水敏纸放入塑封袋中,带回实验室,用扫描仪扫描后,用Image J软件测定分析覆盖率、雾滴粒径和雾滴密度;为研究苹果树冠层的药液沉积量,在每个采样点各采集3片叶(图2-B),在实验室中测定叶面积后,每片叶用5 mL蒸馏水振荡洗涤10 min,测定洗涤液在501 nm下的吸光值,根据标准曲线计算诱惑红浓度;将风干后的培养皿带回实验室,每个皿加入10 mL蒸馏水,100 r·min-1震荡5 min,测定洗涤液在501 nm下的吸光值并计算诱惑红浓度。
1.2.3 数据计算与分析 按以下公式计算药液沉积量、利用率、地面沉积量和地面流失率[20-21]。用扫描仪扫描水敏纸,并用分析软件Image J测定分析雾滴密度、覆盖率和雾滴粒径。采用DPS 16.05统计软件对数据进行方差分析和显著性检验(Ducan’s新复极差法)。试验结果表示为平均值(mean)±标准差(SD)。
2 结果与分析
2.1 诱惑红标准吸收曲线的测定
对诱惑红水溶液进行吸光度检测,发现吸光度与诱惑红水溶液的质量浓度在0~65 μg·mL-1范围内呈线性相关。一元线性回归方程为y = 0.050 2x-0.060 6,R2=0.995 4。
2.2 不同牵引速度用水量的比较
牵引速度1.16 m·s-1的单位用水量(284.63 L·666.7 m-2)约为速度1.77 m·s-1(148.25 L·666.7 m-2)的1.5倍(表1)。
2.3 不同牵引速度的雾滴特性比较
由表2可知,在试验果园中,3WF-1000型风送式塔型喷雾机两个牵引速度(1.16 m·s-1和1.77 m·s-1)在不同采样点的雾滴覆盖率分布范围为53.56%~67.37%,雾滴粒径为116.67~154.33 μm,雾滴密度为111.50~245.36点·cm-2。喷雾机的雾滴覆盖率、雾滴粒径和雾滴密度因牵引速度不同而存在显著差异,其中,喷雾机牵引速度为1.16 m·s-1时平均雾滴覆盖率和雾滴粒径分别为62.19%和142.67 μm,均显著高于牵引速度为1.77 m·s-1时(57.03%和131.67 μm);而雾滴密度则相反,牵引速度为1.16 m·s-1时是141.72点·cm-2,显著低于牵引速度1.77 m·s-1时(179.86点·cm-2)(p<0.05)。
牵引速度不同,喷雾机在树体东、南、西、北和中方位的雾滴参数也不同。喷雾机牵引速度为1.77 m·s-1时雾滴覆盖率在东、西、南和北4个方位均低于牵引速度为1.16 m·s-1时,而在树体中部方位则相反,显著高于牵引速度为1.16 m·s-1时(p<0.05);雾滴粒径在5个方位均低于牵引速度为1.16 m·s-1时,其中,南方位的雾滴粒径差异显著(p<0.05);雾滴密度在树体东、西、北、中4个方位均高于牵引速度为1.16 m·s-1时,而南方位雾滴密度略低于牵引速度1.16 m·s-1。
2.4 不同牵引速度的雾滴沉积分布和地面流失比较
3WF-1000型风送式塔型喷雾机喷施雾滴在叶面的沉积结果显示(表3),喷雾机在两个牵引速度(1.16 m·s-1和1.77 m·s-1)的叶面沉积量、地面沉积量、农药利用率和地面流失率的分布范围分别为0.16~0.30 μg·cm-2、0.43~0.55 μg·cm-2、43.7%~47.1%和19.4%~36.0%;喷雾机牵引速度为1.77 m·s-1时叶面平均沉积量、地面沉积量、农药利用率和地面流失率分别为0.24 μg·cm-2、0.55 μg·cm-2、47.1%和36.0%,均高于牵引速度为1.16 m·s-1时(分别为0.22 μg·cm-2、0.43 μg·cm-2、43.7%和19.4%)。
喷雾机的两个牵引速度(1.16 m·s-1和1.77 m·s-1)在树体不同冠层内膛和外膛的雾滴沉积量均为上部冠层>中部冠层≥下部冠层,且在树体中、下部冠层的外膛药液沉积量均高于内膛。喷雾机在牵引速度为1.77 m·s-1时除了在树体上部冠层内膛药液沉积量略低外,在中、下冠层内膛和外膛的药液沉积量(内/外膛的沉积比为0.73和0.65)均高于牵引速度为1.16 m·s-1时(内/外膛的沉积比为0.72和0.64),但喷雾机两个牵引速度在树体上、中、下冠层内膛和外膛的药液沉积量差异不显著(p<0.05)。
3 讨 论
摩泽[23]提出,对虫害的防治仅需5%的雾滴覆盖率,而对植物病害的防治则需要40%的雾滴覆盖率,通常覆盖率达到33%左右即可同时有效防治病害与虫害。生物最佳粒径理论证明,防治飞行害虫适合使用10~50 μm的细小雾滴,防治叶面爬行类害虫幼虫和植物病害则适合30~150 μm的雾滴[24-26]。丁素明等[27]报道,由于单个雾滴所产生的影响远大于其本身的粒径范围,雾滴密度达到20点·cm-2以上即可对病虫害有较好的防治效果。在本研究中,3WF-1000风送式塔型喷雾机两个牵引速度(1.16 m·s-1和1.77 m·s-1)的雾滴覆盖率为53.56%~67.37%,雾滴粒径为116.67~154.33 μm,雾滴密度为111.50~245.36点·cm-2,均能满足病虫害防治的基本要求。
在本研究中,与牵引速度为1.16 m·s-1时相比,3WF-1000风送式塔型喷雾机牵引速度为1.77 m·s-1时的雾滴覆盖率和雾滴粒径均由牵引速度为1.16 m·s-1时的62.19%和142.67 μm下降到57.03%和131.67 μm,而雾滴密度由141.72点·cm-2增加到179.86点·cm-2。这与袁会珠等[24]报道的在不同牵引速度下的喷雾机雾滴粒径和雾滴密度变化成反比相一致。喷雾机在树体东、南、西、北和中方位的雾滴参数因牵引速度的不同而不同,这可能与树体枝叶的疏密程度、喷雾机的行走方向及果树栽植行向有关。
农药利用率为农药喷施后沉积在靶标作物上的药量占总施药量的百分比[22],是衡量药械喷施效率的重要指标。在本研究中,3WF-1000风送式塔型喷雾机的两个牵引速度(1.16 m·s-1和1.77 m·s-1)的农药利用率(43.7%和47.1%)均高于中国植保机械农药利用率的平均水平(36.6%)[2];喷雾机牵引速度为1.16 m·s-1的地面流失率(19.4%)低于Vercruysse等[28]所研究的苹果园地面流失率(29%),而牵引速度为1.77 m·s-1时的地面流失率(36.0%)较高,推测可能是快速行驶时输送的风量和雾滴数量降低、雾滴叶面沉积量下降造成的[29]。喷雾机两个牵引速度(1.16 m·s-1和1.77 m·s-1)在树体中、下部冠层的内/外膛的沉积比均小于1,反映出树冠中下部内膛沉积量小于外膛,雾滴穿透效果较差。而苹果树作为多年生作物,轮纹病、腐烂病等枝干病害严重,内膛沉积量小不利于防治干部病虫害,可通过增加喷雾机压强或使用雾化效果更好的喷头以减小雾滴粒径,提高雾滴的穿透性。
4 结 论
3WF-1000型风送式塔型喷雾机两个牵引速度(1.16 m·s-1和1.77 m·s-1)的雾滴特性均能满足矮砧宽行密植苹果园病虫害的防治要求。喷雾机的两个牵引速度(1.16 m·s-1和1.77 m·s-1)在树体不同冠层内膛和外膛雾滴沉积量均为上部冠层>中部冠层≥下部冠层,且在树体中、下部冠层的外膛药液沉积量均高于内膛,其中,喷雾机在牵引速度1.77 m·s-1时农药利用率更高,但易导致土壤流失率增高。
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*通信作者Author for correspondence. E-mail:zhaihao688@163.com