Diving into an unknown cave, trekking to the top of a distant mountain...Extreme adventure tourists are always seeking the next thrill1. But with extremeadventure comes extreme risk. Should adventure tourism be allowed? Here, somekids share their views about this matter.
“Extreme adventure tourism should be allowed. Adventure tourism also helpsthe environment. If people have positive experiences in places, they are more likelyto want to donate. The more that people donate to natural wonders, the more thatcan be done about the destruction of these beauties.”
“People should have the right to go on an adventure. If you don’t want to go,you don’t have to. Adventure tourism helps clear your mind. It allows you toconnect with nature and disconnect from your day-to-day work. Travel helpspeople broaden their point of view and see the world in a better way. It allowsthem to connect with people, learn new cultures, and explore geographic2locations. Adventure tourism helps people overcome their fears, feel strong, andhave a sense of achievement. Adventures are fun, especially when you’re withyour family.”
“Adventure tourism should be discouraged, because it’s not worth the risk. Itconsists3 of dangerous activities that can have a negative impact4, on the touristsand on the environment. Wildlife can be harmed. Ecosystems can be destroyedbecause of the trash left behind by tourists. Also, when adventure tourists getinjured or lost, police and rescue forces are required. These forces are needed tohelp regular tourists, and there’s a limited amount of help they can provide.”
“Adventure tourism can be very expensive and extremely dangerous. It’snot worth the risk. Tourism of all types results in pollution and littering. Andthere are environmental hazards5 associated with adventure-tourism activitiessuch as scuba6 diving, and rappelling7.”