Your friends and other kids you know whoare the same age—your peers—are people yourage or close to it who have experiences andinterests similar to yours. They influence youby the way they dress and act, things they’reinvolved2 in,andtheattitudestheyshow.
Peer influence isn’t all bad. Amongpeers you can find friendship and acceptance.Peers can also set plenty of good examples foreach other. Your peers listen and give youfeedback3 as you try out new ideas anddiscuss problems.
Your peer group gives you opportunities totry out new social skills. Getting to know lots ofdifferent people, such as classmates orteammates, gives you a chance to learn how toexpand4 your circle of friends, buildrelationships, and work out differences.
Sometimes, though, the stresses in yourlife can actually come from your peers.They may pressure you into doingsomething you’re uncomfortable with. Thispressure may be expressed openly or moreindirectly. The pressure to conform5 can bepowerful and hard to resist6. Peer pressurecan influence a person to do something thathas serious consequences7.
It’s not always easy to resist negativepeer pressure. Listen to your gut8. If you feeluncomfortable, it means that somethingabout the situation is wrong for you.
There’s no magic to standing up topeer pressure, but it does take courage—yours. Learn to feel comfortable saying“no”. With good friends you should neverhave to offer an explanation or apology.But if you feel you need an excuse for,think up a few lines.
If a situation seems to be difficult todeal with, don’t hesitate9 to get anadult’s help.