从 2000年年初开始,财富中文网增设“商务英语”栏目,本栏目编撰者 Greg Laskaris为美国加利福尼亚经理人ESL(英语作为第二语言)专家,是国际商务英语培训机构 Business Training International的创始人。现将“商务英语”最新内容选登如下(欲了解单词发音及更多双语内容请登录:www.fortunechina.com):
hazard 危险(名词)(noun) An obstacle that presents a risk; anything that poses a serious danger.
EXAMPLE: During the huge storm, drivers had to avoid hazards like electric power lines and large trees that had fallen across the road.
saleable 可售的(形容词)
(adjective) Describing goods that can be sold due to theircondition or availability. (NOTE: also “salable”)
EXAMPLE: After the disaster the owner and his employees sorted carefully through their flooded store to locate any saleable merchandise.
solipsism 唯我论(名词)
(noun) Excessive focus on oneself without consideration for the needs or wishes of other people.
EXAMPLE: The popular actor's effusive autobiography revealed the magnitude of his solipsism and showed how he often ignored his unfortunate wife and children.
steely 冷冰冰的(形容词)
(adjective) Describing something strong like steel; resolute; icy and unfriendly; stern.
EXAMPLE: The wolf watches us on the forest trail with steely eyes.
unqualified 1. 不限制的(形容词);2. 不合格的(形容词)
1. (adjective) Describing a statement or opinion that is made without any limitations or restrictions whatsoever.
EXAMPLE: The board of directors is happy to provide its unqualified support for the company's new president.
2. (adjective) Lacking necessary qualifications.
EXAMPLE: Several people without university degrees applied for jobs at our firm but we rejected them because they were unqualified.
sneaking suspicion 隐隐的怀疑,直觉(非正式)
(INFORMAL) A strong, intuitive belief based on little or no evidence.
EXAMPLE: I have a sneaking suspicion my son will marry the young woman he met recently.
the point of no return 不能回头的节点(成语)
(IDIOM) A certain point after which no reversal of decision or direction can be made.
EXAMPLE: We reached the point of no return when we signed a large loan agreement with the bank in order to start our new restaurant.
to buy a pig in a poke 盲目消费(成语)
(IDIOM) To make an unwise purchase without inspecting it beforehand. (NOTE: a “poke” in old usage was a large, rough sack)
EXAMPLE: I didn't want to buy a pig in a poke, so I went to a shop to buy a new bicycle instead of purchasing it online.
R/drsDAPyruWy7PpacF+vQ==to cast doubt on (someone or something) 质疑
To cause someone or something to be viewed with skepticism or uncertainty.
EXAMPLE: The new scientific discoveries cast doubt on many traditionally accepted beliefs.
to open a conversation 开始谈判
To start a discussion, usually one that will continue at length.
EXAMPLE: To expand our business, we may need to open a conversation with some investors and potential commercial partners.
to take umbrage 生气
To become annoyed, ashamed, or resentful because of what someone did or said to you, sometimes without much justification.
EXAMPLE: If anyone suggests even a small change in her daily routine,my obsessively methodical aunt takes umbrage and frowns angrily.