Things to Do by Yourself 独自一人可以做的事情
Multiple studies have revealed the many benefits of being alone, such as stress relief, improved productivity, and boosted creativity. Thus finding fun things to do by yourself and learning to be comfortable with your own company may be one of the most rewarding things a person can achieve throughout life. Below, we compiled a list of fun things to do alone.
Go on a Nature Walk
The benefits of walking in nature go beyond stretching your muscles through exercise and improving your mood. Reconnecting with nature helps lower anxiety and stress by decreasing blood pressure, pulse rate, and cortisol levels.
Watch the Sunset
You should enjoy a beautiful sunset if you are free. You can get a clear view of the vibrant horizon while the sun is setting by choosing a spot that is ideal for viewing.
Have a Solo Picnic
Bring a book and a basket full of your favorite snacks to your neighborhood park. Relax, set aside time to be alone with your thoughts, and just relish the moment.
Stimulate Your Mind
Play chess, finish a crossword or solve a Rubik’s Cube, or assemble a 1,000 pieces of puzzle. Do whatever is psychologically engaging and that you genuinely enjoy.
Word Bank
multiple adj. 多重的;多个的
compile v. 编写;收集
engaging adj. 迷人的,令人愉快的
genuinely adv. 真正地;真诚地