

毛泽东邓小平理论研究 2024年1期

Profoundly Grasping the Core Essence of the General Secretary Xi Jin-ping's Important Exposition on Strictly Governing the Party in a Comprehensive Manner:Promoting party construction as a great project and constantly adhering to the principle and guideline of the Party's management and strict intra-party governance is a great innovation of the CPC as well as a magic weapon for building up the Party and the country.To make the Party stronger,and uphold and strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee is the starting point and goal of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party in the new era;the foothold and focus of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party lies in its comprehensiveness and strictness.As strictly governing the Party in a comprehensive manner and the Party's self-revolution is always on the road,we,never be tired or weary,must persevere in comprehensively governing the Party with strict discipline and strengthen our ideals,beliefs,team building,principal responsibilities,and supervision.To advance the great new project of party construction in the new era,we must incessantly win the people's support,consolidate its long-term ruling position,and continue to lead the great social revolution with the Party's great self-revolution.(An Yu-feng)

The Contemporary Value and Practical Significance of Xi Jin-ping's Cultural Thought:Civilization narratives cannot be separated from the guidance of philosophy as the essential spirit of the times.Xi Jin-ping's cultural thought is put forward by the Chinese Communists,mainly represented by Comrade Xi Jin-ping,in response to the needs of China's civilization narrative in the new era.To examine the contemporary value and practical effectiveness of Xi Jin-ping's cultural thought in terms of theoretical depth,historical thickness and practical validity,we should scan culture from a cultural perspective,namely to further promote the adaptation of Marxist cultural theories with fine traditional Chinese culture;second,it is necessary to look beyond the cultural perspective into the overall situation,that is,to comprehensively advance the construction of a strong nation and the historical cause of national rejuvenation;third,we should observe China from a Chinese perspective,which means considering the issue of building a modern civilization for the Chinese nation and realizing the new cultural mission in the new era;fourth,we need to take a broad view to the world,namely,to adhere to the exchanges and mutual understanding among civilizations and seek to solve the problems of human development.(Guo Qing-song)

Xi Jin-ping's Cultural Thought: An Ontology of Threefold Dimensions:Xi Jin-ping's cultural thought is so lofty,profound and far-reaching that it must be deepened to the level of philosophical ontology in order to achieve deeper comprehension.Xi Jin-ping's cultural thought embodies a threefold ontological orientation.First,the context of Xi's cultural thought is a response to the three erroneous cultural trends: the superiority of Western culture,the inferiority of Chinese culture,and cultural closure.Xi Jin-ping's summary of the five-fold characteristics of Chinese culture suggests that Chinese culture has long reached a philosophical height at the ideological level,solemnly proclaims that the Chinese nation is the first to touch philosophical thinking,and effectively refutes the three erroneous arguments that Chinese civilization is non-scientific,non-philosophical,and non-rational.The proposal of Xi Jin-ping's cultural thought has a strong realistic orientation,providing a powerful theoretical weapon for striking back against the typical nihilism such as historical nihilism,cultural nihilism and ecological nihilism.(Wang Ping,Liu Xue-li)

Modernizing the Living Soul of Mao Ze-dong Thought Through the CPC's Innovative Theories:Seeking truth from facts,the mass line,and independence are the three main aspects of the living soul of Mao Ze-dong Thought.The "six principles to adhere to" primarily embody the worldview and methodology of the CPC's innovation theories.The necessity of adhering to the people first,adhering to self-confidence and selfreliance,and adhering to the problem-oriented logically evolved from the three basic aspects of the living soul of Mao Ze-dong Thought.The former enriched the latter with rich connotations of the times,an ideological and methodological model of writing a new chapter of localizing and modernizing Marxism in China on the new journey.In this regard,it is necessary to adhere to the problem orientation and enrich the contemporary connotation of seeking truth from facts;it is necessary to adhere to the supremacy of the people and strengthen the guidance of the mass line;and it is necessary to adhere to the self-confidence and self-sufficiency,and strengthen the spirit of independence.To apply the Party's innovation theories,we must adhere to the stand,viewpoint and method of upholding fundamental principles and breaking new ground,and thoroughly study the historical contribution and contemporary connotation of the living soul of Mao Ze-dong Thought.An important way of adhering to and developing Mao Ze-dong Thought,the practice is of great methodological significance for constantly writing a new chapter of localizing and modernizing Marxism in China on the new journey.(Xi Jie-ren)

Mao Ze-dong's Integrating Marxism with Fine Traditional Chinese Culture in the Liberation War Period: An Example-Based Analysis:During the War of Liberation,the Chinese Communists,mainly represented by Comrade Mao Ze-dong,continued to adhere to and promote the localization and modernization of Marxism,realizing the localization of Marxism with the actual situation in China and meanwhile the integration of Marxism with the best of traditional Chinese culture.In the revolutionary practice of this period,Mao Ze-dong inherited the traditional culture of "a Society of Great Harmony" with the ideal of communism,enriched the traditional culture of "people-oriented thought" with the modern scientific concept of "people",and flourished the dignity and backbone of the Chinese nation with the anti-imperialist and anti-anti-imperialist ideology.He also renewed the traditional culture of "individuals' perception of a new life when encountered with a wise monarch" with the modern spirit of selfreliance,inspired the People's Liberation Army to win the victory with the ancient Nanyang military heroes,and transformed the traditional tactic of "not pressing the defeated enemy" into the strategic idea of "courageously demolishing the defeated enemy" which guided the Chinese people to carry on the revolution to the end.During the War of Liberation,the integration of the basic principles of Marxism and the excellent traditional Chinese culture added a mighty touch to the epic of the People's Liberation War.(Liu Shu-lin)

Mao Ze-dong's View of Knowledge and Action:As an important part of Mao Ze-dong's philosophical thought,Mao Ze-dong's epistemological thought centers on the relationship between knowledge and practice,which corresponds to the concept of "knowledge and action"in ancient Chinese philosophy.In the long-term practice of applying Marxism to guide China's revolution and construction,Mao Ze-dong summarized and refined China's revolutionary experience,critically inherited China's traditional concept of "knowledge and action",and comprehensively expounded his view of "the unity of knowledge and practice".From the perspectives of basic issues of epistemology,epistemology and the CPC’s mass line,and the method of investigation and research that promotes the integration of theory and practice,he systematically enriched and developed Marxist epistemology,and greatly promoted the localization of Marxism in China.(Jiang Jian-nong)

Mao Ze-dong's Major Innovations in Socialist Economic Theory:Mao Ze-dong fostered important innovations in socialist economic theory--the most important economic theory of socialist countries--and contributed significantly to the establishment and improvement of socialist economic thought with Chinese characteristics.Compared with the classical socialist economic theory and the economic theory of the former Soviet Union,Mao Ze-dong stimulated innovations in six important aspects: the stages of socialist development,the basic contradictions and main contradictions of socialism,the socialist commodity economy,socialist economic development,the management of socialist state-owned enterprises,and socialist foreign economic relations.Reviewing and summarizing the main contents of Mao Ze-dong's innovations in socialist economic theory is conducive to deepening the understanding of socialist economic theory with Chinese characteristics,further promoting the innovation and development of China's socialist economic theory,and better advancing the construction of a modern socialist power.(Jian Xin-hua)

Early Exploration and Contemporary Inspiration of Chinese Agricultural and Rural Modernization: Based on Mao Ze-dong's Discussions on Agricultural Mechanization:Mao Ze-dong's famous assertion that "the future of agriculture fundamentally lies in mechanization",put forward inThe Party Correspondencein 1959,is a representative viewpoint of the early exploration of Chinese-style agricultural and rural modernization.Promoting the modernization of agriculture and rural areas with the mechanization of agriculture as the center conforms to the realistic needs of national economic recovery and the inherent requirements of socialist construction in the early stage of New China,embodies the initial conception and quest of the CPC for the modernization of agriculture and rural areas in the Chinese style,contains strict theoretical and practical logic,and abounds in the methodological connotations of carrying forward the historical initiative,focusing on solving fundamental contradictions,and adhering to the priority of developing agriculture and rural areas.In order to accelerate the construction of a strong agricultural country and promote the modernization of agriculture and rural areas in the new era,it is necessary to continue to promote agricultural and rural modernization as a whole,take into account the adjustment of production relations and productive forces,and accelerate the construction of a new type of relations between industry and agriculture as well as between the urban and the rural in the course of Chinese modernization,so as to find a fundamental solution to the problems concerning agriculture,rural areas and farmers.(Xie An,Zhang Zeng)

"On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People": Textual Revision and Disparity Among Versions:Since its birth,the text "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People" has undergone complicated revisions,and its final formation resulted from the combined influence of many factors after a long period of accumulation and brewing.Summarizing its revision process and comparing its different versions is of great significance for deeply understanding Mao Ze-dong thought and profoundly grasping the new thinking and development of Mao's thought on the construction of socialist society.The text,an important part of Mao Ze-dong's thought on contradictions and a valuable theoretical treasure of socialism with Chinese characteristics,is an important source of inspiration and reference for contemporarily studying Mao Ze-dong thought,promoting socialist modernization,and better guiding and correctly handling contradictions among the people.(Zhang Lin,Sun Yu)

Leninism and "War and Peace" in the 21st Century:The world today is still imprisoned by a series of binary cognitive barriers,such as democracy vs.authoritarianism,freedom vs.autocracy,state vs.society,and the West vs.China.This is the basis for the intellectual/ideological re-production of the "New Cold War",which seeks to reclaim lost ground from the standpoint of Western-centrism and the Cold War victors,and to exorcise the spectre of socialism and Leninism worldwide.A return to Leninism seems to be inevitable,with the intention to clarify this new strategic vision of the contemporary world,center on,defend and develop the achievements of the socialist revolution and construction,break the hegemonic logic of the Cold War,the post-Cold War and the New Cold War,comb up the historical logic from socialism and internationalism to the community of shared future for mankind,and become the ballast of peace and development in the 21st century amidst the crisis-ridden geopolitical conflicts in the world.(Lyx Xin-yu)

On the Thought of Capital's Domination over Labor and its Historical Temporariness in Das Kapital:The manuscript ofDas Kapital,based on the subordination of labor to capital under the capitalist mode of production,elaborate on the domination of capital over labor.Under the capitalist mode of production,the domination of capital over labor can be summarized as formal domination and actual domination: the former reflects the generality of the wealth production in forced labor,and the latter demonstrates the particularity of the capitalist mode of production.The promotion of social productive forces by the capitalist mode of production is more temporary than constant.The capitalist mode of production is unsustainable and will eventually perish,when capital loses the basis for its rule over labor;thus,the rule of capital over labor is temporary.The freedom of capital is formal rather than substantive;its existential form is free competition.It is not the ultimate form of freedom,as it is neither the freedom of laborers nor that of capitalists.(Qian Zhi-yong,Wang Wei-ran)

