

疯狂英语·新读写 2024年4期


第一部分 语言基础(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 单句填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

1.Make the patient as comfortable as possible,and ________(loose) any tight clothing.

2.Only a ________(minor) of the class voted for the plan.

3.Your ankle is badly ________(swell).I think you'd better go to see the doctor.

4.The party has become deeply ________(nerve) about its prospects of winning the next election.

5.There are things you can do before an interview to put you ________ ease.

6.I am afraid you have not realized the ________(urgent) of the matter.

7.When the clerk saw a kind face wrinkled in an apologetic smile,she stood rooted to the ground,________(wonder) whether to stay or leave.

8.Like ancient sailors,birds can find their way ________(use) the sun and the stars.

9.There is no greater pleasure than lying on my back in the middle of the grassland,________(stare) at the night sky.

10.There's a note pinned to the door ________(say) when the shop will open again.

11.________(understand) your own needs and styles of communication is as important as learning to convey your affection and emotions.

12.The sunlight is white and blinding,________(throw) hard-edged shadows on the ground.

13.________(eat) at the cafeteria before,Tina didn't want to eat there again.

14.After a long absence,I went back to college,________(hope) to pick up where I'd left off.

15.Standing on the top of the mountain is an ancient tower ________(date) back two hundred years.

第二节 完成句子(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


___________________________,I was faced with many challenges and obstacles.


The physical benefits of exercise can ___________________________.


___________________________,you may refer to your notes while making a speech.


It will take a year ___________________________.


More highways have been built in China,___________________________.


Seeing the result of the exam,___________________________.


___________________________,I do hope you can offer me the precious opportunity.


While playing basketball,the boy's leg got injured,___________________________.


___________________________,but what we do consistently.


The misunderstanding between you won't be settled ___________________________.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)




Emergencies can happen anytime,so being prepared for a home first-aid kit is important for your family.Having a proper one in your home is an easy but necessary part of good emergency preparation.

Pick a good container

One good choice is a large translucent plastic container,which makes it easy to see the materials inside.Lunch boxes are also another good choice.Basically,if it's big enough,portable,and at least somewhat water-resistant,it can make a good container.Regardless of your container choice,it should be easy to recognize,so write “FIRST AID” on it with a marker.

Make your kit safely accessible

When your child is crying about a “boo-boo” on his/her knee,you don't want your home kit buried on the back of a closet or lost because it's not being returned to the same spot after each use.

Teach your family the kit

For younger children who shouldn't use the items in the kit,teach them where it's located,so they could show a visitor,a relative or a babysitter to it.For older children and adults,instruct them in how to use the items in it.Use a first-aid instruction booklet,like those available from the American Red Cross for guidance and place a booklet in the kit for reference.

Keep your kit up-to-date

No one wants to fetch a first-aid kit and find the bandage box empty or the pain relievers expired(过期).Keep track of supply amounts and expiration dates regularly.

Create a checklist in the kit

Record every item on a sheet of paper and keep it in the kit.Besides,record the amounts of the items and expiration dates next to the listed items on the checklist that you include in your kit.In this way,anyone who wants to reach the kit can immediately know what it includes and doesn't include.Also,they can be clear whether the items can be used.

1.Which is close to the meaning of the underlined word “translucent”?


2.What should the young children be told about the home first-aid kit?

A.How to use the items.B.What it contains.

C.Where it is placed.D.When to fetch it.

3.Why should the home first-aid kit be examined regularly?

A.To make it clean and tidy.B.To make sure it's available.

C.To be familiar with the items.D.To learn to deal with emergencies.


In many films,when the owner is in trouble,his or her beloved dog would run home to seek help without fail.Yet,while this image has become an unforgettable part of our pop culture,few people knew that the same sort of response applied to service dogs.

Once a blind man fell flat on his face,which was awful but finally harmless.His service dog,however,was trained to get an adult if the owner had a seizure (癫痫),and it was sure that this was a seizure.However,while the dog did what it was taught,the woman it found was merely annoyed but not alarmed.Thankfully,the dog's owner was not in the situation of a medical emergency.However,the experience inspired him to share this information on social media.“If a service dog without a person approaches you,it means the person is down and in need of help,” the owner explained.“Don't get scared,don't get annoyed and follow the dog! If the first person doesn't cooperate,it moves on.”

Referring to the accident,a TV presenter asked a dog trainer,Olivia,some basic questions about service dogs,including how humans should react if an unaccompanied service dog approaches them.

“What they're going to do is sniff and gently push your leg,” the trainer explained,specifically noting that service dogs are not usually trained to jump or bark.“If you see a dog in a vest without a person around it,follow it.” When asked if one should say something to indicate they're prepared to follow the dog,Olivia said there's no clear command.“The spoken language is not going to be a secret password,” she said.“You can say,‘What?' or ‘Where?’ or just start walking wherever the dog leads.”

Olivia concluded the TV show by adding that those who rely on service dogs can train their companion to move along to someone else,if the first person the dogs come upon reacted negatively to their request.Doing so could finally save the owner's life.

4.What do we know about service dogs?

A.They can't understand others' spoken language.

B.They often make people annoyed.

C.They are seldom known by most people.

D.They only exist in the pop culture.

5.In the owner's emergency,a service dog will generally ________. home for help from families

B.ask the nearby person for help

C.jump or bark to draw humans' notice

D.stay beside the owner until he or she recovers

6.How should people react to a separate service dog?

A.Follow it to anywhere it leads.

B.Communicate with it through commands.

C.Keep it home until finding its owner.

D.Take it to the nearest police station.

7.What is the author's purpose of sharing the story?

A.To encourage everyone to help disabled people.

B.To introduce a talk show about service dogs.

C.To teach how to train service dogs well.

D.To spread the knowledge of dealing with service dogs.


Battling freezing temperatures,total darkness,and other dangerous flying conditions,a plane left the South Pole on Wednesday after rescuing a sick worker from a US research base.After the patient and flight crew rested,the plane made its way to South America,where the patient received medical care.

The daring rescue mission began last week when two planes flew from Canada to Rothera,a British base on the Antarctic Peninsula.On Tuesday,just one of the planes left Rothera on a 10-hour trip to the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station,where the sick worker was located.

The station is usually unreachable during Antarctica's long winter,from February to October.Forty-eight people live at the base,including a doctor and a physician's assistant.But when the crew there determined the worker needed medical help that couldn't be provided on site,the emergency rescue mission began.

A small crew,including a pilot,a co-pilot,a medical worker and a flight engineer,made the 1500-mile trip from Rothera in a Twin Otter plane.It is the only type of plane capable of flying in Antarctica's winter cold.It can operate in temperatures as low as minus 103.The temperature in the South Pole on Tuesday was minus 73.In such condition,an aircraft's fuel and even its batteries need to be warmed up before it can take off.

The pitch-black skies,the threat of high winds and sudden weather changes make such flights extremely risky and rare.This rescue is only the third time an emergency mission has been made to the research base since 1999.The National Science Foundation,which runs the station,has not said who was rescued,or the medical condition of the person.The names of the crew members who made the daring flight have not been made public either.But according to Peter West,a National Science Foundation spokesman,the mission “went all according to plan”.

8.Why did the plane fly to the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station?

A.To do scientific research.

B.To transport medicine.

C.To rescue a sick worker.

D.To supply necessities.

9.What do we know about the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station?

A.It is a British research base.

B.It is a US research base.

C.It is ten hours' flight away from Canada.

D.It is a medical centre on the Antarctic Peninsula.

10.What can we infer from paragraph 3?

A.The doctor there is not experienced.

B.The base lacks medicine.

C.The patient asked to be taken back.

D.The patient was seriously ill.

11.What could be the best title for the text?

A.A daring rescue

B.An interesting flight

C.Flying to the Antarctic

D.The patient receives medical care


First aid is emergency care for a victim of sudden illness or injury until more skillful medical treatment is available.First aid may save a life or improve certain vital signs including pulse,temperature,a clear airway and breathing.In minor emergencies,first aid may prevent a victim's condition from worsening and provide relief from pain.First aid must be given as quickly as possible.In the case of the serious injured,a few minutes can make the difference between complete recovery and loss of life.

First-aid measures depend upon victims' needs and providers' level of knowledge and skills.Knowing what not to do in an emergency is as important as knowing what to do.Improperly moving a person with a neck injury,for example,can lead to permanent spinal (脊柱的) injury.

Despite the variety of injuries possible,several basic rules of first aid apply to all emergencies.The first step is to call for professional medical help.The victim,if conscious(有意识的),should be reassured that medical aid has been requested and ask for permission to provide any first aid.Next,assess (评估) the scene,asking other people or the injured person's family or friends about details of the injury or illness.The victim should be checked for the medical card that describes special medical conditions.Unless the accident scene becomes unsafe or the victim may suffer further injury,do not move the victim.

First aid requires rapid assessment of victims to determine whether life-threatening conditions exist.One method for assessing a victim's condition is known as ABC,which stands for:

A—Airway: Is it open and clear?

B—Breathing: Is the person breathing? Look,listen and feel for breathing.

C—Circulation: Is there a pulse? Is the person bleeding extremely? Check skin color and temperature for additional signs of circulation problems.

12.How can first aid help victims?

A.By sending them to the hospital.

B.By providing a surgery for them.

C.By avoiding their sudden illnesses or injuries.

D.By preventing their condition from worsening.

13.What does the author want to tell in paragraph 2?

A.Providers' first-aid knowledge and skills are very important.

B.Knowing what not to do is more important than other skills.

C.First aid should follow the victims' words first.

D.A neck injury is a very serious illness.

14.What can we learn about ABC?

A.It is a first-aid brochure.

B.It is a kind of assessment method.

C.Circulation stands for checking the things of victims.

D.Airway means air environment around victims.

15.What is the best title for the text?

A.Various emergencies calling for first aid

B.The importance of first aid

C.Some basic knowledge about first aid

D.The history and development of first aid



Floods can strike quickly and with little warning in many parts of the world.Surviving a flood is a combination of preparation and appropriate action as soon as the disaster begins. 1 6

Make a f lood survival plan.

17 Pick several meeting spots in case you need to leave home,such as a friend's home in a safe town or a shelter in your area.Make sure everyone in the family knows where these locations are and how to get there through high ground.

Escape f lood waters.

When emergency services tell you to leave,listen to their instructions.You may have only a short time to escape,so act quickly,using your planned route.

Move to higher ground away from water.Whether you are on foot or have to abandon your car,higher ground is your best option.If you're stuck at home,head for the roof if you can do so safely.

Avoid crossing through water.Water up to your ankles is enough to be dangerous.When you're in doubt about the water depth,don't risk it. 18 Use it to measure the water's depth and feel for stable ground.

Follow news and warning.

Flooding information can be found on your local news or weather station's TV channel or website. 19 Or,listen to local radio stations for regular updates.20

On the way home,watch out for damaged areas.Stay off bridges.The soil under usual routes will be muddy and less able to support the weight of vehicles.Find alternate routes over high ground or wait for the authorities to indicate which roads are safe.

A.Return home after a flood.

B.Protect your home during a flood.

C.If you have to go through water,bring a stick.

D.Sit down with your family to establish a plan of action.

E.You should tune in to monitor changes in the weather.

F.If your car gets stuck in water,open or break the windows.

G.Here are some tips to help you and your family survive a flood.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)


阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

A ten-year-old boy saved his mother from choking on a pork scratching (炸猪皮) after 21 the Heimlich manoeuvre at a school demonstration just days before.

Dom Hollinshead used the 22 he learned in school after the snack got 23 in his mother Lisa's airway while she was watching TV alone.She was left gasping (喘气) for air. 24 Dom found his mother in distress (痛苦) after leaving his bedroom at 10 pm to find his hat.

Ms Hollinshead,44,said,“I was in absolute 25 —I couldn't make a noise or shout for help.It was a 26 feeling.I couldn't even get any air through my nose.I tried dislodging (取出) it by coughing,then I tried to get some water but it didn't 27 .I just couldn't catch my 28.But Dom ran down and gave me four massive Heimlich manoeuvres.When it came up,I started crying.I was lying on the floor laughing,crying and hugging him—he 29 my life.”

And the youngster did so by using skills she had no idea he had.Volunteers from St John's Ambulance had been visiting the school to give a(n) 30 to pupils. 31 ,the lesson stuck with Dom.“I did the Heimlich manoeuvre on her stomach and it 32 came out,” said the boy.

Ms Hollinshead said,“He is my 33 .It just goes to show what a(n) 34 job St John's Ambulance does.Someone,somewhere,someday will try and nip it in the bud (防患于未然) by saying first aid costs too much but it clearly saves 35 .”

21.A.attempting B.completing C.performing D.learning

22.A.tricks B.skills C.experiences D.principles

23.A.stuck B.lost C.spread D.divided

24.A.Sports-loving B.Hard-working C.Quick-thinking D.Self-supporting

25.A.power B.panic C.control D.shock

26.A.horrible B.strange C.different D.general B.stop C.matter

28.A.arm B.breath C.soul D.balance

29.A.shaped B.risked C.changed D.saved

30.A.suggestion B.test C.demonstration D.example

31.A.Regretfully B.Gradually C.Thankfully D.Hopefully

32.A.eventually B.hardly C.nearly D.possibly

33.A.partner B.assistant C.witness D.hero

34.A.interesting B.amazing C.unique D.routine

35.A.efforts C.lives D.time



Starting in 2013,Alpine Rescue Team has been dedicated to mountain rescue in the United States.The team believes that all humanitarian wilderness search-and-rescue efforts,statewide,should be free to any individual.To postpone a call-for-help because of financial concerns could cost 36.________ life.

Alpine Rescue Team is the only 37.________(national) recognized mountain rescue team in Colorado.It is one of only thirteen 38.________(profession) mountain rescue teams in the state of Colorado which is fully accredited (官方认可) by the Mountain Rescue Association,an international organization of teams 39.________(specialize) in mountain search and rescue and safety education.

Alpine Rescue Team 40.________(member) are highly trained non-paid rescuemountaineers 41.________(base) in Evergreen,Colorado.

The team relies 42.________the generous contributions of the community 43.________(perform) its mission of saving lives through mountain rescue and safety education.We'd like to thank all of the individuals 44.________ have contributed over the years and offer a special 45.________(acknowledge) to those sponsors that help Alpine perform its mission and help to keep mountain rescue free of charge.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)








Dear Kevin,





Li Hua



A midnight rescue

It was not uncommon to carry out tasks at night as rescuers.Harry and David were informed of their task when it was nearly midnight.It was urgent,so there was no time to hesitate.They headed into the forest.

The forest was black and silent.A little way into it they reached a fork in the earth path.Harry and David took the left path.They walked in silence,their eyes on the ground,watching out for the traps like big pits (坑) set by the illegal hunters.Every now and then a ray of moonlight through the branches above lit a spot of scarlet (猩红的) blood on the fallen leaves.

David saw that Harry looked very worried,asking,“Could Unicorn be hurt that badly?” Harry answered,“If we can't find it as soon as possible,it doesn't stand much chance to survive.” Of course,Unicorn was not the animal in fairy tales but the nickname of a 3-year-old elephant,the last wild elephant in this forest.The nickname was given by the biodiversity rescuers who were protecting every member in this forest.They knew Unicorn was obedient and not afraid of human beings and that sometimes put it in danger.“Without it,the forest was not complete.Those illegal hunters should be thrown into prison,” Harry thought,carrying his first-aid kit on his back and walking forward with his flashlight.

It seemed that thick fog would come at any time,which would increase the danger.Harry hurried into the heart of the forest with David.They walked for nearly half an hour,deeper and deeper.There were blood splashes (血迹) on the roots of a tree,as though the poor creature had been struggling around in pain close by.“We must hurry up,” said Harry.


Paragraph 1:

However,it was really not easy for them to find it.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

Without delay,Harry knelt down to do first aid on its wound with David holding the flashlight._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

