The Site of the Zunyi Conference


疯狂英语·初中天地 2024年5期

◎贵州省遵义市绥阳县绥阳中学 高菲菲

As a city of red tourism,the site of the Zunyi Conference is a perfect place for patriotic (爱国主义的)education,where you could truly experience the greatness of the Communist Party of China(CPC).

The site of the Zunyi Conference is located in Ziyi Road No.96,Honghuagang District,Zunyi City,Guizhou Province.It was built in the 1930s,and originally was a residential mansion(宅第) of Bai Huizhang,a commander of the second division(师) of the Guizhou Army.The mansion consists of the main building and several cross yards(跨院),and the main building,a two-story structure with Chinese and Western style has eight shops facing the street.On one of the shop’s porches,there is a plaque(匾) that reads “the site of the Zunyi Conference”.It was inscribed(刻) by Mao Zedong in November 1964.

The meeting room is located on the second floor of the main building,and it is a rectangular room with redwood floors covering its ground and a kerosene(煤油) lamp hanging on the ceiling.In the center of the room is a rectangular table,which is circled by some chairs.It was in this 27 square meters kerosene-lit room that the 20 participants made a great decision that turned China’s crisis into security and its defeat into victory.

In early January 1935,when the Red Army’s Long March reached Zunyi,the General Head quarters of the Communist Party of China(红军总司令部)was stationed (驻扎)there.From January 15th to 17th,1935,the CPC held a most critical meeting,known as the Zunyi Conference.At this session,Mao Zedong established his leadership in the party as well as in the army,and the Chinese revolution was guided into the right path.Thus,the Zunyi Conference is regarded as a crucial turning point in the history of the CPC.

Millions of Red Army soldiers shed blood and gave their lives.Their names will go down in the annals(史册) of Chinese history.

As a witness of Chinese history,the site of the Zunyi Conference has been attracting millions of people to visit.


贵州绥阳张喜山祠 :石文化经典之作
峥嵘岁月 光耀史册——三元苏区革命烽火回眸