

疯狂英语·新策略 2024年3期


Task 1

The term “the imaginary audience” was invented by American child psychologist David Elkind in 1967.It is defined as an adolescent's psychological state __1__ by the belief that people around are eagerly watching or listening to him or her.This is because__2__ are aware of the physical changes occurring in their bodies.And they are __3__ concerned with how everyone is __4__ these changes.

The __5__ of the imaginary audience are common.Teens would repeatedly change their clothes to look __6__ to others.Or they would follow different ongoing __7__ that may help them fit into society.If wearing checkered shirts and jeans is the current fashion,teens would dress like that just to give a good __8__ on their imaginary audiences.Teens also worry about the __9__ mistakes they make in social settings.A blackhead could make an adolescent girl __10__ all day as she feels that she is being watched and judged.However, in reality, there are only a small percentage of people who are actually interested in how somebody else __11__.

Though “the imaginary audience” is considered to be a __12__, it is a natural process in which an adolescent tries to better understand his or her association with the world.As an individual's perception of the world __13__, he or she will gain more __14__ viewpoints on his or her roles among people, rather than imaginary ones.Thus, the effects of imaginary audiences will gradually __15__.

1.A.misled B.held C.driven D.characterized

2.A.adults B.teenagers C.elders D.professors

3.A.suddenly B.gradually C.strongly D.randomly

4.A.viewing B.facing C.accepting D.making

5.A.causes B.requirements C.examples D.results

6.A.strange B.plain C.sweet B.trends D.principles

8.A.comment B.assessment C.impression D.impact

9.A.severest B.biggest C.fastest D.slightest

10.A.sleep B.relax C.sweat D.laugh

11.A.sounds B.feels C.smells D.looks

12.A.disorder B.relief C.pity D.blessing

13.A.increases B.shows D.matures

14.A.narrow B.permanent C.realistic D.personal out B.fade away C.set in D.come back

Task 2

The habit of reading is one of the greatest resources of mankind: we enjoy reading books that belong to us much more than borrowed ones.Some people regard a borrowed book as a __1__ in the house.It must be treated with care and considerate __2__.Casual attitudes are forbidden.Because the book borrowed tolerates no damage which means it must not suffer while __3__.While reading the book, you are not allowed to make any mark or underline the important __4__ when a flash of a creative idea emerges.This is huge__5__ to one's imagination.

___6__, your own books belong to you and you can treat them with so much closeness that you are not afraid to mark them up or to place them in a dirty place.Your own books are there for use, not for __7__.You don't need to display them in front of others.Private ownership also encourages __8__ marking.A good reason for marking instructive passages in books is that this practice enables you to remember more easily the significant sayings,to __9__ them quickly and then review them more frequently in the future.

Given the importance of owned books to a person, everyone should begin collecting a private library, making up his own __10__ property.One should have his own bookshelves,which should not be having doors, glass windows, or keys.They should be free and __11__ to the hand as well as the eyes.The best moral __12__ to a person is books.They are more varied in colours and appearances than any wallpaper.Their variety indicates __13__ out of brains of different book writers.The knowledge that books are in plain view is also stimulating.Your body and mind are both __14__.With books at hand, your mind is free to land any __15__ or even strange possibility, which eventually gives birth to new discoveries or inventions.

1.A.teacher B.guest C.relative D.servant

2.A.maintenance B.resolution C.formality D.structure

3.A.under your roof B.on your behalf C.beyond your reach D.within your grasp

4.A.trends B.goals C.definitions D.points

5.A.discipline B.discouragement C.relief D.boost

6.A.On the other hand B.In fact C.Meanwhile D.Furthermore

7.A.benefit B.profit D.amusement

8.A.meaningful B.secondary C.sufficient D.tough

9.A.stick to B.refer to C.devote to D.adapt to

10.A.imaginative B.economic C.intellectual D.public

11.A.familiar B.effective C.flexible D.accessible

12.A.decoration B.truth D.expense

13.A.simplicity B.creativity C.experiment

14.A.conscious B.calm C.wild D.excited

15.A.purposeful B.resourceful C.fresh D.memorable

Task 3

Millions of pets go missing each year in the US, leaving pet owners with slim chances of reunion.A Kansas woman Carol Holmes experienced this __1__ when she last saw her cat, Bob, ten years ago.

However, an email __2__ in Holmes' inbox last month from a vet (兽 医) in North Carolina, saying that Bob had been __3__.Before reaching the vet's office, Bob had __4__ 1200 miles to a couple's front yard.They brought him to a local animal hospital where his microchip (微芯片) __5__ Holmes' information.

The news was very __6__ to Holmes, as it came on the birthday of her late father, after whom the cat Bob was named.She believed it was a message from __7__.

The couple __8__ agreed to take care of the cat until it could return to Kansas.However, for Holmes who was in a __9__ economy, transporting a cat over 1200 miles was__10__.She turned to her community for __11__.Cat lovers across the country enthusiastically came to her aid.In just a matter of days, a __12__ for Bob's returning home was made.

Holmes was __13__ for all of these.“It's __14__ that they would do so much for me,”she said.“The __15__ will be like a dream.We're so blessed.”

1.A.heartache B.mistake C.illness D.failure

2.A.filled B.appeared C.remained D.existed

3.A.found B.accepted C.sold D.raised

4.A.measured B.raced C.escaped D.traveled

5.A.revealed B.predicted C.recognized D.received

6.A.specific B.significant C.reliable D.strange

7.A.nowhere B.heaven C.society D.nature

8.A.hesitantly B.immediately C.carefully D.generously

9.A.healthy B.dynamic C.false D.tough

10.A.appealing B.rewarding C.challenging D.surprising

11.A.adaptation B.approval C.assistance D.arrangement C.request D.plan

13.A.anxious B.desperate C.grateful D.responsible

14.A.beyond all expectations my satisfaction C.out of thankfulness D.without any doubt

15.A.program B.reunion C.adventure D.situation

Task 4

The polar bear was a tiny point in a frozen white world.A film crew began to follow at a distance, gradually getting __1__, hoping to get a good picture.However, the bear came to a rest at a hole in the ice and started to __2__.So did the crew.

For 12 hours the bear lay half asleep, half __3__ without a move.It was too long; the crew had been working for 22 hours __4__ on the sea ice.Cold and exhausted, they _____5 defeat.

Hours of waiting for little reward is not __6__.“It's the price we pay to get unique images,” says award-winning photographer Florian Ledoux.“It is a __7__ for us to get each shot in the Arctic—we push our limits.” The battle is intense especially during winter:__8__ darkness affects your mood, the lack of routine __9__ your body clock, you are forever fighting the bitter cold, and everything you touch with __10__ hands sticks to your skin.However __11__ your clothes are, the cold bites through.

As an Arctic photographer for years, Ledoux has witnessed the significant __12__ there.It is heating up, causing ice to melt and __13__ the whole ecosystem.“Am I just photographing? No,” he says.“I try to catch some unique beauty of __14__, to give a voice for the one that cannot __15__.”

1.A.easier B.larger C.closer D.darker

2.A.dig B.dive C.jump D.wait

3.A.awake B.alive C.aware D.alone

4.A.forward B.straight C.more D.later

5.A.overcame B.forgot C.imagined D.admitted

6.A.unnecessary B.uncertain C.uncommon D.unfortunate

7.A.bonus B.battle C.chance D.lesson

8.A.Endless B.Aimless C.Windless D.Countless

9.A.wakes up B.follows up C.messes up D.winds up

10.A.bare B.empty C.rough D.cold

11.A.dear B.stylish C.thick D.heavy

12.A.change B.landscape C.accident D.advance

13.A.developing B.reforming C.monitoring D.threatening B.nature B.see C.hear D.speak

Task 5

Traditional pet stores are somewhere you buy an animal to be your friend at home.But there's a(n) __1__ kind of pet store where you spend some quality time with the animals and just __2__, without taking anything.What really matters is the __3__.

I visited one of these stores in the Sanlitun area in Beijing.I was __4__ call ducks,which are famous for their cute looks and, of course, their sky-high prices—each of them can __5__ cost a few thousand yuan.__6__ I was not planning to spend so much on a duck, visiting them in one of these—__7__ I'd call “mini-zoos”—seemed to be the perfect option.

There were a __8__ of five call ducks at the store—among other animals—and we spent a good three hours with them.We __9__ to learn much about them.

Call ducks are not as obedient as __10__ to get along with, so playing with them would include a lot of __11__ from our side and quacking (嘎嘎叫) from theirs.__12__,don't expect them to be house-trained.One of the ducks actually pooped (排便) while sitting on my leg.But __13__ of these little incidents reduced the pleasure of holding them in my hands and touching their full chests.It was like the whole world's joy was in my hands, for those call ducks are fun and comforting—something I would hardly ever expect from work.

That's the __14__ of animals: You don't own them.Simply spending time with them is__15__ enough.

1.A.odd C.important D.famous

2.A.get away B.walk away C.sail away D.slip away

3.A.experience B.lesson C.moment D.thought

4.A.buying B.watching C.targeting D.selecting

5.A.slightly B.easily C.highly D.carefully

6.A.Until B.Unless C.Whether D.Since

7.A.what B.why D.where

8.A.quantity B.portion C.number

9.A.decided B.used C.promised

10.A.ducks B.animals C.cats D.parrots

11.A.running B.sitting C.touching D.comforting

12.A.Somehow B.Altogether C.Also D.Otherwise

13.A.none B.nothing C.anything D.something

14.A.envy B.pity C.duty D.magic

15.A.exciting B.relaxing C.moving D.thriving

Task 6

I drove 12 miles to the county newspaper office one day.I had to sit outside and wait.Beside me lay a one-page short novel I had written, and I hoped to get it __1__.“What if the publisher didn't __2__ it?” I thought to myself.I was __3__, and every now and then, I stood up and walked back and forth.

Eventually, I was led to the publisher's office by his secretary.I still felt tense, but the kind smile the publisher shared with me soon made me __4__.I didn't even own a __5__ at the time, so he had to read my handwritten __6__.Then he said, “I couldn't like it enough, and I would include it in the next week's __7__.” I jumped with joy and said,“Thanks, sir.” But I expected even more.

I asked him if I could keep __8__ for him each week.He thought for a moment and then __9__.He even said he would pay me five dollars for each new thing I wrote.I was so__10__ that I skipped and danced on the sidewalk when I went outside.Little did I know that moment would __11__ my life.

That was almost 40 years ago.Now, I have my own studio and lead a better life.I__12__ to write something new for my publisher—my friend each week.As I write, I__13__.I've become a determined and patient person.Each time I learn something new, I__14__ write it to get my friend to publish it.Without my friend, I would never be the__15__ I am today.

1.A.come out B.put away C.set aside D.cut down

2.A.explain B.want C.suspect D.lose

3.A.out of practice B.around the clock C.through thick and thin D.on pins and needles

4.A.panicked B.confused C.eased D.surprised

5.A.follower B.typewriter C.clue D.schoolroom

6.A.invitation B.chart C.story D.application

7.A.bill B.ban C.exhibition D.edition

8.A.writing B.waiting C.copying D.fighting

9.A.admitted B.agreed C.shook D.left

10.A.capable B.reliable C.grateful D.cheerful

11.A.remind B.change C.share D.end

12.A.continue B.learn C.hesitate D.regret

13.A.approve B.stretch C.bend D.grow

14.A.rarely B.casually C.routinely D.previously B.officer C.secretary D.publisher

Task 7

I had just turned sixty-five and was thirsty for a new purpose in life.One Sunday, our priest at church __1__ me, “Hey, did you ever think about volunteering? I'd love to have__2__ volunteers who can mentor (指导) the teens.Think about it.”

I went home to __3__ my husband.Then we started to meet with the youth class and join in their events.While mentoring the teenagers, I found a sense of belonging in my life.However, I never expected I'd learn something from them.

Several weeks later, when our priest asked if I'd like to be a leader at the annual summer-camp trip, I __4__ the chance.As I started to make preparations to cope with all the possible issues, I laughed out loud and questioned whether I'd lost my __5__ to take a week-long trip to the mountains with fifty teens.

The next day, we arrived at our destination.I had __6__ myself for the drama that almost always troubled teen girls at camp.I prayed for and with girls in terms of their hopes and dreams, fears and choices.I became their cheerleader when they needed it.

The next morning after our arrival, the teens had free time and __7__ riding the zip line (索道) over a deep canyon (峡谷).I didn't share with them how __8__ I am of heights.One boy invited me to have a try.I __9__ refused.Another leader encouraged me,saying he could zip across the canyon together with me.Eventually, I __10__ myself geared up, and we started the ascent to the zip line tower.__11__ with encouragement, I needed to stop many times to __12__ my breath.

Once I __13__ my feet on the platform and the clip (索道夹) was fixed onto the zip line, suddenly I flew through the air.The leader yelled to me in cheers.I opened my eyes and suddenly sensed a touch of __14__ settling over me.I waved to the leader and began to cheer back.

I volunteered to be a light in the lives of a group of teens, but the truth is, the __15__ brought a new meaning to this old woman.I walked away seven years later with the best deal from the relationship.

1.A.accused B.approached C.appreciated D.acknowledged

2.A.former B.experienced C.specialized D.mature

3.A.convince B.inform C.remind D.suspect

4.A.put forward B.jumped at C.took over D.figured out

5.A.temper B.purpose C.insight D.mind

6.A.praised B.pressed C.presented D.prepared

7.A.owned up to B.put up with C.signed up for D.kept up with

8.A.terrified B.dismissive C.aware D.ignorant

9.A.hardly B.violently C.instinctively D.progressively

10.A.expected B.imagined C.enjoyed D.found

11.A.Yet B.Even C.Then D.Also

12.A.catch B.hold C.lose D.cease

13.A.planted B.stamped C.wiped D.stuck

14.A.darkness B.warmth C.peace

15.A.inspiration B.dilemma C.episode D.thought

Task 8

As a foreign English teacher at my school, I have a weekly English broadcast where I air different English __1__.This program simply gets the students to recommend their favorites and I announce who recommends it and then play it for everyone to hear during lunch time.The kids are __2__ to hear their names announced and their music played.

I give everyone a chance to share themselves through their music, including one __3__ student of mine.This student constantly gets into fights with the other students, doesn't study, and __4__ the energy of the class.Most of the other teachers and students tend to __5__ themselves from him.I know that he just needs a friend, or at least someone he can __6__ with.

I could tell he was __7__ me over the last year.He told me about an English song he liked.I actually really liked the song so I put it on the broadcast and made sure to announce his name, so everyone knew that he __8__ such a great song.Needless to say, the boy was __9__, and he's thrown himself into the books and become __10__ in English class ever since.

While everyone else misunderstood him and __11__ him away, I came right through and knew that he just needed someone who __12__ him and gave him a chance.There was still a language __13__ between us, but words weren't needed because we can always sense where we're with someone.He recently walked by me and extended to me the most __14__ gesture that I've ever seen—a toothy smile.My coworker turned to me, “I've never seen him like that before.How did you __15__ to him?” Flashing a smile, I replied, “Through just one song.”

1.A.texts C.songs D.videos

2.A.familiar B.hesitant C.relaxed D.overjoyed

3.A.strange B.tough C.bold D.shy

4.A.sets up B.raises up C.brings down D.puts down

5.A.distance B.release

6.A.connect C.fight D.agree up to B.relating to C.coming up against D.warming to

8.A.created B.contributed C.distributed D.involved

9.A.uneasy B.shocked C.amused D.thrilled

10.A.focused B.guilty C.stressed D.satisfied

11.A.gave B.took C.pushed D.removed

12.A.identified B.missed C.employed D.acknowledged

13.A.sense B.barrier D.misunderstanding

14.A.incredible B.generous C.genuine D.appropriate

15.A.get through hack C.face up D.look up

