Understanding and Protecting Against Severe Convective Weather认识和防范强对流天气


疯狂英语·初中版 2024年5期



Severe convective weather, characterized by thunderstorms,heavy rain, lightning, 1)hail, and high winds, poses significant risks toboth life and property. Understanding these 2)phenomena and how toprotect ourselves can mitigate many of the dangers associated withsuch extreme weather events.

The effects of severe convective weather

1.Gale: High winds can topple trees, rip roofs from structures, andhurl debris at high velocities, causing extensive damage to homes andinfrastructure.

2.Heavy rain: Short time heavyrainfall can lead to rapid flooding,endangering communities especiallyin low-lying areas. Flash floods, the most dangerous kind of floods, can occur within minutes after aheavy downpour, turning streets into rivers and sweeping awaycars, soil, and vegetation.

3.Lightning strikes: Lightning is a major hazard that kills anaverage of 49 people each year in the United States alone. It cancause severe injuries, fatalities, and ignite 3)devastating fires.

4.Hail: Hail can decimate crops in minutes, significantlyaffecting agricultural productivity and 4)livelihoods. In addition,hail can also damage buildings and vehicles.

Individual protection strategies

Protecting ourselves from the impacts of severe convectiveweather involves several proactive and reactive strategies.

1.Stay informed: Thefirst line of defense is to stayinformed about the weatherconditions. Use weatherApps, subscribe to localweather alerts, and followreliable meteorological sources toreceive updates about potential severeweather.

2.Understand warning signals for meteorological hazards:Know the difference between a weather “blue alert” “yellow alert”“orange alert” and “red alert”. Take immediate precautions when a“red alert” is issued.

3.Emergency preparedness kit: Prepare an emergency kitthat includes non-perishable food, water, flashlights, a first aidkit, medications, and important documents. Make sure youremergency kit is easily accessible and ready to go in case youneed to evacuate quickly.

4.Safety protocols during storms: During a storm, stayindoors and away from windows, doors, and metal pipes. Do notuse electrical appliances or landline phones. If you are caughtoutside, avoid high ground, water, and tall, isolated trees.

5.Post-storm safety: After a storm, watch out for downedpower lines and damaged buildings. Do not drive through floodedroadways as floods can be deeper than they seem and fastmovingwater can carry away most vehicles.

Severe convective weather demands respect andpreparedness. By understanding the impacts and adoptingcomprehensive protection strategies, individuals can safeguardtheir lives and property. Remember, the best protection isprevention and preparedness. By staying informed and ready, youcan significantly reduce the risks posed by these powerful naturalphenomena.

1) hail n. 冰雹

2) phenomenon n. 现象

3) devastating adj. 毁灭性的

4) livelihood n. 生计



1. 大风:大风可以推倒树木,掀掉建筑物的屋顶,卷起碎片并快速抛向空中,对家庭和基础设施造成大面积破坏。

2. 强降水:短时强降雨可能导致洪涝灾害,危及低洼地区的社区。山洪是最危险的洪水类型,可能在大暴雨几分钟内发生,将街道变成河流,冲走汽车、土壤和植被。

3. 雷电:雷电是一重大危害,仅在美国平均每年就有49 人死于雷电。它可以造成严重的伤害以及死亡,并引发毁灭性火灾。

4. 冰雹:冰雹可以在几分钟内摧毁农作物,严重影响农业生产和农民生计。此外,冰雹还会损害建筑物和车辆。



1. 保持信息更新:防御的第一道防线是了解天气状况。使用天气应用程序,订阅本地天气预警提醒,关注可靠的气象资源,以接收潜在的恶劣天气的更新信息。

2. 了解气象灾害预警信号:了解“蓝色预警”“黄色预警”“橙色预警”和“红色预警”的区别。当发布“红色预警”信号时,我们应立即采取预防措施。

3. 准备应急包:准备一个应急包,包括不易腐烂的食品、水、手电筒、急救包、药物和重要文件。确保你的应急包易于获取,并且在需要快速疏散时随时准备就绪。

4. 暴风雨期间的安全:在暴风雨期间,应留在室内,远离窗户、门和金属管道。不要使用电器或座机电话。如果你被困在外面,避免待在高地、水域附近和孤立的大树下。

5. 暴风雨过后的安全:暴风雨过后,注意观察是否有倒下的电线和受损的建筑物。不要驾车穿越被水淹没的道路,因为水可能比看上去的更深,快速流动的水会冲走大多数车辆。



The Storm暴风雨