Aquatic plants are plants that can grow in water. They playa crucial role in the restoration and reconstruction of freshwaterecosystems, transforming turbid water into clean water. Accordingto their lifestyle, aquatic plants are generally categorized intoemergent plants, floating-leaved plants, submerged plants, andfloating plants.
The roots and stems of emergent plants grow in the bottommud of the water, while the stems and leaves rise above thewaters surface. Emergent plants typically thrive in shallow water.The parts above the waterexhibit characteristicssimilar to those of landplants. Common emergentwater plants include reeds,lotus, bamboo shoots, andothers.
floating-leaved plantshave roots that grow on thebottom of the water, but theirleaves float on the surface. Thestomata of such plants are usually distributed on the upper surfaceof the leaves. These plants experience significant transpiration,and their leaves often have a waxy surface. Examples of commonfloating-leaved leaf plants include water lily, blue lotus, and others.
Submerged plants referto large aquatic plants whoseentire body is located belowthe waters surface. They liveunderwater, with all parts ofthe plant absorbing water andnutrients from the aquaticenvironment. Submerged plants have well-developed aerationtissues, and their leaves are mostly ribbon-like or filamentous.Examples of submerged plants are goldfish, black algae, wheelalgae, and others.
Floating plants have their entire bodies floating on the waterssurface, but their roots do not grow in the bottom mud. Somefloating plants grow and reproduce rapidly, impacting the waterenvironment. Examples oftypical floating plants includewater hyacinth, duckweed, andothers.
Now, can you distinguish between emergent plants, floatingleavedplants, submerged plants, and floating plants? Give it a try!
Look at this picture and answer the following questions.
1. Is A floating or emergent plant in the picture?
2. Is B in the picture a floating plant or a submerged plant?
3. Is C in the picture a floating plant or a floating-leaved plant?
4. What type of aquatic plant is D in the picture?
5. Is E in the picture an emergent plant?
6. Is water lily a floating-leaved plant?
7. Is water hyacinth a floating plant?
8. What kind of aquatic plant is goldfish?
9. Are reeds submerged plants?
10. Do floating plants sink to the bottom?