

疯狂英语·双语世界 2024年1期


The human body is a marvel of complexity, andamong its most remarkable features is its capacityto perceive and interpret the world through our fivesenses: sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. These senses grant usthe ability to engage with the world in a vibrant and multifacetedmanner. For children, the five senses serve as vital tools tounderstand and explore their surroundings as they grow.


Our sense of sight is perhaps the mostfamiliar of all, allowing us to visuallyapprehend the world. It enables us todistinguish colors, shapes, sizes, and distances.Is that apple small or large? What hue does ithave? These questions can be answered withthe help of our eyes. When we see a buildingin front of us, our sight allows us to gauge thespace between it and us. Sight is essential fornumerous daily activities, includingreading, driving, and recognizingfamiliar faces.


Next in line is our sense of hearing. Hearing empowersus to perceive sound and silence, and our ears play a pivotalrole in this. It enables us to listen to music, conversations, andthe sounds that fill our surroundings. The distant siren of a firetruck, the approaching train, or the wailing of an ambulance areall distinguishable through our sense of hearing. It also providesus with an understanding of the direction and proximity ofthese sounds. Our sense of hearing is vitalfor effective communication, safety,and our enjoyment of various forms ofentertainment.


The sense of touch is another essential sense,offering insight into temperature and texture. Is thisobject hot or cold? Is it soft or hard? Is it smooth orrough? We rely on our sense of touch to answer thesequestions. Our skin allows us to feel the warmthof a fire, the softness of a pillow, or the roughnessof a stone. Touch is indispensable for countlesseveryday activities, including cooking, cleaning,and the comforting act of hugging.


Through our sense of smell,we can gauge the intensity ofscents, the lasting aroma ofsubstances, and the diversity offlavors. Our noses play a crucialrole in this sensory experience.Whether we are smelling flowers,food, or other items in our surroundings,our sense of smell provides invaluable information. Is that plateof fish fresh? Is the air in the building safe or hazardous? Thesimple act of smelling helps us find the answers. The sense of smellis significant for identification, memory, and the appreciation ofvarious scents.


The sense of taste is our gateway toperceiving flavors. Our tongues enable us tosavor different culinary delights andbeverages. Does this dish havea salty, sweet, sour, bitter,or spicy flavor? Our tastebuds provide the answers,creating a delightfulsensory experience. Tasteis intimately linked to ouremotions and memories,a l l o w i n g u s t ofeel happiness,contentment, andcomfort while enjoying delicious food.


The five senses collectively forma complex and fascinating aspect ofthe human body. They play a pivotalrole in our ability to interact withour environment. Each sense servesdistinct purposes in our daily activities. Its important to care for our senses tomaintain good health and a high quality oflife.



marvel n. 奇迹

complexity n. 复杂

remarkable adj. 显著的

perceive v. 感知

interpret v. 诠释;领会

vibrant adj. 生动的

multifaceted adj. 多彩的

vital adj. 重要的

familiar adj. 熟悉的

hue n. 色调;色彩

numerous adj. 多种的

empower v. 使……能够

pivotal adj. 关键的

wailing n. 呼啸

proximity n. 接近

texture n. 质地

pillow n. 枕头

indispensable adj. 至关重要的

intensity n. 强度

scent n. 气味

aroma n. 芳香

substance n. 物质

crucial adj. 关键的

hazardous adj. 危险的;有害的

gateway n. 门户

beverage n. 饮料

sensory adj. 感官的

intimately adv. 密切地

distinct adj. 不同的


唤起人工触觉 实现“意念控制”的假肢
Cecilia Chiang, pioneer of Chinese cuisine
转出新动力 积蓄新潜能