

英语世界 2024年5期


“某”(有时用“什么”,意思相同)是汉语里的常用字,用来表示一种模糊的概念。除了用a(n)、one、some与(a) certain等词语直译外,还有多种值得注意的其他译法。

1. one (…) or another / the other。例如:

I must have met her one time or another. 我肯定在某个时候碰见过她。

We will get out of this mess one way or the other. 我们得想个什么办法摆脱这种困境。

Take it from me that I will go to see her one day or another. 相信我,我某一天一定去看她。

Not all instances fall neatly into one or the other of these categories. 不是所有的情况都可清楚地归于这些类别中的某一类。

2. some + 单数名词 + or other。例如:

They found the painting in some antique shop or other. 他们在某个古玩店里发现了这幅画。

The man living in some room or other upstairs will meet you some time or other. 住在楼上某个房间的那个人某个时间将同你会面。

此外,or other之前也可以是个表示不定意义的代词或副词,该词是个含有some的合成词。例如:

Somebody or other must go there. 总得有人去那里。

I am sure we can tide over the difficulties somehow or other. 我相信我们总会设法渡过难关的。

3. so-and-so:用作代词,表示“某某事”“某某人”。复数形式为so-and-sos或so-and-sos。例如:

It would be a case of “just do so-and-so and here is your cash”. 就是这样一种情况,“只要干某某事,你就能拿到钱”。

If Mrs. So-and-so was ill then Mrs. So-and-so down the street would go and clean for her. 如果某太太生病,那么她的街坊某某太太就會去帮她打扫卫生。

She always keeps me up to date with the latest gossip—you know, so-and-so from down the road is having a baby and so-and-sos just bought a car. 她总会把最新的小道消息及时告诉我——你知道的,路那头的某人怀上了孩子,某某人刚买了汽车。

4. such-and-such:也可写作such and such,用作限定词或代词,表示“某某(的)”。例如:

All they ever do is gossip: so-and-so said such-and-such, and blah, blah, blah. 他们所做的就是说长道短:某某人说了某某事以及诸如此类的东西。

Number such-and-such is usually used in place of an athletes real name in sports events. 在体育赛事中,通常使用某某号来代替运动员的真实名字。

They will ask you to come on such and such a day, at such and such a time. 他们会让你在某天、某个时间过来。

The manager claimed that those antiques had been used as such and such payments to such and such persons. 经理声称那些古董已被用作付给某些人的某些款项了。

5. and I dont know what (all) / and God knows what:表示“以及某些(不知名称或不愿提及的类似)事物”,用于已经列举的概念或事物之后。例如:

He said I was stupid and thoughtless and I dont know what. 他说我是个笨蛋,没有头脑,还说了某些别的什么。

There were scraps of paper, broken glass, and I dont know what all lying about. 周围都是纸屑、碎玻璃,还有某些别的什么东西。

The chickens are injected with antibiotics and God knows what. 给小鸡注射了抗生素,还有某些天知道是什么的东西。

然而,如果涉及到人,需用and I dont know who (else)。例如:

Johns wife has invited a lot of people to their Christmas party—all the neighbors, the local school teachers, and I dont know who. 约翰的妻子邀请了许多人参加他们的圣诞晚会——所有的邻居、当地学校的老师,还有某些别的什么人。

6. 英语中,what可用作起始词,构成一种合成词,表示“某某”,指代无法或不便说出名称的概念。例如:

Please show us what-do-you-call-it. 请给我们看看某样东西。

The hospital has just got a, what dyou call it, er… a new scanner. 医院刚买了一台新的叫什么来着,嗯……扫描器。

Dr. whats-his-name said it was true. 某某博士说那是真的。

He heard of it from whats-their-name. 他是从一些叫什么来着的人那里听到的。

I gave the report to whats-her-name—the new marketing assistant. 我把报告给了那个叫什么的来着——就是那个新来的市场助理。

Have you invited Mike Whats-his-name to the party? 你邀请那个叫迈克什么什么的来参加聚会了吗?



Do you still go around with whats-his-face? 你还在和那个叫什么来着的男子交往吗?

Are you still working for whats her face? 你还在为那个叫什么的女人干活?


完整词组形式 缩合形式

whats-his-name whatshisname/whatsisname

whats-her-name whatshername/whatsername

what-is-it whatsit/whatsis

what-do-you-call-it whatchamacallit


I have got to make a whatsit for the party. Thats it—a flan. 我得给聚会制作一个什么东西来着。想起来了,一个果馅饼。

Lets say two oclock on the whatsit of May? 那我们就定在五月某一天的两点钟?

Hes got that fiery temper which scares the whatsit out of everybody. 他脾气这么暴躁,吓得大家丢了魂似的。

Youd better tell whatsit—whats his name—the guy in charge of stationery. 你最好告诉那个人——他叫什么名字来着——就是那个负责管文具的人。

We wanted to be here early in case the whatsit, maintenance supervisor had forgotten to deal with it. 我们想早点儿到这儿,以防那个什么维修主管忘了处理这件事。

I need a—a whatchamacallit—one of those things that you can caramelize sugar with. 我需要一個——那个叫什么来着——可以熔化糖的那个东西。

Have you got a whatchamacallit? You know… a screwdriver? 你有一把……叫什么来着的?你知道的……螺丝刀吗?

I cant find the whatchamacallit that holds the door open. 那个让门一直开着的东西叫什么来着,我找不到了。

She forgot the word “orange” and kept telling me that she was out of whatchamacallits. 她忘了“橙子”这个词,再三对我说那些叫什么来着的东西吃完了。


-CK Sounds
Playing with “g”