

疯狂英语·新阅版 2024年4期

第一部分 语言基础(共两节,满分30 分)

第一节 单句语法填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

1. Mozart's________(compose) are undoubtedly amongst the world's greatest.

2.________(origin), we had intended to go to Italy, but then we won the trip to Greece.

3. He has adjusted to eating the northern food________(gradual).

4. Do take advantage of this opportunity________(deepen) your understanding of Chinese culture.

5. Listening to music at home is one thing; going to hear it being ________(perform) live is quite another.

6. The warmth of the flames helped people stay warm in cold weather,________(enable) us to live in cooler areas.

7. The Nobel Prize ________(award) to those who make great contributions in many fields every year.

8. My friend and I like to dance ________ music together, though our tastes are not the same.

9.________(found) in the early 20th century, the school keeps on inspiring childrens love of art.

10. I smiled ________ relief after I heard my son had been admitted into that university.

11. If you want to cure him ________ his illness, you must remove him from that room.

12. Jane moved ________(aim) down the tree?lined street, not knowing where she was heading.

13. So ________(absorb) was he in his work that he didn‘t notice me.

14.________(previous), scientists noticed pollutants arriving in the Arctic with the wind.

15. It was impossible to make ________(assume) about peoples reactions.

第二节 完成句子(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

1. 他很害怕,因为他被一大群狗包围着。(surround)

He was frightened because he ________ ________ ________ a lot of dogs.

2. 我宁死也不受辱。(rather)

I ________ ________ ________ ________ disgrace myself.

3. 另外,我们应该学着如何与别人友好相处。(addition)

________ ________, we should learn how to get along well with others.

4. 他快步跑回家,看上去好像出了什么岔子。(as)

He quickly ran home, looking ________ ________ there was something wrong with him.

5. 她为自己的两个孩子都有音乐天赋而自豪。(talent)

She is proud that both her children ________ ________ ________ ________ music.

6. 人们认为,全球变暖和气候变化可能在未来造成更多的灾难。(assume)

________ ________ ________ ________ global warming and climate change could cause even more disasters in the future.

7. 一缕微弱的光线透进他的房间,他正在专心致志地看书。(absorb)

A weak ray of light came in his room and he ________ ________ ________ his reading.

8. 我来这里是为了提高我的写作水平。(aim)

I came here ________ ________ ________ ________ improving my writing.

9. 让她感到欣慰的是,她弟弟手术后恢复得很快。(relief)

________ ________ ________, her younger brother recovered quickly after the operation.

10. 班上每个同学都有能力通过这次考试。(capable)

Every student in the class ________ ________ ________ passing the exam.

11. 医生们宣称已经找到了一种治疗这种疾病的方法。(cure)

Doctors claimed to have discovered ________ ________ ________ the disease.

12. 能有机会和你们欢聚一堂,我们感到非常荣幸。(honour)

We ________ ________ ________ ________ to have a chance to get together with all of you.

13. 众所周知,英式英语和美式英语稍有不同。(as引导的定语从句)

________ ________ ________ ________, British English is a little different from American English.

14. 我们即使在学习中取得了优异的成绩,也不应该自满。(让步状语从句)

________ ________ we achieve great success in our study, we should not be conceited.

15. 她太紧张了以至于不知道说什么。(so...that...引导的结果状语从句)

She was ________ ________ ________ she didn‘t know what to say.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50 分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)



Here are some fantastic festivals about wine, beaches, fireworks and music.

Festa dellUva e del Vino, Italy

Set on the beautiful shores of Lake Garda, this grape and wine festival takes over thesmall town of Bardolino for four days every October. With local wines, food, art projections,fireworks and live music, people come from miles around to celebrate. First and foremost,its about great wine, but it‘s worth visiting to soak up the great atmosphere.

Free, 1?5 October

Quest Festival, Vietnam

This is a weekend camping festival held just a 40?minute drive from Hanoi, bringingtogether locals and visitors in celebration of underground live and electronic music culture.Held in the beautiful Son Tinh campsite, there are usually about 30 local and internationalDJs and 10 bands. There are also workshops, pop?up cafes, fire performances, dancing andmuch more.

Weekend tickets about 25, 6?8 November

Estival, Switzerland

This is a free festival of jazz which takes place on the first weekend in July in thepretty squares, lakeside beaches and parks around the southern Swiss town of Lugano.People will enjoy the palm trees, summer air and see some of Europe‘s up and coming jazzbands.

Free, every July

Irish Redhead Convention, Ireland

A friendly gathering for all red?haired people is held in the small seaside village ofCrosshaven where redheads from all over the world take part in light?hearted events.Theres live music, art exhibitions, lectures and of course the traditional Parade ofRedheads through the village led by the newly crowned Redhead King and Queen.

Free, every August

1. Jennifer, a girl with red hair, may be interested in ________.

A. Estival B. Quest Festival

C. Festa dell‘Uva e del Vino D. Irish Redhead Convention

2. What do these four festivals have in common?

A. They offer local food. B. They have fireworks.

C. They are free of charge. D. They have music activities.

3. Where can you probably find the text?

A. In a textbook. B. In a magazine.

C. In a news report. D. In a research paper.


Missing their daughter, my parents came to visit me in the South West of France overmy February break. As a little surprise for them, I planned a trip to a small village calledNiaux to see the famous ancient cave paintings.

These cave paintings, drawn between 12,000 and 30,000 years ago, were made bysome of the first modern human beings! Advances in science and technology have enabledscientists and historians to carbon date (碳定年代) the paintings accurately, and to discoverthe tools they used to draw the paintings, as well as the materials they used. My dadhad studied these caves at university as a student of history, but he had never had thechance to see one himself. So, I decided this had to change!

We travelled there by train. Many caves which contain prehistoric paintings are nolonger open to the public. As the carbon dioxide that we breathe out and the bright lightwill do damage to the paintings, so for many caves now, visitors can only see reconstructions(復原) of the original paintings. However, Niaux is an exception. By limiting the number of people allowed in the cave at a time and limiting the light used to light up thepaintings, the paintings in Niaux have been preserved so that visitors can see the originals.They were incredible! We saw paintings of bison, mountain goats and deer painted on thewalls as clearly as though they had been done yesterday. They were actually drawn around14,000 years ago!

Many people believe that these paintings were drawn as part of an almost religious activity,while others believe they show the daily life experiences of the men and women wholived in these caves all those years ago. Maybe we will never know for sure, but one thing isfor certain—those cavemen were far better at drawing than I am!

4. Why did the author surprise her parents by visiting the cave paintings?

A. She wanted her parents to relax.

B. The paintings are of great value.

C. Her parents are both interested in art.

D. Her father had studied those caves as a student.

5. How do people protect the cave paintings in Niaux?

A. By preventing tourists from visiting them.

B. By allowing visitors to see reconstructions of them.

C. By controlling the number of tourists and lighting.

D. By stopping tourists from taking pictures of them.

6. What can we infer from paragraph 4?

A. The author knows nothing about drawing.

B. Cave paintings were used for entertainment.

C. The purpose of the paintings will be clear soon.

D. The author has great admiration for the cavemen.

7. What is the text mainly about?

A. A tour of ancient cave paintings. B. The preservation of ancient art.

C. The civilization of cavemen. D. A way to show respect for parents.


Guqin?making is a process that takes patience and carefulness. Patience is one of thekey parts in making a guqin.“ It takes about two years to finish making one,” says SuiYiyang, 38, who has been applying himself to guqin?making for over ten years.

The body of a guqin is made of two parts, a flat bottom and an arched (拱形的) top.The body of the instrument is carefully and repeatedly covered with a thin layer of oil paint,which can take months to finish. The strings (弦) of a guqin are traditionally made of silk.Today they are often specially developed into steel?and?nylon strings.

Sui learned the guitar as a teenager. He was introduced to guqin when he travelledwith his father. During the seven?hour drive from Beijing to the Inner Mongolia AutonomousRegion, he listened to guqin recording in his fathers car and was attracted.“ Thebeautiful and lasting sounds of guqin are different from the Western musical instruments Ilearned,” he says. After returning to Beijing, he started learning the instrument. Later, helearned how to make guqin from Han Tingyao, now 86, a Beijing?based master artist.

Sui travels nationwide and even abroad to buy high?quality materials and tools. Forexample, the kind and quality of the wood is very important, so he often travels to FujianProvince and Jiangxi Province in search of the right materials. He gets the paint, which isused to protect guqin from corrosion (腐蚀), from a single place?Rentoushan, a village inMaoba township, Lichuan City, Hubei Province.

Years of guqin?making experience has gifted Sui with the ability to make high?qualityinstruments.“ Each guqin has its unique sense of reality, which you can only get to knowafter you feel it with your own hands,” he says.

8. Which of the following words can best describe Sui Yiyang?

A. Outgoing and loving. B. Easy?going and careless.

C. Patient and careful. D. Confident and responsible.

9. When did Sui Yiyang learn guqin?

A. Five years ago.

B. During a trip with his father.

C. During a party with his friends.

D. While visiting a famous artist in Beijing.

10. Why did Sui travel at home and even abroad?

A. He wanted to learn the guitar.

B. He wished to visit places of interest.

C. He hoped to become an artist like Han Tingyao.

D. He wanted to find good wood to make guqin.

11. In which section of a newspaper can we find the text?

A. People. B. Sports. C. Travel. D. Nature.


For many people, music helps them escape reality. The musician Carter Hulsey istaking a different approach. Hes using his stage to help people face reality. He performed aselection of songs and then talked about some valuable financial knowledge at BurkleyFine Arts Center. The rock artist gave a presentation (介绍) covering topics such as balancinga budget, making buying decisions, and how to spend money and save for the future.

“The message from Hulsey would be important for our students to hear,” the teacherMrs Dux says.“ I believed listening to the band would be an interesting way to communicatethat message. As I found out more information, I couldnt pass up the chance for ourstudents to have this experience.”

Hulsey managed the budget for his band when they went on a tour years ago. But atthat time, he didnt know much about being smart with money. He shared his own experiencewith money management and the troubles that came with it.“ When I was your age, Ididnt talk about money in school. I didnt talk about it at home. I didnt think about it. Ijust started heading around the country and learned all these things the hard way.” Hehopes by showing students that even those who live a rock?star life need to understand financialwellness, he can help students form good spending habits.

Terron Johnson, a teacher at Shiloh High School, is making sure students learn the lessonbefore they may go into debt.“ Its a real?world thing. A lot of times students will ask,‘Why do I need to know this math problem? How am I going to use this in real life? Well,you will use financial knowledge down the line,” Johnson says. If students understand howto effectively use their money to achieve their goals, they can make their dreams come true.

12. What can be learned about the musician Carter Hulsey?

A. He encourages people to enjoy life.

B. He shared financial knowledge with the audience.

C. His focus has moved from music to financial work.

D. His music is inspired by the life of young people.

13. What is Mrs Duxs attitude towards Carter Hulseys presentation?

A. Positive. B. Doubtful. C. Negative. D. Uncertain.

14. Why did Carter Hulsey talk about his own experience?

A. To prove the success of his band.

B. To tell students how to find a hobby at a young age.

C. To explain the influence of artistic taste on students.

D. To show the necessity of learning money management early.

15. What is a suitable title for the text?

A. A musician becomes popular with students

B. Young students talk with a great musician

C. A concert brings more than music to students

D. Teachers advise students to be smarter with money

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)


Why it‘s hard to lose weight

What makes people gain weight? This seems like a simple enough question to answer.If we eat a lot and don;t do enough exercise, we will become fat.16

As we know, what we eat greatly affects our weight. It is widely accepted that peoplehave 100% control over what they eat and how much they eat. This, however, is partly true. 17You may rarely touch vegetables while overeating fried chicken. Meanwhile, theserving size and the background music can both affect how much we eat.

Our bodies themselves can decide whether we are more likely to gain weight or loseweight. Scientists have found that the more delicious the food, the more excited our brainsget.18Compared to people of normal weight, fat people feel more excited when theysee delicious food.

Also, our bodies use a variety of hormones (激素) to tell our brains whether they arehungry or full. Ghrelin (胃饑饿素), for example, tells the brain that the body wants food.Leptin (瘦蛋白), meanwhile, tells the brain that its time to stop eating. Ghrelin and leptinhelp us to maintain a healthy weight.19As we get fatter, the levels of leptin in our bodies rise. Our brains are told not to eat all the time. In the end, they would no longer trustleptin and would stop responding to its“ warnings”. When we start to lose weight, leptinlevels drop. Our brains think we are hungry and make us find food in our fridge.

20They may have tried very hard, but their bodies are working against their will.

A. But sometimes, they may work improperly.

B. People form habits around food at a young age.

C. If we often have delicious food, over time, our brains will change.

D. Now you know why fat people often have a tough time losing weight.

E. There is also evidence to show industrial chemicals may increase body fat.

F. However, the science behind weight problems is more complicated than we think.

G. People with low levels of body satisfaction are more likely to gain weight over time.

第三部分 語言运用(共两节,满分30 分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


At the age of 12, I withdrew into my bedroom with my guitar. I had neither musical talent—many21music lessons had proved that—nor musical training. My fingers achedas I tried to press down on the strings without making them buzz (发出嗡嗡声).22 , Iworked my way through 2?chord (和旋), 3?chord and even 5?chord songs and discoveredthe23thrills of these musical notes. No one24me to do this. I did this myselfand of my own free will for a week, and the sense of happiness—true happiness25inabsorption in something—has26me. Fifty years later, that weeks self?directed practicebecame a model and27for almost every meaningful thing I have done since. Itmakes me understand the28between achievement and accomplishment.

The world favors achievement while29accomplishment. The former is the completionof the task imposed (强加) from the outside—the30being a path to the next task.The latter is the end point of an activity we have chosen, whose bonus is the sudden31 of happiness.

The seeking of accomplishment always32people. I learned so long ago in that 33week that simply lifting one finger from the guitars C chord, you should get the most moving34in tune. I didnt know then it was a major 7th chord, a favorite of somemasters. I just35accomplishment. Thats real human“ achievement”.

21. A. added B. tailored C. expected D. failed

22. A. Besides B. Instead C. Therefore D. However

23. A. fruitless B. matchless C. effortless D. senseless

24. A. wished B. allowed C. required D. invited

25. A. masked B. rooted C. set D. stuck

26. A. waited for B. passed by C. departed from D. stayed with

27. A. exchange B. reason C. foundation D. priority

28. A. relationship B. difference C. balance D. similarity

29. A. ignoring B. avoiding C. assessing D. defending

30. A. origin B. process C. decision D. reward

31. A. lack B. need C. rush D. dream

32. A. amazes B. concerns C. frightens D. discourages

33. A. adventurous B. dangerous C. memorable D. horrible

34. A. impression B. performance C. scene D. harmony

35. A. pursued B. accepted C. interpreted D. analysed

第二節 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


When 35?year?old Chinese pianist Wang Yujia finished her last note, she received astanding applause from the audience. Yannick Nézet?Séguin, commonly 36.________(know) as Yannick, the conductor of the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra, even“ kneltdown” after watching her four?hour 37.________(perform) at the Carnegie Music Hall.

She was considered as a superstar for her once?in?a?lifetime show. Yannick even comparedthe level of her excellence to 38.________(climb) Mount Qomolangma. However, itseemed she managed 39.________(play) all the musical pieces with ease right to the lastmovement despite the difficulty. Yannick noted that Wang was 40.________ideal pianistbecause of her forceful and relaxed style. And he said that she was born for this kind ofmusic. Wang showed a special interest 41.________Rachmaninoffs music when she wasyoung. She began to play the piano when she was six. When she was fourteen, she entered the Curtis Institute of Music in the US and began to study it 42.________(carefully) thanbefore. She 43.________(attract) by this Russian composers noble and pure music deeplyat that time.

.After graduation, she became one of the world‘s most famous 44.________(star) inclassical music. Wangs success also shows that her parents‘ years of efforts have paid off,45.________will be very encouraging for other parents in China.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40 分)

第一节 (满分15分)

假定你是李华,你校英语俱乐部将举行主题为“Music and life”的演讲比赛。请你写一篇演讲稿参赛,内容包括:

1. 音乐的作用;

2. 音乐对你的生活的影响。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Hello, everyone.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________








Thank you!

第二节 (满分25分)


That summer I turned 18. I was wild with excitement because I just took my drivinglicense and my parents bought me a new perfect car. I was reminded repeatedly by myparents to drive cautiously. Along with this new privilege (特权) came new responsibilities.I would practice the same routine—call my parents and tell them where I was going, whomI was with and when I would be home. It became a typical cycle.

I had been working all day in the hot sun. I was exhausted and ready for a nap. But mystomach told me something different. So I called my friend Mike and made our way intotown. After our meal, we never knew our day would soon change for the worse.

It takes only a moment to turn your life upside down. I recalled later that I was drivingfast, actually too fast. I reached the conclusion two years later that the mistake would bewith me for the rest of my life.

Mike and I were driving down a dusty gravel (沙礫) road. I was driving a shiny blackSaturn, which was the car I had admired for long. I was overflowing with excitement andpride to be driving it. It was perfect in my eyes. I could see the rolling hills in the distance.Tall pine trees traveled on both sides of the road. With the music playing loudly, we bothwere in high spirits. Somehow, without realizing it, I sped up.

Enjoying ourselves in my car, we came across a loose spot of gravel. My tires werestuck in it and desperate to escape. My car started fishtailing (摆尾行驶). Terrified, Ipressed hard on the brakes and all of a sudden the car lost control. I froze, my body wasstiff, great panic holding me entirely in its power. Looking to the right, I took a glimpse ofMike, whose body had leaned towards me. His face went pale but he was trying to balancehimself. The car was rushing from left to right, coasting (惯性滑行) along the gravel as if itwere ice. It was only seconds later that my car crashed head on into a big pine tree.


Paragraph 1:

I heard a roaring sound of my car hitting the tree.____________________________________________________________________________________________








Paragraph 2:

Fortunately enough, Mike and I were not seriously injured.__________________________________________________________________________________









1. As the carbon dioxide that we breathe out and the bright light will do damage to thepaintings, so for many caves now, visitors can only see reconstructions of the originalpaintings. 由于我们呼出的二氧化碳和明亮的光线会对壁画造成破坏,所以现在在许多洞穴中,游客只能看到已经被修复后的原始壁画。

【点石成金】该句中,As引导的是一个原因状语从句,意为“由于”,breathe out意为“呼出”,do damage to意为“对……造成破坏”。

2. Years of guqin ?making experience has gifted Sui with the ability to make highqualityinstruments. 多年的古琴制作经验赋予了隋制作高质量乐器的能力。

【点石成金】该句为一个简单句,experience为句子的主语,has gifted作谓语,gift在句中作动词,意为“赋予”。

3. It is widely accepted that people have 100% control over what they eat and howmuch they eat. 人们普遍认为,人们对于自己吃什么东西和吃多少东西有100% 的控制力。

【点石成金】该句中,It作形式主语,that people have 100% control over what they eatand how much they eat为真正的主语,control在句中作名词,意为“控制力”。


The wisdom of language 语言的智慧
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