

疯狂英语·新阅版 2024年4期







1. Good morning/afternoon/evening, ladies and gentleman. My name is..., a middleschool student from... Im honored to be here to give a talk on music.

2. Hello, everyone! My name is..., a middle school student from... Im glad to standhere to share my experience with music.


1. experience something unpleasant 经历一些不愉快的事情

2. suffer (from)... 遭受……

3. be faced with 面临

4. be in trouble with... 陷入……的麻煩

5. feel down/depressed/powerless/desperate 感到沮丧/压抑/无力/绝望

6. empowering lyrics and uplifting messages 有力的歌词和振奋人心的启示

7. fuel ones determination 点燃某人的决心

8. provide sb with a healthy emotional outlet 给某人提供一个健康的情绪出口

9. soothing power 安抚的力量

10. slow and soft beat 舒缓的节奏

11. fast/uplifting tempo 欢快的节奏

12. harmonic/melodious chorus 悦耳的和声

13. catchy/penetrating/magnetic voice 悦耳动听的/有穿透力的/有磁性的嗓音

14. Many empty spaces are specially designed in traditional Chinese music. 中国传统音乐很讲究留白。

15.Empty space allows listeners to come into the work, having a dialogue with theplayer and composer. 留白让听众进入作品,和表演者、创作者进行对话。

16. The sounds and pauses of pipa combine to make a poetry of sound. 琵琶的声音和停顿结合起来,创造出一首声音的诗。

17. Listeners can experience the power and beauty of music. 听众能感受到音乐的力量和美。

18. Music has the power to ignite a fire within me, reminding me of my goals and providingthe strength to persevere. 音乐给了我力量,点燃我内心的激情,提醒我自己的目标,给我坚持下去的力量。

19. It has also provided me with a sense of solace during difficult times, offering comfortand support when I needed it the most. 它也在我困难时给予我安慰,在我最需要它的时候安慰我、支持我。

20. Music has been a constant companion, helping me navigate through lifes ups anddowns. 音乐是我忠实的伙伴,帮助我渡过人生的起起伏伏。

21. I have found solace and a means of self?expression through playing and composingmusic. It allows me to channel my emotions and thoughts into melodies and lyrics, creatinga form of outlet. 我通过演奏、创作音乐找到了安慰和自我表达的方式。它让我把自己的情感和思想转化为曲调和歌词,成为我一种宣泄的方式。

22. It has also allowed me to explore different genres and experiment with various instruments,expanding my musical repertoire and enhancing my skills. 它也让我去探索不同的音乐类型,实践不同的乐器,拓展自己的曲目,提升演奏技巧。


1. Now, music has had a profound impact on me, motivating my personal development.如今,音乐已经对我产生了深远的影响,激励着我的个人发展。

2. Music is a powerful language that continues to shape my life in a meaningful way.音乐是一种有力的语言,持续以一种有意义的方式塑造着我的生活。

3. Whether I'm seeking relief, inspiration, or simply a means of self?expression, musichas always been there, guiding me through the highs and lows of life. 无论我是寻求慰藉、灵感,还是一种自我表达方式,音乐总在那里,引导着我渡过人生的起起落落。


假定你是李华,你校正在举办一年一度的音乐节,活动之一是以“Music and me”为主题的演讲。你准备报名参加,请你写一篇演讲稿,内容包括:

1. 自我介绍;

2. 你的音乐故事;

3. 你的感悟。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,







Thank you for your listening!

Step 1 审题

Step 2 詞块积累

1. share sth with sb 和某人分享某事

2. experience ups and downs 经历人生的起伏

3. be immersed in... 沉浸在……

4. turn to 求助于

5. go rusty 生疏

6. break up with sb 和某人闹掰

Step 3 关键句

1. I was deeply hurt, feeling a sense of betrayal. 我深受伤害,有一种被背叛的感觉。

2. Music has had a profound impact on my life, shaping my emotions, memories andeven my personal growth. 音乐对我的生活有着深远的影响,它塑造了我的情感、记忆,甚至我的个人成长。

3. The catchy melodies and positive lyrics can energize me and help me see thebrighter side of things. 动人的乐曲和积极的歌词让我精神振奋,帮助我看到事情阳光的一面。

4. Whenever I feel down or stressed, I will turn to my favorite upbeat songs to instantlyboost my spirits. 每当我感到沮丧或者有压力时,我就去听我最喜欢的激昂的音乐来提神。

5. It never fails to refresh me, encouraging me to calmly face whatever life has instore. 它总是能让我神清气爽,让我从容面对生活中的一切。

Step 4 连句成篇


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,

I'm a middle school student from Hangzhou. It's my honor to stand here to share mystory with music.

One year ago, I broke up with my best friend. I was so hurt that I found no way out.One day, quite by accident, I heard a song named Change by Taylor Swift. The catchy melodiesand positive lyrics immediately energized me, helping me see the brighter side ofthings.

Since then, whenever I feel down or stressed, I turn to my favorite upbeat songs. Theynever fail to refresh me, encouraging me to calmly face whatever life has in store.

Thank you for your listening!


假定你是李华,你报名参加了学校即将举行的英语演讲比赛。现在你准备写一篇演讲稿,题目为“Music inspires me”,内容包括:

1. 自我介绍;

2. 音乐对你的影响;

3. 你的心得。


1. 詞数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Music inspires me

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen,






Thank you for your listening!


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