A remarkable tree gushing water非凡的喷水树


疯狂英语·读写版 2024年3期


A video shared a unique natural phe?nomenon in a village called Dino?a, locatedin southeastern Montenegro—a small coun?try on the Adriatic coast. There is a mul?berry tree standing in the meadow therethat turns into a fountain whenever it rainsheavily. From a hollow in the tree trunk,water can be seen gushing abundantly.

Apparently, rain had flooded theunderground springs and the additionalpressure created pushed water up the treetrunk through the cracks or hollows in thetrunk, until it poured out of a hole a fewfeet above the ground. As you can see fromthe video, the ground is quite sloppyindicating the amount of groundwater thereis in the soil and below. You can also seewater gurgling out of other holes in themeadow. The entire area is flowing like asmall stream.

According to a local man interviewed,this has been happening for the last 20 to25 years or perhaps even longer. He esti?mates the tree is 100 to 150 years old.

While Montenegros tree fountain isindeed unique, it isn't the only example ofwater gushing out of the ground after rain.In the Estonian Village of Tuhala, there isa well that starts spouting water after aheavy downpour. The well happens to beplaced just over an underground river.After rain water floods the river, waterpressure builds to the point that it shootsup out of the well, sometimes up to half ameter high. This continues for a few days.During this time, more than 100 liters ofwater can flow out every second.



What causes the mulberry tree in Dino?a to gush water?
