

现代世界警察 2024年3期


高空飞行,穿越云端,一向被看成是“勇敢者的挑战”,让许多人敬而生畏。在福建警队中,有一位青年警花,她怀揣警察梦和飞行梦,将青春奉献给热爱的警务航空事业,成为福建警队中唯一的女飞行员。她就是福建青年五四奖章获得者、福州市公安局巡特警支队警务航空大队三级警长郑璐。2016年12月入警以来,郑璐累计安全飞行300 余小时。



郑璐出生于福州长乐,2010 年7 月大学毕业后,适逢一家航空公司面向社会招聘工作人员,抱着“试一试”的心态,她成功考入,成了一名空乘。

“做一名空姐,是很多女孩子的梦想,我也不例外。那一年多的经历,是我人生中一个小梦想的实现。”郑璐表示,在那期间,她跟着飞机起飞、降落,逐漸发现自己更感兴趣的其实是飞行。“我更向往驾驶飞机翱翔天际。”于是,她辞去工作,2013 年考入中国民航飞行学院,开始了为期一年多的学飞之路。



每天坚持用2 公斤的小哑铃卷腕200 次,捏40 公斤握力器300 下,不断加强手臂与手腕力量。长时间的小关节训练,伴随着的是伤病来袭。看着手腕上常年留存的膏药,郑璐笑称:“这是在自己身上‘打补丁,是专属于自己的勋章。”


对一名飞行员来说,第一次单飞意义重大。“跨过这一步,就意味着进入了一个崭新的世界。”郑璐回忆起2014 年初在校内的第一次单飞情景,有一点啼笑皆非。当时,为了让直升机更为平衡稳定,缺乏经验的她在副驾驶座位上放了一个大沙袋。





拿到飞行员执照后,郑璐回到福州。2016 年,她看到福州市公安局巡特警支队招飞行员。怀揣警察梦和飞行梦,郑璐考入巡特警支队警务航空大队,成为福建唯一的警航女飞行员。


刚进入公安队伍时,郑璐就面临着严格的体能和警务技能训练。每天先两小时练军姿,早上和下午各负重10 公斤完成五公里越野。她坦言,自己进入状态有点慢,起初一个五公里都跑不下来。为了跟上大部队,每天收操后,她都用脸盆打水,练习十组一分钟憋气,提升自己的肺活量。周末的健身房中,总能见到她训练的身影。卧推、划船、深蹲训练的器械上,洒满了她坚持与拼搏的汗水。她笑称:“当时过的是魔鬼般的生活。”









福州市公安局巡特警支队警务航空大队成立于2015 年,主要执行治安巡逻、维稳处突、反恐防暴、追捕嫌疑人、交通监管、搜索营救及大型活动安保等各项任务。目前,福州公安还打造了空警巡防中心,警航协同地面警力已经形成了全方位、立体化的“地空联动”现代警务机制,成为福州警方一支不可替代的“尖刀”力量。这其中,郑璐驾驶警用直升机默默奉献着青春力量。

2019 年1 月14 日,犯罪嫌疑人侯某因感情纠纷,持刀划伤20 名无辜群众,随后从浦上大桥跳入乌龙江中。当晚,福州市公安局指挥中心指令警航大队出动直升机支援江面搜索。


搜索任务持续了10 多天,郑璐每天都在机场工作十几个小时,天气状况允许的时候,就按照计划顺着江面开展搜索工作,休息的时候就拿出地图配合地面办案人员研究搜索方案。直到2 月6 日,搜捕队的任务才结束。

在郑璐看来,在福州城区的两三百米高空上飞翔,俯瞰中心市区,高楼耸立、车水马龙;来到郊区、周边县市,则是青山绿水,看江望海,美不胜收。但不管是地面苦练,还是空中精飞,所有汗水和付出, 都是为了一方百姓的安宁。

2023 年7 月,一名“驴友”小腿骨折,被困于永泰县梧桐乡山间峭壁,需要直升机悬停在环境复杂的山谷上方协同地面人员施救。







A Guardian Angel

By Chen Yuhang

Soaring through the sky is a daunting challenge, reserved only for the bravest souls. Yet, Zheng Lu, the only female pilot in the Fujian police force, has embraced the dual dreams of law enforcement and aviation. Zheng Lu is a third-level police captain at the Police Aviation Squadron of the Patrol and Special Police Detachment under the Fuzhou Public Security Bureau, and she has logged over 300 flight hours since joining the force in December 2016. She has been rewarded for her efforts with the Fujian Elite Youth May Fourth Medal.

From Flight Attendant to Pilot

When on duty, Zheng Lu looks striking dressed in her dark green uniform while wearing a smile. My first impression: a tall, gallant officer.

Born in Changle, Fuzhou, she secured a position as an airline attendant after graduating from college in July 2010.

"Like many girls I dreamed of becoming an airline attendant in my girlhood," said Zheng. "The year I spent as an attendant was a dream come true." However, after numerous takeoffs and landings, she realized her true passion was to be a pilot. "I aspired that one day I could fly the airplane myself," she said. She resolved to leave her job with the airline company and enrolled in the Civil Aviation Flight University of China in 2013, embarking on her journey to become a pilot.

Transitioning from admiring the blue sky to conquering it is far from easy. The intense and rigorous challenges of pilot training are beyond the imagination of many people. The most demanding part was controlling the flight of the helicopter, which involves many simultaneous nuanced maneuvers.

The seemingly simple task of hovering, for instance, entails numerous precise adjustments, including modulating propeller power and maintaining a balanced fuselage position. It's a formidable test of wrist strength and grip. Zheng Lu vividly recalls sore wrists and trembling fingers during her countless training hours, all in pursuit of achieving steady aircraft hovering.

At that time, Zheng maintained a daily workout routine lifting 2-kilogram dumbbells 200 times and squeezing a 40-kilogram forearm muscle developer 300 times to strengthen her wrists and grip. She often suffered sprains and soreness. Observing the persistent medical patches on her arm, she joked, "These 'patches'  are nothing but medals, exclusive to me."

The entire process – from theoretical study to on-board operations, from the initial attempts at hovering and independent piloting to obtaining her license through examination, Zheng never sought special treatment, nor did she settle for any sub-standard performance. She understood that learning to fly involves meticulous training step-by-step.

A pilot's first solo flight is extremely significant. "Beyond that hurdle is a whole new world," Zheng recalled her dramatic first attempt in early 2014. To ensure the helicopter's balance, she placed a large sandbag on the co-pilot's seat beside her.

"The moment I stepped out of the cockpit, my classmates doused me with water, one of the two traditions to celebrate the birth of a new pilot," she recounted emotionally. "The other tradition is getting a haircut."

Her relentless effort paid off. Zheng excelled in all her exams and secured a license for commercial helicopter piloting. She is now a proud female pilot.

"The Aircraft is an Extension of Myself."

Luck favors the prepared.

When Zhen obtained her license and returned to Fuzhou in 2016, she discovered that the Patrol and Special Police Detachment of the Fuzhou Public Security Bureau was recruiting pilots. Fueled by her passion for both law enforcement and flying, she pursued the opportunity and got the job, becoming the sole female pilot in the Fujian police aviation force.

Her job as a pilot involves unprecedented challenges. "A passion for police uniform lurked in my heart when I was a little girl," Zheng explained. "Many people stereotype women, seeing us as vulnerable. I aim to tear down that label and demonstrate to the public that women can be strong and resilient too."

The first challenge Zheng faced in the public security force was the rigorous physical exercise and training in policing skills. Each day began with two hours of posture training, followed by two 5-kilometer cross-country runs carrying a 10-kilogram load—one in the morning and the other in the afternoon. Zheng admitted that she initially struggled to complete even one of the runs. But she was determined not to hold her team back, and managed to complete the routine training. Then she undertook ten rounds of vital capacity training, submerging her head in water and holding her breath for one minute each time. On weekends, Zheng was often found in the gym, tirelessly doing push-ups or using rowing and squatting machine. During those excruciating days, each exercise machine bore witness to her dedication and perseverance. "The training was as harsh as the life in the hell,"she joked.

Zheng Lu was not at all deterred by the demanding physical training; instead, she was grateful for it. She acknowledged that without the strict drillmasters, she wouldn't have been able to refine her policing skills and improve her physical fitness.

While flight-related books adorn the desk in her dormitory, a photo of a helicopter cockpit fills the desktop of her computer. Opening up her computer files reveals a mass of data, including aircraft performances and principles, various parameters, operation manuals for different helicopters, and troubleshooting guides for emergencies. To quickly acclimate herself to the new model of policing helicopter, Zheng actively engaged in daily practical operations, taking off early at sunrise and not returning until sunset.

Zheng has meticulously documented all her flights in her work manual. Upon landing, the first task she undertakes is sorting out relevant data and organizing it into files. She always formulates a table outlining flight routes, wind directions, speeds, and numerous other parameters before analyzing the data alongside veteran pilots. "A pilot's confidence lies in their comprehensive understanding of all the parameters. To a certain extent, the aircraft is an extension of myself," explained Zheng.

Thanks to her diligence in the training sessions, including those on hovering, lateral shifting, taxiing, swerving, and other helicopter flight subjects, Zheng distinguished herself in all exams with remarkable performance. She emerged as a role model in the police force, guarding peace by piloting aircraft in the sky.

"I'm both a police officer and a pilot, and I love my job. Flying policing helicopters brings me not just joy, but also immense pride," Zheng Lu said.

Security Watch in the Sky

On Zheng Lu's cell phone is a handsome photo of herself dressed in a dark green flight uniform, standing beside a helicopter. The round police badge on her chest shines brightly.

The badge prominently displays a pattern consisting of a rotor, fuselage, and wings against the backdrop of the blue sky, symbolizing the concept of an "Eye in the Sky". The badge was designed by the police officers at the Police Aviation Squadron of the Patrol and Special Police Detachment of the Fuzhou Public Security Bureau. It symbolizes safeguarding the security of the local community through the utilization of air force resources.

The Police Aviation Squadron was established in 2015 and given a wide range of responsibilities including regular patrols, anti-terrorism operations, criminal tracking, traffic control, search and rescue missions, and security maintenance during large-scale events. Additionally, the Fuzhou Public Security Bureau has set up an air policing center which, in coordination with ground forces, has created a multidimensional and comprehensive policing mechanism. This air policing unit has become an irreplaceable asset within the local police force, and Zheng Lu, as one of its representatives, is committing herself to local security.

On January 14, 2019, a suspect surnamed Hou, driven by romantic entanglements, assaulted and injured 20 innocent people before throwing himself off the Pushang Bridge into the Wulong River. In response, the command center of the Fuzhou Public Security Bureau immediately instructed the Aviation Squadron to commence a search of the river surface.

"The flight conditions were dangerous with high voltage power lines stretching nearly 100 meters along both sides of the river, and numerous bridges spanning the river surface. Such circumstances required precise maneuvers to maintain a balanced and steady flight," explained Zheng Lu. "The mission entails attentiveness, responsiveness, and the experience gained through countless hours of flight training. In one word this was going to be a test."

The fortnight-long search found Zheng working a dozen of hours each day. When weather conditions allowed, she thoroughly combed the river surface as planned; otherwise, she collaborated with the ground forces to define alternative search plans. The mission was not completed until February.

Over the city, Zheng Lu looks down at the towering buildings and bustling streets of Fuzhou. Over the suburbs, she enjoys the view of lush, verdant landscapes enlivened by majestic mountains and tranquil waters. Wherever she flies, Zheng Lu has the same goal in mind: peace for the people.

In July 2023, a tourist sustained a calf injury and got stranded on a steep mountainside. The rescue operation required the helicopter to hover steadily above the mountainous valley while  the ground forces mounted a rescue.

Given the unfamiliar, complex terrain and the unpredictable weather conditions, Zheng was aware of the challenges she would encounter the moment she received the mission. As she navigated through the valley, she observed that the mountains surrounding Wutong Village were not only shrouded in dense forests, greatly reducing visibility, but also subject to capricious airflows. She had no choice but to make a return flight.

Back to the airport, Zheng and her colleagues conducted another round of terrain assessment. They revised the rescue plan, instructing the ground forces to clear trees and build an improvised rescue platform. This would ensure the stranded tourist to be in sight.

"I couldn't make any major adjustments too often; otherwise, the helicopter wouldn't be able to hover steadily in the air. In other words, I could only make the slightest movements of the joystick, pedals, and other controls to maneuver the aircraft," Zheng recounted with a hint of pride in her voice and a sparkle in her eyes.

Just as civil aircraft flying tens of thousands of meters up in the sky play an indispensable role in passenger transport, helicopters gliding hundreds of meters above ground constitute a crucial aerial defense force for modern cities. In recent years, Zheng Lu has participated in numerous major security missions, including military drills conducted by various precincts of special police forces within the Fujian Public Security Bureau, cross-region flight operations coordinated by the northeastern Fujian province, and aerial security duties for prestigious events like the Digital China Development Summit.

While piloting the aircraft through the boundless blue sky to ensure local security, Zheng Lu always exhibits unwavering commitment and determination.

(Translated by Chen Xiaoying, School of Foreign Languages, Beijing Forestry University)


特警在身边 安全进校园