

疯狂英语·爱英语 2024年2期







1. Because he was one of a large number of weavers, he was not considered strangeand he belonged to an enthusiastic religious group. They met every Sunday at the chapelin Light Street. 作为众多织工中的一个,他很平常,而且他属于一个活跃的宗教组织。教友们每个礼拜日都在日光街的小教堂集会。

2. Once, at a chapel meeting, Silas had become unconscious and had sat withoutmoving, hearing or seeing, for over an hour. 曾经,在一次教堂集会中,西拉斯突然失去了知觉,坐在那里一动不动,听不到也看不到,长达一个多小时。

3. Silas best friend at chapel was William Dane, a serious young man who was,some people thought, a little too sure of his own goodness and cleverness. 西拉斯在教会最要好的朋友是威廉·戴恩,一个严肃的年轻人,有的人认为他对自己的聪明和善良未免太有把握。

4. One night, Silas was sitting alone at the old mans bedside. Time seemed to passslowly in the quiet, dark room. 一天晚上,西拉斯独自陪坐在老人的床边。在黑暗而安静的屋子里,时间似乎过得很慢。


1.“ But why?” asked Silas, looking unhappily at them.“ 但是为什么?”西拉斯问道,不太高兴地看着他们。

2. Then, in the chapel, Silas stood alone, in front of all the people who were once hisfriends. The room was silent. There was a pocket knife in the ministers hand. 然后,在教堂里,西拉斯独自站在他以前的朋友们面前。屋里很静。牧师的手里拿着一把小刀。

3. Silas was trembling at this strange question.“ I dont remember,” he answered. 西拉斯被这个奇怪的问题吓得发抖。“ 我不记得了。”他回答。

4. Silas turned to the man he had always trusted.“ William, in the nine years sinceweve been friends, have I ever told you a lie? But God will prove the truth.” As he lookedat William, he suddenly remembered something, and reddened. He said in a tremblingvoice,“ The knife wasnt in my pocket last night!” 西拉斯轉向这个他曾经信赖的朋友。“威廉,在我们做朋友的9年里,我有没有对你说过一句谎?上帝会证明真相。”看着威廉,西拉斯突然想起来了什么,脸红起来。西拉斯颤抖地说:“刀子昨晚不在我的兜里!”

5. Silas listened in horror. At last he walked over to William Dane and said firmly,“I lent you my knife, you know that. You stole the money, while I was having a fit, andyouve blamed me for it. But perhaps youll never be punishes, since there is no God whotakes care of the good and punishes the bad, only God of lies.” 西拉斯惊恐地听着。最后他走到威廉·戴恩的面前坚定地说:“我把刀子借给你了,你知道的。你趁我发病的时候偷了钱,并以此归罪于我。不过你可能永远也不会受到惩罚,因为根本没有一个保护善良、惩治邪恶的上帝,只有一个说谎的上帝。”

6. Silas went home. The next day he sat alone for the whole day, too miserable to doanything. 西拉斯回到家里。第二天,他独自在屋里待了一整天,痛苦得不能做任何事。


1. At Raveloe, Silas shut himself away in his cottage. He did not want to thinkabout the disaster he had experienced. He could not understand why God had refused tohelp him. But now that his trust in God and his friends had been broken, he did not feelstrong enough to build up that trust again, in a new church and with new friends. Fromnow on, he would live in a dark, loveless, hopeless world. All that was left to him was hisweaving, and he sat at his loom seven days a week, working all the daylight hours. Inthe town he had earned less, and had given much of his money to the chapel, for the old,the poor, and the sick. But now he began to earn more than ever before, and there was noreason for him to give any of it. He was often paid for his linen in gold. He discovered thathe liked holding the shining coins in his hand and looking at their bright faces. 在瑞福洛,西拉斯把自己关在小屋里。他不愿意再去想那些他经历过的苦难。他不明白为什么上帝拒绝帮助他。但既然他对上帝和朋友的信任都已经崩溃了,他已没有足够的信心再到新的教堂去和新的朋友一起重建信任。从此,他要开始生活在一个黑暗的、没有爱也没有希望的世界里。西拉斯剩下的只有织布,并且他一周七天都坐在织布机前面从早到晚地工作。在城里他挣得不多,而且他把大部分钱捐给了教会去帮助老人、穷人和病人。但现在他开始挣得比以前多,而且对他而言也没有理由再把钱给出去了。他经常收到金币,作为卖出亚麻布的报酬,他发现自己喜欢把闪闪发光的金币拿在手里,看着它们闪亮的表面。

2. But little by little, the piles of gold coins in his cottage grew higher. The harder heworked, the less he spent on himself. He counted the coins into piles of ten, and wanted tosee them grow into a square, and then into a larger square. He was delighted with everynew coin, but it made him want another. His gold became a habit, a delight, a reason forliving, almost a religion. He began to think the coins were his friends, who made the cottageless lonely for him. But it was only at night, when he had finished his work, that he spenttime with them. He kept them in two bags, under the floor boards near the loom. Like athirsty man who needs a drink, he took them out every evening to look at them, feelthem, and count them. The coins shone in the firelight, and Silas loved every one ofthem. When he looked at his loom, he thought fondly of the gold earned in the work he wasdoing, and he looked forward to the years ahead of him, the countless days of weaving andthe growing piles of gold. 但慢慢地,他小屋里的金幣越码越高。他干活越卖力,为自己花的钱就越少。他把金币每十个码成一摞,想象着它们变成一片,再变成一大片。每一枚新的金币都使他高兴,但也使他更渴望得到下一枚金币。他的金币成了一种习惯,一种喜悦,一个活着的原因,甚至成了一个信仰。他开始认为金币是他的朋友,它们使他在小屋里不再那么寂寞。但只有在晚上,当他结束了一整天的工作,他才有时间陪伴它们。他把它们放在织布机旁边地板下的两个袋子里。像口渴的人需要喝水一样,他每天晚上都要把它们拿出来看一看,摸一摸,数一数。金币在炉火的照耀下闪闪发光,西拉斯爱它们当中的每一个。每当看到织布机,西拉斯都喜悦地想到在工作中挣到的金币,他憧憬着未来的岁月,憧憬着今后数不清的织布的日子和越堆越高的金币。

3. Silas himself still had his loom and his work, so he went on weaving. But the onlything that made his life worth living had gone, and now he had nothing to look forwardto. A lifetime of empty evenings lay ahead of him. He did not enjoy thinking of the moneyhe would earn, because it reminded him of the money he had lost. As he sat weaving, hesometimes used to moan quietly to himself. And in the evening, as he sat alone in frontof the fire, he used to put his head in his hands and moan again. 西拉斯还有他的织布机和他的工作,所以他继续织布。可是生活中唯一有价值的东西消失了,现在他不再有什么可期望的了。今后的一生他将只有空虚的夜晚。他不再喜欢去想他将要挣到的钱,因为那会使他想起他丢失的钱。当他坐着干活的时候,他有时会默默地独自呻吟。晚上,当他一个人坐在炉火前时,他也常常用手抱着头痛苦地呻吟。

4. In the evening, snow began to fall, and he felt more distant and separate fromhis neighbors than ever. He sat in his robbed home, moaning miserably to himself, not no?ticing that his fire was no longer burning and that he was getting cold. 晚上,开始下雪了,他觉得自己与邻居们的距离和隔阂比以往任何时候都要大。他坐在被小偷光顾过的家里,独自痛苦地呻吟着,没注意到火炉里的火已经熄灭,自己也越来越冷。


1. And so Silas learnt how to take care of the little girl. He called her Eppie, whichhad been his little sister's name. His life was quite different now. When he was working andliving only for his gold, he had not been interested in the world outside his cottage, or thepeople he sometimes met. But now that he had another reason for living, he had to look out?ward. He spent hours in the fields with Eppie, happily rediscovering the plants he used to know so well. Together they visited their neighbors, who were always delighted to seehim and his adopted child. His days and evenings were full, taking care of the trusting,loving child. 于是西拉斯学会了照顾这个小女孩。他管她叫爱比,这是他妹妹的名字。他的生活全变了。当他为金子而工作、生活的时候,他对屋外的世界,对那些偶然见到的人都毫无兴趣。但现在他有了另一个活着的理由,他不得不开始看看外面的世界。他花几个小时陪爱比在田地里玩,又愉快地重新发现了那些他曾经熟悉的植物。他们一起去串门,去看那些喜欢见到他和他的养女的邻居们。照看这个信赖他、喜欢他的孩子使他的日日夜夜变得充实。

2. Silas started taking Eppie to church when she was very young, because Dolly Win?throp had persuaded him that every child should have some religious training. Because ofEppie, Silas was completely accepted in Raveloe now. Nobody thought he was strange anymore; in fact, he was almost a popular figure in the village. He was older now, and could notwork as hard as he used to. Recently, as he had more time to think, he had begun to re?member the past, and his old friends at the Light Street chapel. He realized how his oncelonely life had changed since Eppie had come to him. Now he had friends, and trustedpeople, and was happy. And he began to see that the God in the Raveloe church was thesame God he had been so angry with, the last time he had been to the chapel. It seemed tohim that there had been some mistakes in his past, which had thrown a dark shadow overhis early life. 因为多莉·温思罗普劝西拉斯说每个孩子都应该接受一些宗教教育,所以西拉斯在爱比很小的时候就开始带她去教堂。由于爱比,西拉斯现在完完全全被瑞福洛的人接受了。没人再认为他奇怪,实际上,他几乎成了瑞福洛村里一个很受欢迎的人。他现在年龄大了,不能像原来那样拼命干活了。最近,因为有了更多的思考的时间,他开始回忆过去,回忆日光街小教堂的老朋友们。他意识到,自从爱比来到他身边后,他一度寂寞的生活,发生了多么大的变化。他现在有朋友,他信任别人而且幸福。他开始觉得瑞福洛教堂的这个上帝和最后一次去日光街小教堂时他曾气恼过的那個上帝是同一个上帝。他认为自己可能过去做过什么错事,给自己的前半生罩上了一层阴影。

3.“ You see that's all I ever did in the long evening before you came to me,” he wastelling Eppie.“ Just count my gold. I was only half alive in those days. What a good thingthe money was taken away from me! I was killing myself with working all day, and counting  money half the night. It wasn't a healthy life. And when you came, with your yellow curls, Ithought you were the gold. And then, when I began to love you, I didn't want my gold anymore.” He stopped talking for a moment and looked at the money.“ The gold doesn't meananything to me now. But perhaps, if I ever lost you, Eppie, if you ever went away from me,Id need my gold again. I'd feel lonely then, and Id think God had forgotten me, and per?haps I'd go back to my bad old habits.”“ 你看,你来之前,每个漫长的夜晚,我都在做这些,”他对爱比说,“只是数我的金子。那时我半死不活。金子被偷走对我来说真是件好事!那时我在用整天工作、大半夜数钱的方法折磨自己。那是不健康的生活。你来的时候,因为你金黄色的头发,我把你当成了金子。后来,当我开始爱你,我就不再想什么金子了。”他停了一会儿,看着钱。“ 现在金子对我而言毫无意义了,可是一旦失去你,爱比,或者你离我而去,我会重新需要金子。那时我会感到孤独,我会觉得自己被上帝遗忘了,可能我会回到以前的样子。”




“You hear, my friends?” said William, smiling sadly.“ This is the voice of the devilspeaking.”“ 朋友们,听到了吧?”威廉苦笑着说“,这就是魔鬼说话的声音。”


1.( 2020年新高考Ⅰ卷)“I wish you could see him,”________________(她对她自己的孩子们John、 Harry和Clara说).“ He is such a help to his mother. Hewants very much to earn some money, but I don't see what he can do.”

2. (2020年浙江卷1月)“What should we do to cheer Poppy up?”_________(爸爸问道).“ Weve tried everything.”



“Jem Rodney!” cried Silas, turning and staring at the man he suspected.“ 杰姆·罗德尼!”西拉斯喊道,转身盯着这个他怀疑的人。


1.( 2020年浙江卷)Fortunately, we got in the helicopter,____________-(安然无恙的).

2. (2020年新高考Ⅰ卷)After their mother left the room, the children sat,__________-(想着Bernard).

三、强调句:It is/was+被强调部分+that+句子剩下部分


But it was only at night, when he had finished his work, that he spent time with them.但只有在晚上,當他结束了一整天的工作,他才有时间陪伴它们。


1.( 2021年浙江卷)It was_____________(只有当我尝试移开我的头) that I realized getting out was going to be less straightforward than getting in.

2. (2018年浙江宁波5月模拟)__________________(但正是你的妈妈养育了你) since you were a baby.



A lifetime of empty evenings lay ahead of him. 今后的一生他將只有空虚的夜晚。


1.( 2021年新高考Ⅰ卷)The big day________(到了) at last.

2.( 2020年浙江卷7月)Sometimes loud noises like these will________(吓跑) bears off.

五、with 的复合结构:“with+名词”或者“with+名词+宾语补足语”


Unlike the strong, healthy country people, they were small and thin, with tired whitefaces, bent backs and round shoulders. 和健壮的农村人不同,他们身材瘦小而且脸色苍白,拱背曲肩。


1.( 2021年浙江卷)All of us were hard at work at the kitchen table,____________(妈妈录下这个一年一度的事件).

2.( 2021年浙江卷)____________(南瓜放在桌子上), hole upper?most, I bent over and pressed my head against the opening.


With time approaching, Marie got more and more anxious. 1. _________“( 我应该怎么做呢?”她着急地在心里盘算着,“我应该悄悄到外面去。”) She couldn'tstand on the bed to show the light. She remembered her promise to the French soldier. TheGerman enemies were asleep. Just then she had an idea. First, she stood up quietly,2._________(双眼盯着德国士兵) in case they woke up. Suddenly, one of thesoldiers turned over. 3. _________(一阵恐惧袭来,她吓得呆若木鸡。) Noise?lessly she got out of the room and set fire to the cottage. In a moment the cottage wasburning. She ran off to the forest. In the morning, the French soldier came.“ You have donewell, Marie,” he said.“ You did not fail. The plane brought us what we need. Your parentsare safe. Come and join us.” 4._________(听到这个好消息,玛丽抑制不住内心的喜悦,笑容点亮了她的脸蛋。) 5. _________(正是她的勇敢和爱驱使她冒着生命危险拯救了她的家人和国家。)



主题1 火灾救援

The event that stands out in Toms memory happened one morning when Tom was only ten years old. He was at home with his elder sister Jane. Tom was doing his homeworkwhen he heard raised voices. At first he thought nothing of it since customers in the motor?cycle shop directly below their flat often became loud, but he soon realized this time it wasdifferent.

“Quick! Quick! Remove the motorcycles from the shop,” someone yelled.

Then a thick burning smell filled the air. When Tom opened the front door of their flatto investigate, a thick cloud of smoke greeted him. The motorcycle shop had caught fire andpeople were running and crying. Jane, who had been playing the violin in her room, hurriedto the living room. They rushed out of the door and along the corridor (走廊) through thesmoke. They were heading towards the stairway at the far end of the corridor when Jane sud?denly stopped. She turned around and headed back the way they came. Tom had no ideawhat she was doing, but he followed her. Jane had suddenly remembered the lady in her70s who lived next door to them, who they called Makcik. Jane began banging on Makciksdoor, but got no answer. As the smoke thickened around them, Tom could see many of theirneighbors—some still in their pyjamas (睡衣)—running for safety. The thought of fearcrossed his mind.“ She would have run for safety like everyone else!” Tom cried. However,Jane refused to give up.“ I know Makcik's still inside.” She said she was familiar withMakcik's daily routine and was certain she would still be sleeping. She pounded against thedoor“. Go downstairs. Go now! Go!”

Paragraph 1:

Tom noticed the flame was reaching up.____________

Paragraph 2:

Luckily, some neighbors passing by stopped and offered help.______________

主题2 重拾信心和快乐

I was blind! It was only for six weeks, but it seemed an end of the world.

During that time, I was in a Columbus hospital, very scared, very alone, and extremelyhomesick for my husband and five kids. I spent hours, even days, wondering if I would everbe able to see my children again. I had spent so much time feeling sorry for myself. Whenthe doctor announced I was getting a roommate, I was far from excited. Actually, I didn'twant anyone to“ see” me this way. Like it or not, within a short time, my roommate movedinto the bed on the other side of the room. Her name was Joni.

However, I started liking Joni several days later. She had such a positive attitude thatshe was always cheerful, and never complained about her own illness. She often said to mejokingly that I was lucky not to be able to see myself in the mirror during this time. When?ever I felt scared, Joni could always get me to laugh with her crazy jokes. Joe, my husband,came to visit me sometimes with five kids. But I had never seen anyone visit her.

One evening, Joe came alone. Joni must have sensed our need to be alone. She was soquiet that I wasn't sure whether she was in the room. During my husbands visit, Joe and Italked about the possibility that I might never see again. He promised me that nothingcould change his love for me, and we would continue to raise our family.

Paragraph 1:

After my husband left, I heard Joni stirring (翻身) in her bed.___________

Paragraph 2:

After talking with her, I awoke from a deep sleep that night.________________


非谓语动词题不难答 石娟