

疯狂英语·新策略 2024年2期

北京 昝亚娟





七选五阅读素材的体裁通常以说明文为主,以记叙文和议论文为辅。短文的词数为320~350。文章的话题涉及社会生活的方方面面,内容丰富,体现鲜明的时代特征。语篇主要帮助考生树立正确的人生观和价值观,引导考生学会做人做事,从而发挥试题的育人功能,促进考生的身心健康发展,落实立德树人的根本任务。表1 为2023年高考七选五阅读素材统计。

表1 2023年高考七选五阅读素材统计分析


七选五阅读理解的素材主题鲜明,层次分明,结构严谨,逻辑缜密。第一段或前两段通常是导语部分,旨在导入话题,引起读者对话题的注意。中间的若干段是正文部分,提供细节信息,从不同方面对话题展开论述。正文部分大多提供段落标题,一个段落一个分论点。最后一段是结论部分,对前文进行概括和总结。2023 年新高考Ⅱ卷七选五阅读理解的语篇结构很具有代表性,属于典型的“总—分—总”结构。第一段引出话题,根据该段的最后一句可知,本文的写作目的是给初学艺术的人一些建议;中间的四个段落有小标题,是作者为读者提出的四点建议;最后一段是全文的总结。





表2 2023年高考七选五阅读考查项目分析


众所周知,语篇由段落组成,而段落由句子组成。正如语篇的段落之间存在某种关系,句子与句子之间也存在某种特定的关系。七选五阅读高度重视对句子之间逻辑关系的考查,从而考查考生的逻辑思维能力和推理判断能力。以2023年新高考Ⅰ卷的七选五阅读为例,我们来分析高考对句际关系的考查。根据文章的标题“Personal Forgiveness”我们可以判断文章的主题是“自我原谅”。全文由五段组成,为“总—分—总”结构,第一段导入话题,第二至四段是如何学会自我原谅的三点建议,最后一段是总结部分。第36 空在第一段,前句为“To err is human.”,因此第36 空填D,与前句构成因果关系。第37空在第二段,前句为作者提出的第一条建议“In a journal or on a piece of paper, put the heading ‘Personal strengths’.”,故第37 空填B,与前句构成并列关系。第38 空在第三段,空格之前为两个例子,故本空填F,与前句构成解释关系,且与本段的主题句“On this one, list all the positive things you've done for others.”遥相呼应,强调了作者的观点。第39 空在第四段,空格在主题句之后,故本空填C,与前句构成并列关系,提供细节支撑句。最后一段是全文的结论,第40 空是结论句,后句对本空进行阐释。




英语说明文的语篇模式通常有以下五种:①“概括—具体”模式(general-specific pattern);②“问题—对策”模式(problem-solution pattern);③“提问—回答”模式(question-answer pattern);④“因果”模式(cause-effect pattern);⑤“对比—对照”模式(compare-contrast pattern)。研究这些不同的语篇建构的特点,能够帮助考生精准把握段落之间的关系,从而把握文章的主题。




Understanding the metaverse

The metaverse is rapidly being described as the next frontier in the tech, business,and finance world.The idea gained popularity in July 2021, after Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg renamed the company Meta to reflect growing focus on the metaverse.Today,everyone, from major corporations like Microsoft and Disney to creative start-ups, is struggling to enter the market that is predicted to reach over $780 billion by 2024.__51__ How will it affect the way we live and work?

In simplest terms, the metaverse is a fully immersive (沉浸式虚拟现实的) virtual world that is like our real life.__52__ Instead, a functioning metaverse requires a combination of cutting-edge technologies like augmented reality (增强现实), virtual reality, 3D avatars, and artificial intelligence.

Zuckerberg may have drawn the world's attention to the metaverse, but the idea of a virtual world is not new.__53__For instance, Fortnite: Battle Royal, where 100 players battle it out on a small island until only one survivor is left, is a typical example of a virtual universe.

__54__ They imagine using the virtual platform to attend meetings, conferences and concerts, and even tour the world with friends.

However, experts believe the technologies need to improve greatly before that happens.The still heavy virtual reality headsets often cause motion sickness and are not ready for long time use.The amount of computing power required to house billions of people worldwide in a virtual universe also presents an issue.

The various Metaverse companies will also have different virtual worlds.They will have to standardize the technology so users can move seamlessly (无缝地) between them.______55

A.But what exactly is the metaverse?

B.The development of the metaverse still has a long way to go.

C.However, the metaverse is not a specific type of technology.

D.The metaverse industry will create jobs for hundreds and thousands of people.

E.Most importantly, the virtual experience has to be very attractive and affordable for consumers.

F.Fans believe that the metaverse will enable people to conduct their daily lives in an online world.

G.The gaming industry has been building the fundamental elements of the metaverse for many years.

本文的标题暗示本文的内容是介绍元宇宙。第一段的最后一句是问句,第二段的第一句为读者介绍元宇宙,因此可判断第51 空填A,提出一个问题,与下句一起构成设问。从第二段起,下文都是在回答这两个问题,因此本文的模式为“提问—回答”模式。根据第52 空后面的Instead, a functioning metaverse requires a combination of cutting-edge technologies 可判断本空填C,且与下句构成转折关系,表示对比。根据第53空前的but the idea of a virtual world is not new 判断,本空填G,短语for many years 与not new 遥相呼应。根据第54 空后面的句子可判断本空填F。选项F 中的in an online world 与the virtual platform 是同义语。第55空在全文的结尾处,应填结论句。根据前两句可知,元宇宙存在一些需要解决的问题,因此本空填B,是全文的结论。

(4) “因果”模式指文章的内在逻辑为因果关系。作者在第一段先描述一种结果,在后面的段落中陈述若干个造成这结果的原因。有时,作者先陈述一个原因,在后面的段落中再列出这个原因所造成的各种结果。






I am going to discuss some of the choices available to you and which jobs are best suited to you: popular jobs, more unusual jobs or everyday jobs.

__16__ Some jobs may seem dull but are important to society while others can appear exciting but are actually difficult and boring.One example is the so-called “cool job” of being a model or an actor.These people seem to be living a better life than others.Actually,they have to make far greater efforts than ordinary people and only a few of them are successful.Meanwhile, those who are successful and famous have to deal with constant media attention.__17__

Other popular professions include careers in law or business.Many people have ambitions to become successful as a lawyer or business person.__18__ These can be well-paid and interesting jobs, but you also have to work long hours.

On the other hand, some people find more unusual jobs suited to their talents and interests.Once I met a young man whose job was to check noise pollution in a park zone.He loved camping, and his job was like a holiday for him.__19__ There are many other people doing unusual jobs, and they love their jobs, which might not be popular, but are interesting.

Likewise, many ordinary jobs, such as shopkeepers, drivers and barbers, may look plain, but they are necessary to society.Without them, we would not go about our daily lives.

When you think about your future career, remember some cool jobs can be rather difficult and that some ordinary jobs can be quite important.__20__

A.It does not seem that cool now, does it?

B.It was easy to see that he enjoyed doing his job.

C.All of them together, though, help society function.

D.He's bored as his only neighbors were the birds in the nearby trees.

E.When choosing a career, you should consider all the aspects of the job.

F.They wear diamonds, go to parties and relax on cushions in private jets.

G.However, they may ignore the stress and pressure that come with these jobs.

本文的语篇模式属于典型的“概括—具体”模式。第一段的结尾暗示本文将介绍三种工作——popular jobs, more unusual jobs 和everyday jobs。第二至四段分别介绍了这三种工作的特点。最后一段是总结段,建议读者在选择职业时,了解不同职业的特点,从而做出明智的抉择。第16 空在段首,本空应填主题句。根据本段的关键词dull、difficult and boring、cool 和successful 可知,看似乏味的工作很重要,看似激动人心的工作却很难;当模特或演员看似很酷,实际上他们必须比常人付出更多的努力,而且只有很少人会最终成功。由此可判断,能够概括本段的大意的E 选项为本空的答案。第17空在段落结尾处,应是结论句。根据前文对模特和演员两种职业的描述可推断,当模特和演员看似很酷,实际上他们付出了超乎常人的努力,面临各种压力,生活非常不容易。因此,第17空填A。第三段陈述的是人们喜爱的两种职业:律师和商人。第18 空前的句子陈述的是很多人的目标是想从事这两种职业。第18 空后的句子陈述的是这两种职业的弊端,显然第18空填G。第四段以一个年轻人为例,介绍了unusual jobs。前文提到a young man, 故第19 空填B 以陈述该年轻人的工作情况。第20 空在全文的结尾处,也是结论句。根据前句可判断,第20 空填C 以说明社会需要各种工作,这样社会才能正常运转。



表3 七选五阅读常考的句际关系


●Start small.I suggest using a sketchbook (素描本) for small studies.These small studies provide inspiration and may be a springboard for more complex works in the future.__36__ You'll want to look back on your journey to see how far you've come.

根据本段可知,第36空应填C,“Don't throw away your beginner art.”与下句构成因果关系。


●Practice gratitude (感激)

Thankfulness has a lot of benefits: Research shows it makes us happier, less stressed and even more optimistic.__37__.“Showing thankfulness can foster self-control,” said Ye Li, researcher at the University of California.

根据段落标题可知,本段讲述“心存感激”。第37空前的句子陈述心存感恩带来的好处,故本空填E,“It can also help us practice more patience.”与前句构成意义上的并列。






Which plants can you grow?

Aloe vera, peace lilies and spider plants are some of the species that are easy to grow indoors.You can buy plants from supermarkets, garden centres or online.Younger plants are often cheaper than fully grown ones, and you get to care for them as they mature—which is part of the joy of owning plants.“__40__,” Spoelstra says.“It can bring a new interest and focus into people's lives and help to make the link between home and nature.”

根据段落标题可知,本段陈述的是在室内种植哪些植物。根据下文的“‘It can bring a new interest...nature.’”可判断本空填G,空格后的代词It 代替空格所填的句子“Learning about the requirements of each plant can be very rewarding”。




What are indoor plants?

Indoor plants, also known as houseplants or pot plants, are plants that like to grow indoors.Many of these species (物种) are not ideally suited to growing outside in the UK,especially in the winter.__37__.

本段讲述的是哪些植物是室内植物。空格前的句子讲到这些植物中的很多种不适合在户外生长,尤其是在冬季。本空填D,“Instead, they grow better inside, where it is warmer”,在语义上与前句形成对比。



●Paint often and paint from life.There's no better way to improve than to put in those brush miles.Whether you paint still lifes, portraits, or landscapes, paint from life as much as possible.__37__

本段的中心句是“Paint often and paint from life.”。根据第37 空前的句子“Whether...paint from life as much as possible.”可判断,本空填G,“You'll develop that painting muscle memory that only comes with repetition.”,句 中的repetition 就 是Paint often和paint from life as much as possible 的概括词。


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