

图书馆研究与工作 2024年2期


可持续发展是当下全球的核心议题,也是我国“十四五”时期的政策重点,越来越受到国内外图书馆领域的关注和重视。然而,业界对可持续发展图书馆的概念、图书馆和可持续发展的关系等问题仍存在一些认知模糊。国际图书馆协会与机构联合会(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, IFLA,以下简称“国际图联”)环境、可持续发展和图书馆专业组(Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Section,ENSULIB)是国际图联最活跃的专业组之一。ENSULIB承诺以联合国可持续发展目标、巴黎气候协定以及联合国其他相关文件为指导,鼓励图书馆员以更环保和可持续的方式行动,支持全球图书馆的绿色行动,为社区和社会的可持续发展作出贡献。ENSULIB发起的国际图联“绿色图书馆奖”已经成为为全球绿色图书馆和图书馆项目发声的重要奖项。2022年和2023年,ENSULIB分别荣获了国际图联“最具活力和影响力专业组”(Dynamic Unit and Impact Award, DUIA)特别提名奖和全面成就奖。为此,我们邀请了ENSULIB的3位主要负责人进行对谈,并就如何申报国际图联“绿色图书馆奖”提出建议,以期为业界理解和研究图书馆和可持续发展相关问题提供参考。

潘雅茵(Priscilla Pun):国际图书馆协会与机构联合会(International Federation of library Associations and Institutions, IFLA,以下简称“国际图联”)环境、可持续发展和图书馆专业组(Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Section,ENSULIB)秘书,曾任ENSULIB信息协调员(2021—2023年),澳门大学图书馆技术服务组事务主管。

哈里·萨哈维尔塔(Harri Sahavirta)博士:ENSULIB主席(2021—2023年),芬兰赫尔辛基阿拉比亚图书馆(Arabianranta Library)和瓦里拉图书馆(Vallila Library)馆长。自2011年以来,他一直是ENSULIB的积极成员,曾担任ENSULIB小组召集人(2015—2019年)、秘书(2020年)等多个职务,参与了欧洲多个与图书馆可持续发展相关的项目。

















The Understanding of Libraries and Sustainable Development is A Continuously Deepening Process

Pan:ENSULIB has made a definition of a green library in 2022. May I know how you think about this definition? Is it important to ENSULIBs missions and how?

Sahavirta:In general, I do not believe in strict definitions since phenomena are not usually unambiguous, but quite vague. Phenomena are also changing, and their conditions may vary at different times and locations. This holds certainly for green libraries. Green libraries confront different kind of environmental challenges and problems in different parts of the world and our conceptual understanding on sustainability still increases. However, ENSULIBs definition of green library is remarkable since the accepted one focused solely on library buildings. Green libraries have usually been defined as green library buildings and no weight has been given to sustainable library services, nor social aspects of sustainability. Thus, the new definition was an attempt to broaden the existing definitions and increase our understanding.

Pan:When was the ENSULIB SIG established? Why did you think it was necessary to establish ENSULIB at that time?

Sahavirta:ENSULIB was established as an IFLA Special Interest Group in 2009. At the time, the discussion concerned mostly the library buildings, but a new awareness was about to evoke, and librarians begun to ask what kind of environmental impact libraries might have. It may not be a surprise that this happened at the same time as the awareness of climate change increased. It was necessary to have a special group devoted to environmental questions since it was clear what makes a building green, but librarians had very vague idea of green library services. At first, it was realized that libraries offer shared spaces (for studying and working etc.) and devices – now libraries represent sharing economy and emphasize UNs SDGs.

Pan:How did you “define” and enhance ENSULIBs aims in the beginning of the establishment? Any difficulties or challenges?

Sahavirta:I participated the first ENSULIB sessions with a statement that we cannot rebuilt all the libraries but must learn to run libraries in a more sustainable manner in existing buildings. However, the challenge was that this was understood to mean (only) green office principles, i.e., activities which are easily measured and added to (quite general) environmental programs and certificates. There were not environmental criteria tailored for libraries.

Pan:How the environmental work in libraries has been changed during the past ten years indifferent parts of the world? Any paradigms have been shifted?

Sahavirta:The situation is naturally quite different in different parts of the world. There are countries where there are lacks in infrastructure and libraries attempt to increase the awareness of the importance on sorting waste while some other countries struggle with low literacy and its impact on environmental work. And finally, there are countries where the problem is mostly overconsumption and digital waste. Libraries role is quite different in all these situations.

Nevertheless, there has been a clear paradigm shift which begun (or became apparent) with UN Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals (2015). Sustainability was now understood in a broader sense, including social and environmental emphasizes (in addition to economic considerations). The social aspect of sustainability and “responsibility” have become central.

At the same time, new ideas arose concerning art and fiction and how they  promote resilience and empower people. Hence, the development has been quite clear: libraries and sustainability stemmed   from the buildings to the core of librarianship, including access to information, shared spaces, and fiction  – while social aspects also gained weight. Libraries advocate equality and democratic values and wish to offer a forum for discussion on environmental issues.

In future, libraries should also think more the environmental impacts of the digital shift. Digitalization has decreased the number of printed documents and collections but there is also a digital footprint and, for example, storing digital data has environmental impacts.

Pan:What are the signature (or most impactful) activities of ENSULIB at present? What is the future plan of ENSULIB?

Sahavirta:I would say that IFLA Green Library Award which is given annually is a very remarkable activity. It is not only that great libraries and library projects are elected and prized, but we have done a lot of work to create and develop the criteria for green libraries. In addition, it is our wish the Award finalists would be a source of inspiration for all libraries.

ENSULIB has also been very active in creating and publishing short documents on sustainability, like poster, check lists and “what makes a library green”. These have been translated into several languages so that they would reach a broader audience.

Finally, one should not pass the fact that ENSULIB gained a full section status only two years ago. Former Special Interest Group with couple of members has grown into a section which has almost 100 institutional and personal members, including many library associations. This means that ENSULIBs significance in IFLA and in the global library field has increased enormously.

