Planet Earth Ⅲ(Part One)


疯狂英语·初中天地 2024年1期



《地球脉动第三季》依然沿袭之前的华丽阵容:金牌制作人迈克尔·冈顿担任总制片人,被誉为“世界自然纪录片之父”的大卫·爱登堡担任解说,好莱坞金牌配乐大师汉斯·季默及团队倾力打造原声配乐。这是一场自然纪录片爱好者不可错过的视觉盛宴。从海洋深处到最偏远的丛林,《地球脉动第三季》为经典巨制翻开崭新篇章,带领我们继续造访地球上众多令人称奇的栖息地,制作团队跨越了43 个国家,历时五年多才完成拍摄。我们可以跟随镜头探索这颗星球上最后的天然野境,感受野生动物进化出的绝妙生存传奇。


全片围绕“海陆之间”“波涛之下”“广袤之地”“滴水之源”“林木之中”“极端之境”“与人共舞”“家园卫士”8 个主题,呈现自然界最壮丽恢宏的奇观与野生动物不可思议的生存传奇。同时,也展现出荒野之境和“生”在其中的野生动物对维持地球健康运转的独特意义,饱含对大自然的敬畏、礼赞与关怀。我们必须深刻认识到人类是大自然的一部分,与所有动物共同生活在这颗美丽的星球上,我们是一个彼此影响的大家庭。

Scene A


Track 6

Almost two hundred years ago, whilst walking these very paths in the English countryside, and observing the banks and1)meadows near his home, Charles Darwin developed his ground breaking ideas about evolution, casting a new light on the natural world, and opening our eyes to its true wonder.Since then, we’ve explored almost every part of the planet and seen nature in its2)astounding variety, but there’s still much to discover.

In this new series ofPlanet Earth, we travel to the most astonishing, wild places, see mysterious creatures,witness3)spectacular wonders, and reveal breath taking animal dramas.The natural world continues to surprise us, but since Darwin’s time, it has changed beyond recognition.Transformed by a powerful force, us.We will see how animals are adapting in extraordinary ways, to survive the new challenges they face.At this crucial time in our history, we must now look at the world through a new lens.This isPlanet EarthⅢ.

Namibia, where desert lions roam across vast territories.These desert cats are on a never-ending search for food, and that has brought these young sisters here.Africa’s infamous Skeleton Coast.Following years of4)persecution, Namibia’s lions are now protected, and their range is expanding again.These are the first to be seen on these shores for forty years.

By day, there is little for them here.But at night, it’s a different story.Seabirds come here to roost, in their thousands.These hungry sisters have never seen an opportunity like this.These roosting5)cormorants are sitting ducks for hunters with good night vision.Birds are not a big cat’s usual prey, let alone seabirds.Catching flying prey in the dark is not easy, but these lions have acquired the6)knack.

1) meadown.草地;牧场

2) astoundingadj.使人震惊的

3) spectacularadj.壮观的;雄伟的

4) persecutionn.迫害

5) cormorantn.鸬鹚;贪婪的人

6) knackn.诀窍;本领

大约200 年前,查理·达尔文就在这些英国乡村小路上散步,并对家附近的河岸和草地进行观察。最终,他提出了具有突破性意义的进化论,为自然界带来了新的曙光,打开了我们探索自然奇迹的新视界。从那时起,我们几乎走遍了地球的每个角落,见证了大自然惊人的生物多样性。但仍有很多奥秘等待我们去发现。




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sitting duck 是不是“坐着的鸭子”?

原文:These roosting cormorants are sitting ducks for hunters with good night vision.

sitting duck 这个短语可不是“坐着的鸭子”。众所周知,要击中正在飞的鸭子可不容易,然而浮在水面上的鸭子,却是一个很容易击中的目标。所以,这个短语的意思是“很容易受骗或被打击的对象”。

【例】My grandmother sometimes is really a sitting duck to what people told her.



1.dead duck:字面意思是“死了的鸭子”,实际意思是“必然要失败的人或事物”。

【例】To be honest, we have no money now, so his plan is a dead duck.


2.a lame duck:字面意思是“一只瘸腿的鸭子”,实际意思是“倒霉的人;处于困境中无法自理的人、组织或事物”。

【例】When he failed the exam, he thought he was really a lame duck.

考试失败后,他感觉自己处于困境。 soup:字面意思是“鸭子汤”,实际意思是“轻而易举的小事;小事一桩”。

【例】In my opinion, what she asked was only duck soup for you.


Scene B


Track 7

Coasts can not only provide food, they can also be a sanctuary.But on the exposed coast of Mexico’s Yucatan, life is precarious.Concentrated by the7)tropical sunshine, the brine in these shallow8)lagoons cannot be9)tolerated by most animals.And yet these Caribbean flamingos, have flown hundreds of miles to gather here.These hypersaline waters keep many10)predators at bay.So its here they choose to nest.There are more than ten thousand pairs here.It’s the largest breeding colony in North America.And the colony lies directly in their path.Rising winds create a storm surge that11)overwhelms the most exposed nests.

And then, it rains.The adults do what they can bailing out their nests.But they can only do so much.The storm passes,but leaves devastation in its wake.Most nests are submerged.The chicks are soaked and cold, and will soon12)perish, unless they can get out of the water.The adults are unable to help.A chick must save itself.Some years, no chicks survive in this colony.

Our coasts are vulnerable places.Increasingly so,as rising global temperatures create bigger storms.The biggest are hurricanes.They form over warm tropical water,building in strength at sea.But their full force is unleashed on our coasts, where forty percent of the world’s human population have made their homes.In this changing world, coasts are on the frontline.

7) tropicaladj.热带的;酷热的

8) lagoonn.泻湖;环礁湖;咸水湖

9) toleratev.忍受;默许

10) predatorn.食肉动物;掠夺者;捕食者

11) overwhelmv.覆盖;淹没;压倒

12) perishv.毁灭;腐烂;死亡





water 的常见用法

water 的常用意思是“水”,水是液体,所以是不可数名词,不能用复数。但water 还有其他常见用法:


【例】The waters of the lake flow out over a large waterfall.


This is where the waters of Amazon flow out into the sea.


The ship successfully underwent sea trials in coastal waters.



【例】The dam was not strong enough to hold back the flood waters.



(1)in smooth waters 进展顺利;一帆风顺

【例】The business seems to be in smooth waters these days.


(2)fish in troubled/muddy waters 趁火打劫;浑水摸鱼

【例】Never fish in troubled waters.


(3)pour oil on troubled waters 平息风波;调停争端

【例】He spoke calmly to them trying to pour oil on troubled waters, but it was useless.


4.water 作为动词,还可以表示“浇花;放水;流口水”。

【例】They watered her plants for her when she was away.


Scene C


Track 8

This is the most ancient desert of all, the Namib in southwest Africa.It is one of the hottest places on earth.Yet this male13)ostrich and his mate have come here to start a family.Few predators venture out during the heat of day.But such safety comes at a price.Out in the open, the newly hatched chicks are exposed to the crushing heat of the sun.But not all of the brood have hatched.Until they do, the family will stay here.

The adults take it in turns to protect the brood.So whilst the female takes a well-earned break, the male takes over, for the most testing shift.He gently rolls the unhatched eggs, calling to the young within them.He doesn’t want to leave anyone behind.The temperature continues to rise, by five degrees Celsius every hour.He protects the chicks that have14)emerged, shading them with his own body.At the end of another gruelling day in the sun,he’s lost almost all his energy.Dawn brings a surprise.Three additions to the family to greet the returning female.

But there is a problem.The chicks won’t survive another day in these temperatures.Yet the male is15)reluctant to leave.Some of the eggs have still not hatched.But time has run out.They must depart.Just a few minutes too late.Alone and without the protection of its parents, this hatching’s chances are slim.Survival here, as in all deserts, is on a16)knife-edge.So desert17)dwellers have had to evolve in remarkable ways.

13) ostrichn.鸵鸟

14) emergev.浮现;暴露;摆脱

15) reluctantadj.不情愿的;勉强的

16) knife-edgen.形势难料;结果未卜

17) dwellern.居民;居住者





run out 与run out of

原文:But time has run out.

这里的“run out”可不是“跑出去”,而是指没有时间了。

★run out 与 run out of 都有“用尽,耗尽”的意思,其区别如下: out 的主语通常为时间、金钱、食物等无生命的名词。

【例】We should pay much attention to saving natural resources.Otherwise they will run out one day.


My money soon ran out.

我的钱很快花光了。 out of 的主语通常是人。

【例】I’ll have to stop you there, we’ve run out of time.


They have run out of ideas.


★run out 还有其他用法。 out 暂时离开

【例】I have to run out to buy a few things.Do you need anything?

我得出去买一些东西,需要给你带什么吗? out on sb.离开某人;背弃某人

【例】I don’t know what I’ll do if Sarah runs out on me.


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《地球脉动》系列的黄金班底之一、配乐大师汉斯·季默(Hans Zimmer),知名音乐制作人。或许你对这个名字还不太熟悉,但如果你是一名影视爱好者,那你一定听过他的作品:《狮子王》《珍珠港》《蝙蝠侠》《马达加斯加》《加勒比海盗》《血战太平洋》《功夫熊猫》《盗梦空间》《敦刻尔克》《007:无效赴死》《X 战警:黑凤凰》…… 从战争片、科幻片再到动画片,从“60 后”到“00 后”,只要对近20 年的好莱坞大片稍有接触,就一定听过他的配乐。




Task 1
Task 1 本刊试题研究中心