

电工技术学报 2024年2期

龚夕霞 李焱鑫 卢琴芬


龚夕霞 李焱鑫 卢琴芬

(浙江大学电气工程学院 杭州 310027)


模块化永磁直线同步电机(MPMLSM) 制造公差 鲁棒优化设计 六西格玛设计 代理模型

0 引言

永磁直线同步电机(Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor, PMLSM)作为一种具有高效率、高推力密度、高可靠性的电机,近年来受到了广泛的关注与应用[1-2]。同时,由于永磁材料含有昂贵的稀土元素,学者们通过采用初级励磁型电机结构[3]、模块化结构以及使用较低最大磁能积永磁材料等手段,实现节约资源、降低成本的目的。模块化永磁直线同步电机(Modular Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor, MPMLSM)在初级插入隔磁间隙(磁隙),不仅有利于简化绕线制造过程,还能够提高电机的性能与容错率[4-5]。

在实际工程应用中,电机驱动系统的最终质量很大程度上取决于制造技术、材料多样性、加工公差、装配误差等因素。因此,为保证低产品报废率,应当将这些不确定因素考虑在初期设计中,以满足相应性能指标,实现更高的系统可靠性[6-10]。文献[7]考虑了软磁材料-特性在制造过程中的劣化对电机性能的影响,并将该制造影响作为优化设计的一部分,保证了优化设计方案对制造影响的低灵敏度,但是软磁材料的劣化程度随不同材料、不同加工过程而异,为确定对应的数值变化需进行大量的实验模拟,耗时耗力。文献[8]考虑了电机尺寸误差对产品生产缺陷率的影响,基于六西格玛设计(Design for Six Sigma, DFSS)与蒙特卡罗模拟对内嵌式永磁电机进行了鲁棒性优化,并与确定性优化方案对比,验证了鲁棒设计方案的有效性。文献[9]通过极限学习机求解了PMLSM气隙对称度误差、平行度误差、直线度误差与推力性能的非线性关系,根据设计要求,采用遗传算法求解气隙的几何公差范围,并将公差分配至相关零件上。文献[10]同时考虑了电机尺寸参数与控制参数对电机性能的影响,保证了系统静态与动态性能的鲁棒性,并通过多级框架解决了高维优化问题。无论电机推力、尺寸大抑或小,公差对电机性能的影响都不可忽略,文献[11]对推力可达数百牛顿的高温超导直线同步电机进行了鲁棒优化设计,同时对传统田口参数设计法进行了改进,在增加平均推力、降低推力波动的同时提升了制造质量,提高了求解效率。


1 MPMLSM拓扑结构


图1 18S20P MPMLSM拓扑结构示意图

2 鲁棒性优化设计模型

2.1 优化设计流程


表1 MPMLSM性能指标与结构参数

Tab.1 Performance index and structure parameters of MPMLSM

图2 确定性优化设计与鲁棒性优化设计的区别

图3 MPMLSM鲁棒性优化设计流程





2.2 鲁棒优化目标函数




六西格玛起初主要针对制造业,通过数据收集、研究分布规律,利用正态分布分析每百万次生产中的产品缺陷率(Defects Per Million Opportunities, DPMO),后来在服务业也有相关应用。6从统计意义上就是百万分之三点四,即西格玛水平由DPMO定义,当不合格品率达到3.4DPMO时,产品已经达到了6水平。表2为不同西格玛水平与DPMO的转换关系[20]。由于长期数据分布与短期数据分布之间存在1.5的水平偏移,4只能符合短期要求,6才能满足实际工程长期制造的需求。

表2 西格玛水平、合格率与DPMO的转换

Tab.2 The conversion of Sigma level, qualified rate and DPMO




2.3 优化变量与约束条件




表3 各优化变量取值范围

Tab.3 The range of optimization variables (单位: mm)


(4)考虑组合件的公差累计问题时,采用方均根法(Root Sum Square, RSS)作为公差叠加分析模型,将公差二次方和的根作为累计公差。



2.4 代理模型


在电机尺寸允许范围内均匀采样获得样本库,通过有限元软件仿真计算相应的电机性能参数。接着,通过机器学习的方法对样本库进行训练与学习,得到基于代理模型的电机模型。本文选择反向传播神经网络(Back Propagation Neural Network, BPNN)[24]对样本进行训练,其具有高效、高精度的优点。

MPMLSM代理模型基于8 100个有限元样本训练得到,采用了一层隐含层,决定系数2=0.999 9,方均误差MSE=1.76×10-3,可见代理模型精度很高。图4为代理模型与有限元的推力平均值和波动值对比结果,可以看出所采用的神经网络对推力及推力波动的高维曲线具有足够的学习和表征能力。

3 优化结果



图4 代理模型与有限元计算结果的对比

Fig.4 Comparison between surrogate model results and finite element calculation results

(a)磁钢高度/齿宽制造公差0.1 mm,其余0.05 mm

(b)制造公差均为0.1 mm

表4 不同条件下的鲁棒优化可行解

Tab.4 The feasible solution of robust optimization under different conditions

4 结果对比


表5 MPMLSM确定性优化方案与原样机对比

Tab.5 Comparison between deterministic optimization design and original design of MPMLSM


图6 不同公差条件下确定性优化结果与鲁棒性优化结果的推力平均值分布情况

表6 确定性与鲁棒性优化结果的失效概率对比

Tab.6 POF comparison between deterministic and robust optimization results (%)

5 实验验证

5.1 空载反电动势测试

图7 实验样机

图8为MPMLSM在0.43 m/s速度下反电动势波形的实测与有限元结果对比。如图8所示,测得的反电动势基波含量与有限元仿真结果基本保持一致,而谐波分析结果略有差异,这可能是磁钢质量差异性与装配误差导致的。由于基波幅值远远高于谐波幅值,因此谐波的差异对反电动势波形的影响不大。

5.2 推力测试




图8 空载反电动势的实测与有限元结果

Fig.8 Comparison between measured and finite element results of no-load back electromotive force

图9 推力测试平台

图10 推力平均值与q轴电流的关系

6 结论

考虑到MPMLSM不可避免的公差因素,本文提出了一种考虑公差的鲁棒性优化设计模型,其优化目标函数与约束条件中都加入了样本整体对应的各优化目标的均值与方差。为模拟大规模生产时MPMLSM尺寸受公差影响会发生的变化,采用LHS建立样本库,保证样本在公差范围内呈正态分布;通过BPNN建立电机设计代理模型,经过有限元验证,该代理模型的决定系数为0.999 9,方均误差为1.76×10-3,通过该模型计算出电机性能,进而计算样本整体的均值与方差,得到多目标优化的适应度。最后,采用非支配排序遗传算法Ⅱ全局优化算法得到了鲁棒优化设计方案,解决了带约束的多目标优化问题。


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Thrust Robustness Optimization of Modular Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor Accounting for Manufacture Tolerance

(College of Electrical Engineering Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China)

The modular structure of modular permanent magnet linear synchronous motor (MPMLSM) is beneficial to simplify the winding manufacturing process and improve the motor performance and fault tolerance rate. As a motor with high efficiency, high thrust density, and high reliability, it has received extensive attention and application in recent years. However, in mass production, the modular structure is more susceptible to machining tolerances. In order to improve the motor performance and better meet the quality requirements, this paper proposes a thrust robustness optimization method considering manufacturing tolerance, which provides help for the optimization design and application of MPMLSM.

First, a robust optimization model is established based on design for six Sigma (DFSS), and the optimization objective function is determined according to the sigma level. Then, the Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) method is used to sample within the dimensional tolerance range according to the normal distribution law to simulate possible variations in motor dimensions in mass production. A motor design surrogate model based on the Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) can calculate the motor performance required for subsequent optimization quickly and conveniently. The training samples of the model are obtained by uniform sampling, and the thrust performance of the samples is simulated by finite element software. Subsequently, the motor performance of the samples obtained by LHS is calculated by the trained surrogate model, and the mean and variance of the whole sample are solved and substituted into the objective function to obtain the fitness value. Finally, Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm Ⅱ is used for global optimization to obtain the Pareto front and robust optimization schemes. Compared with the deterministic optimization scheme, the effectiveness of the method is verified.

Through finite element verification, the determination coefficient of the surrogate model established by BPNN is 0.999 9, and the mean square error is 1.76×10-3. Thus, the motor performance can be calculated quickly and accurately. Under the harsh condition that the allowable thrust variation range () is 2%, the robust optimization scheme can reduce the probability of failure (POF) from 67.32% to 7.96% under condition 1, and from 53.3% to 1.76% under condition 2. Compared with the deterministic optimization scheme without considering tolerance, although the robust optimization design slightly increases the motor volume and thrust ripple, the robustness is improved. At the same time, it can be inferred that the POF of the robust optimization scheme is 0 when≥7% under condition 1 or≥5% under condition 2. The reduction of failure probability indicates that the MPMLSM robust optimization schemes have higher qualification rates in mass production and are less affected by tolerances.

The following conclusions can be drawn: (1) Under the premise of convergence, reducing manufacturing tolerance can reduce the motor volume and make the motor thrust closer to the set value. However, the manufacturing cost is increased. (2)mainly affects the thrust fluctuation, and little affects the volume. Under the same volume condition, the thrust fluctuation increases with the increase of. (3) In the optimization results, the tooth height and primary polar distance vary with different tolerance conditions, while the remaining variables are optimized to optimum values. (4) The POF of the robust optimization scheme is lower than that of the deterministic optimization scheme, especially whenis small. Therefore, the robust optimization scheme has better robustness and is more in line with the quality requirement in mass production.

Modular permanent magnet linear synchronous motor (MPMLSM), manufacture tolerance, robust optimization design, design for six Sigma, surrogate model



国家自然科学基金面上资助项目(52177061, 52107060)。



龚夕霞 女,1997年生,硕士,研究方向为模块化永磁直线同步电机设计与优化。E-mail:

李焱鑫 男,1988年生,副研究员,硕士生导师,研究方向为新型直线电机与永磁电机的建模分析与优化分析。E-mail:通信作者)

(编辑 崔文静)

