Oceans Need Help海洋需要帮助
阅读(快乐英语中年级) 2023年12期
在太平洋上,有一个巨大的垃圾场。Too much waste floats there. How terrible! 海洋正面临着前所未有的大麻烦。
Plastic Waste塑料垃圾
Bottles and shoes are common plastic waste in the oceans. 科学家曾经在海鸟的胃里发现超过200块塑料碎片。
Ghost Nets “幽灵渔网”
Ghost nets are the discarded(废弃的) fishing net. Ocean animals are often killed by these nets.
Nuclear-contaminated Water
日本從2023年8月开始向大海排放核污水。核污水会直接影响浮游生物、海洋植物的生存。Is it safe to eat seafood or play in the sea?
Noise Pollution噪声污染
Noise pollution is harmful. Dolphins use sound to hunt(觅食) . 它们还需要用声音与同伴沟通。When its too noisy, dolphins have to “shout” to each other.
Climate Change全球变暖
Global warming has a bad effect on the oceans, too. 珊瑚礁对海水的温度非常敏感。当海水的温度上升至30摄氏度时,五彩斑斓的珊瑚会失去颜色。Corals become white. It means they could be dying.