Nearly everyone has a story about people talking in their sleep. It is morecommon in children, but it can also happen at any age. A 2010 study suggested thataround two-thirds of people have at least one episode1 of sleep talking when theywere over 18 years old.
几乎每个人都有一段关于人们说梦话的经历。说梦话在儿童中更常见,但也可能发生在任何年龄。2010 年的一项研究表明,大约三分之二的人在18 岁之后至少说过一次梦话。
Sleep talking is not a sleep disorder2, but a usual kind of human sleepbehavior3. But it can have unwanted impacts4 on a persons sleep and on the sleepof someone sharing a room or bed with them. Here, we look at the science behindsleep talking.
Sleep talking is when a personmakes vocalizations5 while asleep. Thesevocalizations can be full words andphrases, or they can be mumblings6,shouts or even laughter.
Children commonly talk in their sleep, with half of all kids talking in theirsleep once a year or more, and around a quarter sleep talking at least once a week,according to a 1980 paper.
根據1980 年的一篇论文,孩子们通常在睡觉时说梦话,一半的孩子一年说一次梦话或更多,大约四分之一的孩子每周至少说一次梦话。
A 2017 study found that the word that most sleeptalkers said was “no”. As to whether people tell the truthwhile sleep talking, thats mostly a myth7, a researcher said.“It doesnt seem to be the case that [people say their] deepdark secrets.”
2017 年的一项研究发现,大多数说梦话者说的一个词是“不”。一位研究人员说,关于人们在睡觉时是否会说实话,这很可能是个错误的看法。“(人们)似乎并不会说出他们深藏不露的秘密。”
Researchers still dont know what causes sleep talking. Sleep talking and otherunusual sleep behaviors are much more common in kids. Certain conditions8 andcircumstances9 make sleep talking more likely. It runs in families.
To stop a person talking in their sleep, you can give them a little nudge10. Ifyou dont have enough sleep, your sleep talking will be worse. And it is not good foryour health.