芒种是二十四节气中的第九个节气,夏季的第三个节气。每年的阳历6 月5 日左右,即仲夏开始的时候,就是芒种。“芒种”的字面意思是“有芒的麦子快收,有芒的稻子快种”。这个时节,气温持续升高,雨量日益丰沛,农民忙着收割冬天播种的小麦,同时还要忙着插秧种稻。这就是人们说的“芒种忙两头,忙收又忙种”。
Mangzhong, or Grain in Ear, is the ninthsolar term among the 24 Solar Terms, and thethird solar term of summer. It usually fallsaround June 5th on the Gregorian calendar,marking the beginning of the midsummer. Itsliteral meaning is “wheat with awns is readyto be harvested, rice with awns is ready to beplanted.” During this period, the temperaturecontinues to rise, and rainfall becomesabundant. Farmers are busy harvesting wintersownwheat and simultaneously transplantingrice seedlings. This is what people refer to as“busy both with harvest and planting duringGrain in Ear.”
芒种时节,许多花朵开始凋零。在民俗和神话中,这是花神离开凡间,回到天上“述职”去了。所以,在芒种这天,民间盛行送花神的习俗,以表达对花神的感谢。此外,芒种时节也是梅子成熟的季节,一些地方有煮梅的习俗。人们一边欣赏窗外的绵绵细雨,一边品尝刚刚煮好的梅子,颇有几分 “青梅煮酒论英雄”的快意。
During the season, many flowers begin to wither.In folklore and mythology, this is when the flower deityleaves the mortal realm and returns to heaven to “reporther duties.” Therefore, on the day of Mangzhong, it iscustomary for people to offer flowers to the deity asan expression of gratitude. Additionally, it is also theseason when plums ripen; therefore, some regionshave the tradition of cooking plums during this timeof year. While savoring freshly cooked plums, peoplewould enjoy the gentle rain outside the window, as ifthey were re-enacting a scene from The Romance of theThree Kingdoms, where “Cao Cao and Liu Bei discussedheroes over green plums and cooked wine.”
The most important custom during the Mangzhongperiod is the celebration of the Dragon Boat Festival.The festival has a history of over two thousand years inChina. On this day each year, every household hangsup pictures of Zhong Kui, a Taoist vanquisher of ghostsand evil beings, along with mugwort leaves, eats zongzi (sticky rice dumplings), holds dragon boatraces, drinks realgar wine, and carriesfragrant sachets, all to pay respects to godsand ancestors and to pray for blessings andward off evil spirits. Among these customs,eating zongzi during the Dragon BoatFestival symbolizes the commemoration ofthe great patriotic poet Qu Yuan (c. 340 BC —278 BC). During the Warring States Period,as the feudal lords fought and wars raged,Qu Yuan, who deeply cared for his countryand people, tried to persuade King Huai ofChu to unite with the state of Qi to resistthe state of Qin. However, the king refusedto listen. Qu Yuan’s repeated admonitionsfell on deaf ears. Ostracized by treacherousofficials, he was eventually exiled to the landnear Lake Dongting. Shortly after, news ofhis state’s defeat reached him. In grief, hecast himself into the Miluo River one dayin early May. Fearing that Qu Yuan’s bodywould be eaten by fish and shrimps, thelocal people threw rice wrapped up in leavesinto the river to feed the aquatic creatures.This is how the tradition of making andeating zongzi during the Dragon BoatFestival came into being.
夏至是二十四节气中的第十个节气,也是最早被确定的节气之一。每年的6 月21 日或22 日,太阳运行到黄经90°时,为夏至日。这一天,太阳直射地面的位置达到一年中的最北端,直射北回归线,北半球白昼时间达到全年最长,之后太阳直射点逐渐南移,北半球白昼逐渐变短。因此,我国很多地方有“吃过夏至面,一天短一线”的说法。
Xiazhi, or the Summer Solstice, is the tenthsolar term in the 24 Solar Terms, one of theearliest solar terms to be determined. It fallson June 21st or 22nd each year when the sunreaches 90 degrees of celestial longitude. On thisday, the position on the Earth’s surface wherethe sun shines directly reaches its northernmostpoint of the year, crossing the Tropic of Cancer.Afterward, the sun’s direct rays gradually movesouthward, and the length of daylight in theNorthern Hemisphere gradually decreases.Therefore, in many parts of China, there is asaying, “After eating Summer Solstice noodles,daylight will become shorter day by day.”
During this time, the middle and lower reaches ofthe Yangtze River are in the rainy season, and there isincreased rainfall in the plain areas of the lower reachesof the Yellow River in the north, while the pastoral areason the highland enter the golden season: The grass isnow abundant, and the livestock thrives. During thisperiod, most parts of the country not only are hot andhumid, but also experience frequent thunderstorms.People start to pay special attention to flood control andprevention of waterlogging. Crop growth is rapid, so isthe growth of weeds, and the risk of diseases and pestsincreases. Therefore, field management such as pruning,intertillage, weed control, pest control, and canal clearingand drainage is of great importance.
As early as the Song Dynasty, in the water towns southof the Yangtze River, Xiazhi was a day for appreciating lotusflowers. On this day, people would come to see the pondsand lakes, paddle boats for a closer look at the lotus flowers,and seek relief from the summer heat. It was such a delightto pick lotus flowers and harvest lotus roots on a boatgentling rocked by the waves. In China, great destinationsfor admiring lotus flowers are the Summer Palace in Beijing,the West Lake in Hangzhou, and the Daming Lake in Jinan,where people can appreciate the beautifulscenery of “red garments and green fansreflected on clear waves” as in the Qing poetChen Can’s “Breeze-ruffled Lotus at QuyuanGarden.”
In the past, in many places of China, peoplewould exchange folding fans, cosmetic powder,and other gifts that could make the hot daysslightly easy during the Xiazhi period. Foldingfans were used to fan and cool down, whilecosmetic powder was applied to prevent heatrash. In ancient courts, after Xiazhi, ice blockspreserved from winter would be used to cooldown and lower the temperature.
During the Xiazhi period, people tend tosweat more and lose more salt. TraditionalChinese medicine therefore recommendsconsuming foods with a sour taste to“strengthen the exterior and stop sweating.”Additionally, eating mung beans is alsoencouraged for the benefit of relieving heat,promoting urination, and replenishing fluidsand minerals.