

孔子学院 2023年5期


青海雄踞“世界屋脊”青藏高原的东北部,平均海拔在3 000 米以上,这里长期居住着藏族、回族、蒙古族、土族、撒拉族等多个少数民族。世界五大宗教—佛教、伊斯兰教、道教、基督教和天主教—在青海都有传播。长期以来,多民族文化在历史变迁中演绎出独具特色的高原风土人情。

Qinghai Province, with an average elevation of over 3,000meters, is situated in the northeastern part of the Qinghai-TibetPlateau, known as the “Roof of the World.” This region has longbeen home to various ethnic groups, including the Tibetan, Hui,Mongolian, Tu, and Salar minorities. All five major religionsin the world — Buddhism, Islam, Taoism, Christianity, andCatholicism — have a presence and influence in Qinghai.Over the course of history, the local multi-ethnicalcustoms and practices have evolved into a blendof unique plateau cultures.


Worshipping the Devine


Worshipping activities have always been an integralpart of Chinese culture. Worshipping the Sea Godis one of the most important annual rituals in areasaround Qinghai Lake, with which local people seekprotection for both humans and livestock for the year.Usually, when the grand worship ceremony begins,two slaughtered cows and eight slaughtered sheep areplaced on the altar, accompanied by other offerings,such as candies, snacks, wine, khatas (traditionalTibetan ceremonial scarves), and over ten live sheep.When the chief priest announces the beginning of theritual, people stand up and bow as a sign of respect forthe Sea God. Ceremonial music is played, while thepriest recites the ritual text, offers incense for the deity,and presents offerings such as silk fabrics. Then, theparticipants drive the live sheep and cast the offerings on the altar into the sea as a gesture of worship. Whenthe worshipping is completed, participants move on toenjoy their “Sea Worship Feast,” where they follow theold tradition of competing for pre-prepared candiesas well as hand-grabbed beef and mutton. After this,participants bring the items they acquired to the SeaGod shrine, perform rituals to express gratitude, andconvey their hopes for a wonderful year ahead.


In addition to this, the Tu ethnic people celebratethe “Mountain Pilgrimage Festival” each year in earlyJuly. During this event, local residents worship thedeities enshrined in temples. They then carry flags ofvarious sizes and scriptures, and beat drums as theybegin to walk either within or around the mountains,seeking protection of the mountain deities.


Tea and Cuisines


In Qinghai, there’s a saying that goes, “A day without tea leads to stagnantdigestion, while three days without tea can make one ill.” This is because theprimary meat sources for the pastoralists are beef and mutton, which tend tobe acidic, and to counterbalance the acidity, locals turn to tea, known for itsalkaline properties. Apart from restoring balance in the body, tea drinkingalso alleviates the greasy feeling and promotes digestion. Traditionally,Qinghai people brew Fu Tea, a type of dark tea, using copper or ceramicpots. Depending on the ingredients added, tea in Qinghai can becategorized into three main types. The first variety is salted tea, and thereis a saying among the local Tibetan people that goes, “Tea without salt is asplain as water.” Therefore, during the gentle brewing process, salt is added,resulting in a richly flavored tea with a reddish-brown hue. The second typeis yak butter tea, where yak butter (the essence of yak milk) and salt areadded while brewing the tea. Legend has it that this tea-brewing method wasinvented by Princess Wencheng of the Tang Dynasty when she married theTibetan king. Known for its creamy buttery aroma and golden hue, the yakbutter tea is deeply cherished by the residents. The third variety is milk tea,where people add yak milk into brewed tea, and blend and boil the mixture.For those with a more discerning palate, traditional ingredients like ginger andSchizonepeta tenuifolia are added to enhance the flavor.


In Qinghai, there are many special local delicacies. One unique staple is guorile,made from roasted highland barley flour. Locals also enjoy douma, a drink whereroasted barley dough is placed at the bottom of a bowl, topped with milk tofu and yakbutter, and brewed with tea. During festivals or when hosting guests, they prepare deseor tuori. Dese consists of sweetened rice drenched in melted butter, while tuori is a cubeshapedtreat made from cooked flour mixed with butter, sugar, walnuts, raisins, milk tofu, andseasonings, garnished with red dates at the corners and center. These are the culinary delightsQinghai residents offer to their special guests.


“Three Wonders” of Ta’er Monastery


The most representative of Qinghai folk art isthe “Three Wonders” of Ta’er Monastery. Located inHuangzhong County, Qinghai Province, Ta’er Monasteryis the largest local Tibetan Buddhist monastery and isrenowned for the “Three Wonders”: butter sculptures,murals, and piled embroidery. The people of Qinghaidemonstrate a unique skill in crafting intricate yakbutter sculptures, ranging from Buddhas and figuresto landscapes, pavilions and towers, animals and birds,trees and flowers, among others. The production ofbutter sculptures involves four steps: creating theframework, sculpting the structure, carving andcoloring, and installing the sculpture on the board. Asyak butter begins to melt at around 25°C, these wonderfulworks of art can only be completed in environmentswith temperatures near 0°C. Each year, on the 15th dayof the first lunar month, a butter sculpture exhibition at the monastery becomes a magnet for countlesstourists and devoted pilgrims alike. The muralsat Ta’er Monastery, part of the Tibetan Buddhisttradition, use pigments from locally sourcedminerals for vivid, enduring colors. They depictBuddhist scriptures, myths, fateful encounters,and the life of Siddhartha Gautama. Thecharacters in these murals are painted with strongthree-dimensional qualities, clear layers, and alifelike appearance that leaves viewers in awe.The piled embroidery art is a local craftsmanshipunique to the monastery. Typically, silk fabricpieces of various colors are layered and stitchedonto the base fabric to create Buddha statuesof different sizes, adorned with floral patterns.The subject matter of piled embroidery is rich,including figures, landscapes, and flowers.


Tibetan Medicinal Bath


The Tibetan Medicinal Bath is a distinctive methodof disease prevention and treatment in Qinghai,representing a significant part of traditional Chinesemedicine. Such baths primarily utilize a base formulaconsisting of five Tibetan herbal plants (Juniperusformosana, Rhododendron simsii, white Artemisia,Tibetan ephedra, and Germany Falsetamarisk),earning it the name “Bath in Five-Flavored Sweet Dew.”Additional herbs are added to cater to special needs.People usually soak in the herbal solution, allowingabsorption through the skin or promoting sweating,with the goals of dispelling cold and wind, enhancingblood circulation to remove blood stasis, and relievingdampness and itching.


There are also other unique Tibetan medicinaltreatment methods, such as smearing and rubbingtherapy, stick-tapping therapy, bloodletting, firemoxibustion, cold and heat compress, and cupping.


Yushu Zhuo Dance


Yushu Zhuo Dance, also known as the “GuozhuangDance,” is a traditional dance in Yushu City, TibetanAutonomous Prefecture, featuring various forms thatcelebrate homeland and the beauty of nature. A fullperformance includes a prelude, the main dance, and afinale. Usually, dozens or even over a hundred dancersparticipate in this performance, expressing themselvesby sweeping the long sleeves of their costumes inharmony with the dance moves, creating a grand andmagnificent vibe.


The diverse cultures of ethnic minorities living onthe Qinghai-Tibet Plateau have interwoven throughouthistory, giving rise to distinct traditions in Qinghai.These ethnic groups preserve their historical heritagesand, at the same time, embrace modernity throughactivities such as grassland singing and dancing, Tibetanopera singing, wrestling, and horse racing. They add aunique flavor to the vibrant life on the snowy plateau.

