Historic Town of Ouro Preto欧鲁普雷图历史名镇
想要探索巴西历史和文化的瑰宝,就要踏入欧鲁普雷图的魅力世界。这座位于米纳斯吉拉斯州的古老城市,是巴西不可复制的文化遗产。是什么原因让它获得“巴西的璀璨明珠”此等美誉的呢? 沿着历史的轨迹,让我们重回18 世纪的欧鲁普雷图,于旧时光中慢慢寻访这一世界历史名镇。
Ouro Preto, located in the southern part of the state of MinasGerais, Brazil, is a shining 1)gem among the country’s rich and diversecultural heritage. Renowned for its exquisite architecture and culturalartworks, Ouro Preto is an important component of Brazil’s culturalheritage.
Founded at the end of the 17th century, Ouro Preto was the focalpoint of the gold rush and Brazil’s golden age in the 18th century.With the exhaustion of the gold mines in the 19th century, the city’sinfluence declined but many churches, bridges and fountains remainas a 2)testimony to its past prosperity and the exceptional talent of theBaroque sculptor Aleijadinho.
The name “Ouro Preto” in Portuguese means “Black Gold”,reflecting the city’s historical background of abundant gold mines. Inthe 18th century, Ouro Preto was one of the centers of the BrazilianGold Rush, attracting miners, immigrants, and traders, which led to theregion’s economic prosperity.
Ouro Preto is characterized by its unique architectural style,representing the Baroque and Rococo art styles influenced by thePortuguese colonial period. The historic center of Ouro Preto preservesnumerous Baroque and Rococo-style buildings, including churches,monasteries, palaces, and residences, which are among the reasons whyOuro Preto is listed as a World Heritage Site.
Ouro Preto is home to many museums and art galleries, showcasingimportant artifacts and artworks related to Brazilian history and culture.Visitors can explore these museums and galleries to gain 3)insights intothe rich cultural heritage of Ouro Preto.
Furthermore, Ouro Preto hosts various traditional activities andfestivals, such as Easter processions and Baroque music festivals andso on. These events provide opportunities for tourists to experienceBrazilian culture firsthand while also contributing to the preservation andtransmission of Brazil’s cultural heritage.
After enduring centuries of storms and trials, Ouro Preto still stands,4)maintaining its 18th-century charm. Strolling along the shiny blackcobblestone streets, wandering through narrow and mysterious alleyways,the towering churches, quaint buildings, and opulent governmentoffices exude a rustic yet elegant Baroque style, emanating a romanticartistic atmosphere. As you close your eyes, you can almost hear theclatter of horse-drawn carriages, carrying graceful ladies adorned inluxurious silk gowns, adorned with African feather accessories, andholding exquisite bamboo fans from the East... Everything feels soreal.
Ouro Preto has been serving as both a tourist destination thatattracts visitors and a symbol of Brazil’s cultural heritage, representingthe history and culture of the Brazilian people. The preservation andtransmission of Ouro Preto’s cultural heritage contribute significantlyto the conservation of Brazil’s and the world’s cultural heritage.
1) gem n. 宝石;珍宝
2) testimony n. 证明
3) insight n. 了解
4) maintain v. 保持
欧鲁普雷图建于17 世纪末,是18 世纪淘金热和巴西黄金时代的焦点。到了19 世纪,当地金矿资源日渐枯竭,这里的影响日渐减小,但当地众多的教堂、桥梁和喷泉仍然向人们展示着这里过往的繁荣和巴洛克风格雕刻家亚历昂德里诺的非凡才华。
“欧鲁普雷图”一词源于葡萄牙语,意为“黑色黄金”,反映了这座城市丰富的黄金矿藏的历史背景。在18 世纪,欧鲁普雷图曾是巴西黄金热的中心之一,吸引了许多的探矿者、移民及商人,促进了该地区的经济繁荣。
历经几百年的风雨洗礼,欧鲁普雷图仍然完好地保持着18 世纪的风貌。漫步在油亮的黑色卵石路上,徘徊于狭窄幽深的小巷,高大的教堂、别致的小楼、奢华的官署错落有致地矗立着,凸显出古朴而优雅的巴洛克风格和浪漫的艺术气息。闭上眼睛,仿佛听到马车驶过的辘辘声,车里坐着优雅的淑女,她穿着华丽的丝绸长裙,头戴非洲羽毛配饰,手里拿着来自东方的精致竹扇……一切仿若身临其境,让人陶醉其中。