An Introduction to The Lemonade War《柠檬水大战》介绍


疯狂英语·初中版 2023年11期

儿童财商小说《柠檬水大战》于2007 年出版,这本书在美国可谓是家喻户晓,曾获罗德岛青少年图书奖、北卡罗来纳州儿童图书奖。这本书在故事情节扣人心弦的同时,还能够给人带来丰富的理财知识。

The Lemonade War is about friendship, 1)sibling rivalry, honesty,mathematics and lemonade.

This book takes place over a summer vacation from school. Evanshould be enjoying the last few 2)scorching days of summer, but he justgot the news that his 3)brainiac younger sister Jessie is not only skippingthe third grade, but she’s going to be in his actual class. Now everyone willknow his sister is smarter than he is. WAY smarter. So that’s it. He’s done.He’s not going to hang out with Jessie, not going to talk to Jessie, andhe definitely won’t run a lemonade stand with Jessie, just to give her thechance to show off how good she is at math.

Jessie, on the other hand, is over the moon that she’ll be in the sameclass as Evan. She and Evan have always been really good friends, aswell as brother and sister. She can’t understand why he’s suddenly beingso mean to her, or why he’s refusing to have a lemonade stand with her.It’s a puzzle, Jessie knows, and she should be good at puzzles. “But it wasa puzzle about feelings, and Jessie knew that feelings were her weakestsubject.”

The conflict between them grows until it 4)erupts into a lemonadesellingcompetition — whoever earns $100 first wins, AND keeps boththeir earnings. Evan is determined to win no matter what, even if it mightmean cheating, except that even he wouldn’t actually stoop to stealing hissister’s money.

So who won then? Try read it.

1) sibling n. 兄弟姐妹

2) scorching adj. 酷热的

3) brainiac n. 聪明的人

4) erupt v. 爆发




他们之间的冲突愈演愈烈,最后演变成一场柠檬水销售比赛——谁先赚到100 美元,谁就赢,而且他们两个人的收入都要归胜利者所有。埃文决心无论如何都要赢,即使这可能意味着作弊,但即使是他,也不会真正地偷妹妹的钱。
