

中学生英语·中考指导版 2023年10期


Sammie was a stinker1. Our middle-agedorange tabby2 loved to play his own brand offeline3 practical jokes on us whenever theopportunity arose. And the opportunity seemed tobe arising more and more every day.

Whether Sammie was jumping from atop thestairs onto my head, grabbing4 my foot fromunderneath the sofa, or jumping on my back whenI bent down, he never failed to shock me. Themost terrifying5 move of all, though, was what myhusband Bill called “The Ninja”. Sammie wouldwait patiently around a corner or behind a pieceof furniture until one of us passed by. Then, hewould fly through the air and land on one of ourthighs, securing6 all four sets of claws into it.

One day, I heard a strange growl7 from ourbasement. Never imagining that it could becoming from our usually silent tabby, I walkeddown the stairs to find him sitting on a windowledge8, eye-to-eye with a neighborhood cat on theother side of the glass. The growling increased asthe other cat taunted Sammie with his presence9,moving this way and that. Yet, when Sammiehissed10 and smacked11 the window with his paw,the other cat ran for his life.

Ninja Cat, proud of his brave efforts, refusedto leave. He pressed against the window, craning12 his neck to the left and the right,searching for any sign of the other cats return. Even an hour later, Sammie stillheld guard at the basement window. Promise of dinner and the shaking of the treatsbag could not entice him back to the first floor. Then, I got an idea.





In my bedroom, I have a toy lion. Sammie may have had the courage to face offwith a neighborhood cat, but a lion several times his size? I didnt think so. Fromthere, I made a plan for Sammie to receive his comeuppance13 for all the ninjaattacks we had endured14 through the years.

I said to Bill as he watched the evening news and held up the toy lion,“Imgoing to play a trick on Sammie with this, and I need you to help me.”

With the memory of Sammies most recent ninja attacks still fresh in his mind,Bill responded eagerly,“Count me in. What do you need me to do?”

“Im going to sneak15 outside and move the lion around in front to the basementwindow. I need you to grab your cellphone and go downstairs and record Sammiesreaction on video. That,”I said,“Ive got to see.”

With that, Bill found a place in the basement as I went outside, next to thewindow, with the lion in my arms. Then, all of a sudden, I shook the lion in front ofSammies face. Ha ha! Id done it! Id finally given Sammie a dose16 of his ownmedicine. I ran into the house and straight into Bill

“Show me the video! Show me the video! ”I exclaimed.

“Youre going to be disappointed,”Bill replied.“I couldnt get very much.”

“I want to see it! I want to see it! ”I cried with all the enthusiasm17 of a fiveyear-old being handed a gift at Christmas.

So, Bill played the video.

He was right. There wasnt much to see.

“Play it again,”I instructed. I looked closer. All I could see was a two-secondvideo of a giant, puffed-up tabby tail flashing across the screen. The video may havebeen short, but it was enough. I had beaten Sammie at his own game, and I even hadproof18. Ahhh, sweet victory was mine!














