文/郎中卿 图/陶永艳
截至2022 年底,银川市机动车保有量为122 万辆,千人汽车保有量在全国36 个大中城市位居第二,机动车保有量年均增幅高于道路里程年均增幅6.3 个百分点,道路压力逐年增大。
“请平安保险公司定损员立即到新华路与民族街路口处理交通事故。”这是银川交警为解决警力不足、群众等待时间长等问题,与宁夏保险协会协同合作研发的涵盖定责、定损、保险理赔为一体的“警保联动”调度指挥系统。该系统以“保险公司互认、互定、互赔,简易交通事故即定、即核、即赔”模式,大大缩短事故处理时间和理赔周期。上线至今,共处理简易交通事故现场定损、协议案件16647 余起,电话回访满意率达97.62%,有效解决了群众保险理赔难、排队时间长、办事多跑路等难题。
银川交警积极利用大数据、云计算、人工智能等前沿核心技术,实现了人、车、路、环境的协同高效发展。针对“研判水平不高”问题打造的“智慧云平台”,为科学疏导交通,及时发现警情并固化证据打下了坚实基础。针对“瓶颈节点较多”的问题,建设“智能交通信号控制系统”,切实提升整体路网疏解能力。针对“市民车位难寻”问题,与百度等互联网公司联合打造静态交通管理系统和利用LED 诱导屏发布路况的智能交通诱导系统,形成通行便捷、安全高效、结构合理、制度完备的“九大”智能交通服务体系,提高社会停车空位的知晓率。
银川市公安局交警支队副支队长唐琪介绍,目前已完成贺兰山路、上海路等26 条主干道早晚高峰期、55 条主次干道平峰期“绿波带”优化工作。据城市自体检报告显示,高峰期平均机动车速度36.04 公里/小时,城市常住人口平均单程通勤时间为32 分钟,指标评价均为“很好”。今年以来,高峰、平峰期交通拥堵指数环比分别下降3.04%、1.63%,切实给广大市民创造了一个“分秒之间、路畅心安”的道路交通环境。
在市区通行量较大路口设置10 处“按钮式”过街信号灯,在主要路段安装26 处不礼让行人自动抓拍设备,形成“车让人、人快走”的良好交通氛围。增设8 处行人闯红灯自动记录系统,通过自动抓拍、警示曝光,起到良好警示教育作用。
依托“12345”“交管12123”及新媒体平台,联合市政、园林、交通等相关部门,挖掘现有路口、路段空间资源,通过设置直左待行区、增加车道、调整交通组织、开展慢行绿道改造等交通组织“微改造”,完成市区602处交通信号控制机基础功能数据排摸,312 个路口信号灯方案优化调整,81 处路口路段改造,30 条高峰、55 条平峰“绿波”协调道路的巡检提效,交通拥堵状况明显改善,银川城市整体拥堵指数逐年下降。
银川交警结合提高接处警“分秒行动”和“如我在案、如我在办”大讨论活动,将警力分为大队、中队、网格、社区四级管理模式,把辖区划分为多个勤务网格,每个网格设警长、副警长,按照民警辅警警力1 ∶3 的配比,由2 名以上民警带领多名辅警,实行网格区交通管理。各网格内警力不仅负责网格内交通秩序管理、交通事故处理,还承担网格内停车场管理、重点(企业)车辆管理、交通安全宣传、交通设施维护,以及受理群众信访投诉解答等多项工作,有效缓解了接处警速度慢、群众投诉多的问题。网格化管理强化末端工作的精准落实,打通了服务与管理的最后一百米。
银川交警始终把解决停车难问题作为惠及民生的重要课题,建立会议制度及议事规则,协调发改委、交通局等26 个成员单位,综合采取六大类28 项工作措施,重点解决停车难乱停车、道路资源优化等问题,增设夜间限时停车泊位、“平改立”改造、医护人员车辆异地停放、通勤乘车、住宅区与周边企事业单位及商业区共享共用机制等举措,提高了泊位周转利用效率。截至目前,全市共新增各类停车泊位18.4 万余个。同时还实行“轻微不罚”“首违警告”“短信提醒”的执法措施。“严管轻罚”举措,彰显了银川交警人性化执法、柔性执法、说理执法的理念,及时消除了道路隐患,提高了通行效率。
结合安全生产大排查大整治工作,充分发挥市道交委牵头作用,全面排查交通标志标线不清晰、不规范和交通组织不科学、不合理等问题共计196 处,针对易拥堵路口路段,差异化推进机非隔离、标线施划、待行区设置等改造,目前已改造完成26 处,补划交通标线169处。为减少施工对交通出行的影响,会同市政部门,对26 处施工路段实现错峰作业、“一夜修一路”等措施,最大限度还路于民。
Green Waves in Yinchuan
By Lang Zhongqing
"Green waves have relieved me of traffic congestion during rush hours, saving me time and money during my daily commuting," says Ms.Wang, a resident of the Lakeside Community in Yinchuan City.She speaks highly of the trial implementation of the Green Wave program by the Yinchuan Public Security Bureau during peak hours.Since the program's trial, Ms.Wang has been able to smoothly traverse every intersection thanks to a continuous wave of green lights, as long as she follows the designated routes.
By the end of 2022, the number of motor vehicles registered in Yinchuan had reached 1.22 million, ranking second among China's 36 large and medium-sized cities in terms of motor vehicles per thousand people.The yearly increase in new motor vehicle registrations has outpaced the expansion of new roads by 6.3 percentage points, resulting in growing pressure on traffic flow.
Over the years, the Yinchuan traffic police have made extensive efforts to enhance traffic efficiency throughout the city, creating a better mobility environment for citizens.They've employed various measures, including innovative technologies to improve traffic management, investigations,and corrective actions to enhance traffic control services;optimizing parking resources, renovating congestion-prone road sections, and launching projects for congestion relief.As a result, the city's traffic congestion index has dropped by 2.5% compared to the previous year.During morning and evening peak hours, the index is down by 4.54% and 1.09%,respectively, placing Yinchuan among the top cities in China for effective traffic management.
Technology-empowered Measures
"Please send an insurance assessor immediately to the junction of Xinhua Road and Minzu Street to manage a traffic accident." This is an example of an instruction issued by the "police + insurance" joint command system developed by Yinchuan traffic police in collaboration with the Insurance Association of Ningxia.The system significantly reduces citizens' waiting times by offering a one-stop solution for determining liabilities, assessing losses, and filing claims.This system enables insurance companies to mutually recognize, assess, and compensate for each other's policyholders, streamlining the process for both traffic police and car owners.Since its launch, the system has handled onsite loss assessments and claim settlements for over 16,647 uncomplicated traffic accidents, earning a 97.62% satisfaction rate in follow-up calls.
Yinchuan traffic police use advanced technologies in big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence to improve coordination among pedestrians, motor vehicles, and the traffic environment.For example, they've created an intelligent cloud platform for accurate judgments, enabling precise traffic flow management, emergency identification, and evidence collection.An intelligent traffic light control system has been implemented to alleviate congestion and enhance the transport network's capacity.Collaborating with technology companies like Baidu, they have developed a static traffic management system and an intelligent traffic guidance system that employs LED dashboards to display real-time traffic conditions and maximize traffic flow.These efforts have resulted in nine wellstructured intelligent systems that collectively form a holistic traffic management service architecture.This architecture ensures a convenient, safe, and efficient mobility experience while increasing the utilization of citywide parking lots.
To improve road layout, optimize traffic facilities and expand road space, Yinchuan traffic police have taken a wide range of innovative measures, including using green waves and installing buttons for pedestrian crossings to use during peak hours.By improving road infrastructure, traffic management has been refined into a hidden information network that allows greater coordination between pedestrians,motor vehicles, and the traffic environment.
Tang Qi, deputy chief of the Traffic Police Branch of the Yinchuan Public Security Bureau, reports that green waves have been optimized for 26 primary roads during morning and evening peak hours and for 55 secondary roads during non-peak hours.According to Yinchuan's self-assessment,the average motor vehicle speed during peak hours is 36.04 km/h, resulting in an average one-way urban commute of 32 minutes, which is considered excellent.Since the beginning of the year, the traffic congestion index has decreased by 3.04%and 1.63% month-on-month during peak and non-peak hours,respectively.These improvements have significantly enhanced the traffic environment and provided peace of mind to citizens during their daily commutes.
Pedestrian push buttons have been installed at ten busy intersections, and 26 cameras have been placed along major road sections to record where motor vehicles fail to yield the right of way to pedestrians.These facilities create a safer traffic environment by encouraging drivers to give way to pedestrians.Moreover, a red-light violation detection system has been deployed at eight junctions to record pedestrians running red lights, publicly displaying their violations as a reminder to comply with traffic rules.
Innovation-enabled Management
"Our students used to take forever to get across the intersection of Helanshan Road and Fenghuang Street, and there were often accidents there.However, after renovating the junction, students can now cross the intersection safely, saving time and relieving teachers of their concerns ," says Ms.Yang,a teacher at Beita Middle School in Yinchuan.To ensure citizens' and students' safety, Yinchuan traffic police converted the original auxiliary lane into a non-motorized lane for students to walk to school safely.They also added pedestrianspecific crosswalk lights at the intersection to improve crossing efficiency during peak hours, and transformed one of the two original left-turn lanes in the east-west direction into a through lane.These improvements have increased eastwest throughput by 20.69% and reduced queue length by 43%during peak hours.
By collaborating with public services, traffic management authorities, new media platforms, and other relevant organizations, Yinchuan traffic police have effectively utilized existing junctions and road sections.They've fine-tuned road layouts, creating through-movement and left-turn waiting areas, adding new lanes, and upgrading slow lanes and green corridors.They've collected data on the functions of 602 traffic light controllers, optimized traffic light operations at 312 intersections, reconfigured 81 intersections and road sections,and enhanced the efficiency of 30 green waves for peak and non-peak hours.All of these efforts have alleviated traffic congestion in Yinchuan, consistently reducing the congestion index.
Among Yinchuan City's entire traffic police force, a campaign is underway to improve the efficiency of receiving calls and handling public safety accidents.The campaign centers on the theme of "sending risk warnings one minute earlier and handling accidents one second faster" and "taking responsibility no matter when or where".As part of the campaign, Yinchuan traffic police have introduced a fourtiered management system involving squads, teams, grids, and communities.The region under their jurisdiction is divided into multiple public service grids, each led by a chief and a deputy police officer, with each officer supported by three auxiliary police officers.Two or more police officers are paired with several auxiliary officers to manage traffic in their respective grids.In each grid, police officers monitor traffic flow, deal with accidents, manage parking areas, supervise business vehicles, raise awareness of road safety, protect traffic infrastructure, and address citizens' inquiries and complaints,among other responsibilities.This innovative approach has significantly improved accident response efficiency and reduced citizen complaints.The grid-based management approach has increased the speed and accuracy of officers'work, delivering services to citizens in need more effectively.
"Yinchuan traffic police have used existing resources,including the smart street patrol system and all-in-one public calling system, to create a one-stop command center that integrates multiple functions like receiving calls, dispatching officers, and coordinating operations," says the director of the command center under the Traffic Police Branch of the Yinchuan Public Security Bureau."Thanks to the command center, we can make rational decisions, issue precise commands, and deploy efficiently.The center has also enhanced call answering, accident response, traffic congestion addressing, complaint handling, and other capabilities."
Optimized Services for Citizens and Enterprises
"A few years ago, traffic congestion and parking problems were a constant concern.Thankfully, those days are now behind us.Thanks to the management measures implemented by Yinchuan traffic police, these issues have been effectively addressed," says Ms.Wang from Jinfeng District, expressing her satisfaction with the traffic management reform that has improved the lives of citizens in the provincial capital over the past two years.
Yinchuan traffic police have long regarded parking essential to livelihood.They have established guidelines for meetings and decision-making, collaborated with 26 local public institutions, and implemented 28 measures in six categories, all aimed at optimizing the use of existing parking resources to eliminate parking problems.To increase parking space utilization rates, they've created time-limited night parking lots, convert horizontal lots into vertical spaces,relocated parking for medical staff, added commuting buses,and shared parking spaces among residential communities and nearby buildings.To date, more than 184,000 new parking spaces have been created across the city.For illegally parked vehicles, they've adopted stricter approach with lighter penalties, promoting a citizen-friendly, gentle, and instructive concept in their law enforcement.This approach and concept have effectively reduced potential traffic risks and improved traffic efficiency.
As part of a citywide campaign to detect hidden safety risks in the manufacturing sector, Yinchuan traffic police have played a leading role in identifying 196 traffic safetyrelated issues.These issues range from unclear or nonstandard signs and markings to unscientific and irrational road layouts.For congestion-prone intersections and road sections,they've taken a case-by-case approach, with specific measures including separating motorized and non-motorized vehicles,designing more rational road markings, and setting up new waiting areas.Up to now, 26 intersections and road sections have been renovated, and 169 road markings have been added.Notably, all construction work for the renovation was carried out at night to minimize the impact on citizens' daily mobility.
"We always uphold the principle of people-centered development and focus on addressing citizens' concerns.We consider their needs a driving force for the high-quality development of the city," says Wu Qidong, deputy mayor of Yinchuan and director of the Yinchuan Public Security Bureau."By taking a wide range of measures to improve the public transport system, make urban travel easier, and create a safe, smooth, and ordered traffic environment, we aim to build a stronger sense of fulfillment on the part of the residents." ■
(Translated by Zhang Yanzhou )