

译道 2023年2期

Kirke Olson

译 者:冯 曼 黄雅馨






















作者简介:Kirke Olson,美国心理学家。



School is the only institution that touches every person in this country. Teachers have been influencing the development of students since the creation of formal classrooms, possibly by the Romans in the middle of the fourth century BCE. Over this long span of time, we have discovered a host of methods for passing on information to our students: lectures, Socratic questioning, classroom discussions, project- based learning, readings, homework, slide film and video presentations, and more—tools the visible classroom uses to transmit knowledge. In addition to these methods, many educators have a vague sense that there are other forces at work in our classrooms. Some of us instinctively use them to support and improve our teaching; others, myself included, have ignored these forces and suffered the consequences.

There are a host of dynamics operating below the surface of the visible classroom that have a strong influence on who learns what, when, and how. These factors are invisible but will cause trouble if they are ignored. For example, a teacher might have to deal with disruptive behavior caused by a students pain and anger at the lack of connection to others, anxiety created when students feel unsafe, learning challenges worsened when students feel defeated by high expectations without emotional support, and inattention increased by anxiety from events outside of school—to name only a few. These troubles are signs that the invisible classroom needs our attention. They can be alleviated once we can see what has been hiding in plain sight all these years.

The invisible classroom refers to the microscopic neural connections inside all of us and the hidden human connections among us. These webs of neurological and interpersonal connections create the context for teaching, learning, and living.

We can uncover and positively influence the invisible classroom for the benefit of our students, ourselves, and ultimately the whole of society by using the evolving principles from interpersonal neurobiology, the study of the way relationships, mind, and brain interact to create our mental lives (Siegel 2012b); positive psychology, the study of what is best with people and what goes right in life (Seligman 2002; Peterson 2006); and mindfulness, a simultaneously ancient and modern practice (Kabat- Zinn 2005). We dont have to wait for trouble to arise before acting. We can prevent trouble while we intentionally develop a better working and learning environment. It is not too much to say that learning to see the invisible classroom will help you begin to alter the formerly invisible forces and create an environment that supports learning. All of this is as true in kindergarten as it is in postgraduate study.

My goal in this book is to provide practical understandable principles drawn from research and experience, illustrate them with true composite stories drawn from the real imperfect world of education, and offer realistic guidance for applying them in the midst of the ongoing pressures of teaching. Hopefully the students in these stories will seem familiar, although their lives may seem more difficult than that of an average student. The role of psychologist allows one deep access into peoples lives that no other profession can offer. The hidden details and sometimes unsettling aspects of students lives illuminated in the stories may not always be obvious to educators, but the principles illustrated by them are universal. We are all part of the web of interpersonal connections, and we are all blessed with the connections inside our brains.

Neuroscience: Begin with the brain. Teaching changes the structure of the brain in far more complex ways than any brain surgeons scalpel. We educators dont need to study surgery to be able to teach, but a working knowledge of some basic brain processes helps us understand the puzzling aspects of some of our students and generally improves our teaching. There will be brief pertinent, understandable descriptions of brain functions as needed throughout this book.

Relationships: Whats love got to do with it? Extensive research over many decades shows that from the first moment of birth, human brains are wired to learn best within the context of loving relationships. This does not change because children enter school, so cultivating a positive relational culture in your classroom and school supports learning and creates a better working atmosphere for you. I delve into the research on human connection so you can see how to apply it in the classroom with students and among staff. Whats love got to do with it? Well, as you will see, everything!

Lead with strengths. Education focuses on discovering what students do not know, and then teaching it. This perspective has an unintended downside in that it can lead educators to minimize or ignore student strengths and passions. For educators and students alike, discovering and improving strengths leads to excellence and well-being. There is a growing body of research that supports purposely helping students find their strengths and shows us how to do it.

Anchor with mindfulness. Mindfulness is simultaneously ancient and contemporary. Its positive effect on the brain makes it a useful daily approach to the classroom. Brain research clearly shows the benefit of mindfulness, and I discuss how to use it for yourself as well as in the classroom.

The research results we will explore are not obscure, isolated, ivory tower facts; they translate into down-to-earth, practical methods that have a consistent positive effect on students, staff, and parents alike, whether the students have daunting challenges and lives filled with tragedy or lives of normality or even privilege. The examples included herein are often drawn from experiences with difficult-to-teach students in various settings. Some of the settings are plagued with rural poverty, some are from more affluent suburbs. The state of mind when teaching these students, however, is applicable in any setting, with any student from kindergarten through university.

In Chapter 1, we begin by revealing the invisible aspects of our classrooms. Beginning with the brain, we discuss how learning about love, leading with strengths, and anchoring with mindfulness provide practical direction for creating a superb learning experience in your classroom.

Chapter 2 takes us into a consideration of the human nervous systems workings to investigate why it is critically important for our students and ourselves not only to be safe but to feel safe in our schools and classrooms. Neuroscience tells us that without this foundation, teaching and learning are dramatically impaired.

Building on the foundation of safety, in Chapter 3 we explore why human connection is necessary for learning. Far beyond a nicety of the classroom experience, humans are wired from birth to connect with each other, and this does not change when students enter school. When teachers and administrators attend to the human connections in classrooms and schools, people can flourish; when they dont, people can languish.

Chapter 4 explores the brains top-down and bottom-up attentional circuits and how to use them to capture student attention and guide their minds toward learning.

Memory, the foundation of all learning, is the subject of Chapter 5. The chapter begins with an exploration of the differences between explicit and implicit memory and how they can either support or undermine each other. The discussion moves on to how memories are encoded, stored, and retrieved; how there is a complex relationship between stress and memory; and how adjusting our understanding of why some of our students struggle to remember information can help ameliorate their challenges.

Growing out of this brain science–based theoretical and practical foundation, Chapter 6 draws from positive psychology, the study of what is best in people, to explore the positive effect of balancing, helping students improve their weaknesses with nurturing their strengths. We will learn how and why a strength-nurturing approach can increase our students learning as well as bring respect and connection to administration, faculty, parents, and students alike.

Practical applications of mindfulness, the nonjudgmental attention to the present moment, as a means for helping our students (and our- selves) find our center and open to new learning and warm relating is the subject of Chapter 7.

We put it all together in Chapter 8 as we circle back to the beginning, weaving the principles and practices of relationships, neuroscience, and mindfulness into the possibility of improving school and classroom culture.

In my experience, this approach works best if it begins at the top with administration, staff, and faculty practicing together the changes they would like to see with students. Often, these experiences alone begin to influence how we perceive our students, and the classroom culture begins to shift even before we directly apply these new methods. My wish for educators is to find the deep satisfaction in the critically important hard work we do, side by side with our students settling into meaningful rewarding lives as they make positive contributions to our world in the years ahead.


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