

疯狂英语·新阅版 2023年9期

Harry Baker

Dr Joseph Dituri, also known as“Dr Deep Sea”, has just finished an amazing adventure. For 100 days, he lived in a small room underwater. He set a new world record, beating the old record of 73 days.

In his undersea room, Dr Dituri was living with pressure that was about 66% greater than the pressure on the surface. Dr Dituri believes that high pressure could help people live longer and stay healthier as they get older. It could also help doctors treat different medical problems, including brain injuries. The room where Dr Dituri stayed was only 9.3 square meters. But it had an area to sleep, a small living room and a small kitchen.

While he was living underwater, Dr Dituri stayed busy. He often exercised in the morning. He kept teaching his college classes, and he had online chats with over 5,500 students from 15 different countries. Dr Dituri worked with other marine experts to figure out ways to protect and take care of the ocean. The doctor had a number of visitors who dove down to spend a little time with him. Dr Dituri said what he missed the most when he was underwater was sunshine.

When Dr Dituri returned to the sur? face, many friends, his family, and support⁃ ers were there to greet him and celebrate his success. Doctors quickly checked him out to make sure he was okay. Actually, Dr Dituri went through several big changes. He became 1.3 centimeters shorter during his time in the higher pressure underwater. He was also able to sleep much better. His health greatly improved in a couple of other ways, too.

Reading Check

What changes did Dr Dituri go through?

