Animals’ Life Cycles 动物的生命周期
Animals have interesting life cycles. Lets learn about them!
Animals are born, grow, and change. This is called their life cycle.
A butterfly starts as an egg. It becomes a caterpillar and eats alot. Then, it turns into a pupa. Finally, itcomes out as a beautiful butterfly.
Frogs start as eggs too. They grow into tadpoles with longtails. Tadpoles swim in water. Then, they grow legs and becomefroglets. Soon, they are full-grown frogs.
Different animals have different life cycles. Its amazing to see how they change!
These diagrams show the horses life cycle and the seaturtles life cycle. Compare the two life cycles, put each life cycleevent into the correct column. Some events might not belong inany column.
Keys to Animals Life Cycles
horses only: give birth to offspring; both horses and sea turtles: grow, die; sea turtles only: lay eggs
Keys to Can You Use the Linking Words?
A today; so
B and; now
C Even though; Also
D while; if