

中学生英语·阅读与写作 2023年9期


At the beginning of the winter, after a long,long time of sunshine, it started to rain.“Don’tworry,” said Megan’s mother. “It always startsraining.”

While it rained for ten days and Megan said,“This has been raining a lot of while, and I want itto stop raining.”“Don’t worry,”said Mom.“Italways stops raining.”Then it rained for many days.

Megan said, “It’s been raining for forty daysand forty nights and it never stopped once. This hasbeen a horrible1 rain and I want it to stop. I wantto move to a desert2. I want to be someplace wherethere is sunshine. I am going crazy3.”

She went up to her room, crawled4 under her bed and tried to take along nap5. Maybe it would stop raining when she woke up. When she wokeup it was still raining. And it rained for more days.

Megan freaked6 out. “Eighty days of rain! No sunshine. I have moss7in my hair. I have mushrooms8 in my ears. Snails9 on my bicycle. I need adesert. I need sunshine. Help! ”

Megan’s mother went upstairs, crawled under Megan’s bed and wentto sleep. She hoped it would stop raining. “I don’t believe it,”said Megan.

She went downstairs, played with her blocks10 allday and went to bed. Then the next day she wokeup and there was something shiny11 in her face.







“Get that flashlight12 out of here,”said Megan. Therewas still something shiny in her face. “Turn out the lights,”said Megan. There was still something shiny in her face.“Iwant to go to sleep,”shouted Megan, and she opened hereyes and saw sunshine.

“Sunshine! ”said Megan.“Sunshine after eight-one days! ”She opened up herwindow and there was a big rainbow. It went all the way across the sky. Megan said,“I’m going to find the end of this rainbow. Maybe there is a pot13 of gold at the endof the rainbow.”

She ran out the backyard and finally came to the end of the rainbow rightunder a large tree. There was no pot of gold. Megan dug and dug and dug in theground and there was still no pot of gold. “Nuts,”she said. She looked back theother way, and from far, far away saw the end of the rainbow going into her veryown bedroom window.

“Ah! ”said Megan. “I should look under my bed.”She ran all the way homeand ran up into her bedroom. She looked under the bed and there was her mother,fast asleep. “Oh dear! ”said Megan. She stood in the middle of the bed with therainbow coloring her head and shouted, “Mommy! A rainbow! Mommy, there is arainbow! ”Megan’s mother crawled out from under the bed and said, “Wow! Arainbow! ”

“Isn’t it great?”said Megan.“All we need now is a pot of gold.”“Silly,”saidMegan’s mom, looking at Megan shining in the rainbow light. “You are the pot of gold! ”And Megan’s mom gave Megan a rainbow shining hug.








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