From Human-Computer Interaction to Interpersonal Interaction?The Problem of Subjectivity Raised by GPT
YU Hai
(School of Social Development and Public Policy, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433)
Abstract:The concept of human-machine dialog was invented by Norbert Wiener. Yet it is only realized when machines could communicate fluently with human beings in natural language. Machines learn human language through training and interactions with the public, a process as difficult and slow as training adolescents. The increasingly human-like ChatGPTapproximates a pseudo-social product. Human socialization is also a generative pre-training process. Human speech, behavior, values, and patterns are acquired through the pre-training by human mentors and institutions, enabling appropriate judgments and conduct in different situations. The pseudo-social nature of GPTand the generative pre-training process of human socialization evoke the imagination of interpersonal dialog within human-machine dialog. Intelligent machines may eventually become all-knowing and may lead to a reversed socialization process where humans are influenced by artificial intelligence. AI's impact on human beings will result in an erosion of human subjectivity. If humans do not want to be eliminated or reduced by machines, they should not harbor the illusion of "interpersonal" dialog. Human-machine dialog is sufficien
Keywords:human-computer interaction; subjectivity; pseudo-socialization
Changes, Issues, and Countermeasures:A Media Cultural Perspective on ChatGPT
HE Zhenbiao
(School of Media and Law, Ningbo Tech University, Ningbo 315100)
Abstract:ChatGPThas had a signifi ant and far-reaching impact on media culture. Media content creation faces the challenges of replacing journalists with AI and copyright controversies, while media communication has evolved into the stage of human-machine dialog, disrupting traditional mass communication models. New forms of media consumption have impacted knowledge gaps and skill gaps, leading to and accelerating inequalities. Ethical issues in media have become prominent,machine rationality needs to be reexamined, and ideologies face new challenges. To address the changes and issues brought by ChatGPTin media culture, it is important to uphold journalistic professionalism, improve human-machine communication, promote a culture of fairness and justice in media, establish new ethical standards for the ear of AI, and prioritize media security.
Keywords:media culture; ChatGPT; artificial intelligenc
When Robots Hallucinate: What Does It Tell Us about Human Thinking?
HU Yong
(School of Journalism and Communication, Peking University, Beijing 100871)
Abstract:Chatbots like OpenAI's ChatGPTrely on large language models to generate conversations.When an AI gives confident responses that seem to deviate from its training data, it is referred to as "hallucination" in the field of artificial intelligence research. The term draws parallels to the hallucination in human psychology; yet a similar psychological term "confabulation" might be more accurate. Just as our brains will fill in the gaps of our memories with fictional contents, language models excel at fabricating events unrelated to reality, making it difficult to discern between truth and false claims. The more significant concern is the "Eliza effect" when human intelligence and understanding rely on artificial intelligence and may lead to significant negative influences. It is necessary to find a responsible and ethical approach to useAI for today's society.
Keywords:ChatGPT; large language model; hallucination; confabulation; Eliza effec
Rethinking "the Ideal" and "the Real":The Sense of Meaning of Everyday Life in a Digital Age
ZHANG Letian1,2, Guo Li3
(1. Institute of Chinese and Foreign Discourse Studies, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou 310018; 2. Contemporary China Social Life Data and Research Center, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433; 3. Rhizome, Shanghai 200021)
Abstract:The everyday lives of modern Chinese people are undergoing a significant shift from pursuing "the ideal" to embracing "the real". These two stages correspond to the advancements in scientific and technological development. The "sense of meaning" in people's daily lives in different stages also exhibit different characteristics. The sense of meaning associated with "the ideal" is somewhat ethereal, while the sense of meaning derived from "the real" carries a more substantial connotation. In the digital age, focusing on "the real" represents a more positive attitude towards life,as individuals strive to address problems, alleviate anxieties arising from the coming of AIs, and foster the healthier development of artificial intelligence
Keywords:artificial intelligence; everyday life; sense of meaning; meani g reconstruction
Applications and Aesthetic Judgments of Artificial IntelligenceArt
CHEN Yongdong
(College of Creative Studies, Shanghai Theatre Academy, Shanghai 201112)
Abstract:Based on observations, practice, and reflections on the integration of artificial intelligence in art, this paper provides a basic definition of artificial intelligence art. It discusses the main models currently used in AI art such as image style transfer models, text-image pre-training models, and diffusion models. Furthermore, it explores the major applications of AI in music, dance, theater, video,television and film, Chinese opera and quyi, fine arts and calligraphy, and design. The distinctive characteristic of AI art is human-machine collaboration, where humans and machines both have their roles and complement each other, while the creative process remains a "dual-subject" approach. The aesthetics of artificial intelligence have become a topic and are connected to the emerging metaverse aesthetics. It argues that AI art is as valuable as human art and can become an aesthetic object. AI art will in turn influence human aesthetic judgments
Keywords:AI art; AI aesthetics; human-machine collaboration; artistic subject; aesthetic judgments
Aristotle's Nightmare and Sartre's Fury:The Impact of ChatGPTon Literary Creation
(School of Humanities, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092)
Abstract:ChatGPT's poetry-writing capabilities have sparked thoughts on the influ nce of artifi ial intelligence on literary creation. This paper delves into the issue from the perspective of literary creation and provides an analysis. In terms of the text, it can be observed that ChatGPTcan master and apply literary forms but lacks the ability to construct meaningful content. Regarding authorship and influence on the real world, ChatGPTlacks human emotions and subjectivity in engaging with the world, thereby affecting reader reception. However, based on the current demonstrated literary creation capabilities of ChatGPT, it can have a positive impact on the practice and theoretical research of literary creation and contribute to literary education.
Keywords:ChatGPT; literature; form; emotion.
Tools of Enslavement or Forces of Liberation?A Thought Experiment Made with ChatGPTon the Shared Future of Humans and Intelligent Machines
XIA Deyuan
(College of Communication and Art Design, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,Shanghai 200093)
Abstract:This experiment explores the interaction between humans and AI through an academic discussion. It focuses on the relationship between AI and humans. The dialogue with ChatGPTcovers various prominent topics in AI research, such as the anxiety surrounding the human-AI relationship,the inquiry into AI's creative abilities, the potential for AI to generate wisdom, the simulation of human emotions by AI, and the possibility of harmonious coexistence and collaborative evolution between humans and intelligent machines. This article enables readers to make an assessment of ChatGPT's intelligence and potentially uncover new areas of inquiry in the field ofAI.
Keywords:AI; tools of enslavement; forces of liberation; ChatGPT; human-machine interaction experiment
The Wandering Earth II: A Chinese Redemption in An Apocalypse and the Narrative Tension of the Philosophy of "Life-Time-Existence"
FAN Zhizhong, ZHANG Minghao
(School of Media and International Culture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310030)
Abstract:The Wandering Earth II is a film that uses time to connect stories, innovate narratives, and present spectacles, a New Mainstream film that depicts a Chinese redemption in apocalypse. The film adopts time-limited and timing narrative to advance the plot and build suspense, present infrastructure spectacles based on a futurist imagination of time, a cinematic exploration of time. The film philosophically speculates on the objectivity, orderliness, and regularity of time, sending a message of"time anxiety", reflecting on the issues of "digital man", "technological man", and human civilization,presenting a Chinese redemption in an apocalypse, and constructing an aesthetics of life community of"human-human".
Keywords:The Wandering Earth II; time narrative; technological ethics; Chinese Solution; discourse construction
The Utilization of Social Materials in Adorno's Artistic Creation
WANG Xiaosheng
(College of Philosophy, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074)
Abstract:The creation of artworks relies on social materials. Adorno opposed the methods of dealing with materials in realism and naturalism, as they lacked the reflective elements he expected.In contrast, modernist artworks incorporate reflective elements, absorbing and sublimating social materials. While ancient thinkers also acknowledged the need to purify and elevate social materials in artistic creation, they struggled with handling vulgar elements. Artworks shouldn't dismiss vulgar things arrogantly or praise their own elegance, as both approaches fail in sublimation. In artistic creation, the objective use of subject matter can result in a missed opportunity to grasp truth.Adorno argued that artistic creation can attain truth with the assistance of ideology, requiring a second reflection. Through this second reflection, social materials are detached from their social characteristics and regain social meaning.
Keywords:artistic creation; social materials; sublimation; reflectio
Reconfiguration ofAudio and Extension of Soundscapes:Deconstructing Intangible Cultural Heritage Music in Chinese New Folk Film
(Music College, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234; Film-Television and Communication College, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234 )
Abstract:Chinese new folk film aims to break away from tradition by portraying the cultural and social landscapes of different historical periods in China through diverse and multifaceted means.Intangible Cultural Heritage music in new folk film is examined and amplified within a broader auditory culture, while the soundscapes in these films are likely extensions of the creators' memories,ideas, and designs. They serve as expressive avenues to interpret folk imagery, reinforce folk symbols,depict folk customs, facilitate cultural integration, and elevate national spirit. At the same time,the construction and recombination of the text of Intangible Cultural Heritage music in new folk film exhibit a diversified range of sonic characteristics and auditory extensions, offering a broader audiovisual language perspective and research value in the realm of film sound creation and theor .
Keywords:Intangible Cultural Heritage music; soundscapes; audio as text; auditory reconfiguration;new folk fil
Technology and Ideas: A Study of Soundscapes in Early Chinese Film during the Transition from Silent Film to Sound Film
(School of Television Arts, Communication University of Zhejiang, Hangzhou 310018)
Abstract:There are mainly two opinions regarding the sound in early Chinese film. Some believe there was a long period ruled by silent film before the introduction of sound film,while others argue that sound film showed up at the beginning of Chinese cinema. Focusing on the soundscapes of early Chinese film during the transition from silent film to sound fi this study examines the asynchronous development of Chinese film's technology and aesthetics through three stages: the debate between silence fi m and sound fi m, the reinterpretation of silence fi m by sound, and the awakening of the consciousness of sound. This article aims to understand the linguistic logic and transmission pathways of early Chinese film's audiovisual language system from a hist rical perspective.
Keywords:early Chinese film; sound concept; soundscap
Nostalgic Film Soundscapes: A Study on the "Nostalgia Craze"and Soundscape Practice in Shanghai Cinema
LYU Meng
(College of Liberal Arts, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632)
Abstract:One dimension of soundscape development involves observing and exploring social relationships through the ontology of sound, making the concept of soundscape highly relevant and practical. At the same time, the nostalgia in soundscape refers to the contemplation of the past within the present. Therefore, in "nostalgic films", soundscapes often serve as a narrative strategy encompassing three specific mechanisms: sound as a medium for memory, as landscape narration,and as nostalgia mediation. By examining the relationship between Shanghai cinema and Shanghai culture, and conducting a specifi study on the soundscape in three fi ms, it becomes apparent that"soundscape" can better integrate history into the current context from a cultural perspective.
Keywords:nostalgic film; Shanghai; film soundsca