Annie and the Rabbit
Tina Shaw
“Hello, Annie. Wheres your mum?”said Mick. “She went out,”Annie said.“Well, Ill see her next time. Bye,”saidMick.“Bye, Mick,”Annie said.
After some time, Annies mother cameback.“Did you give Mick the money?”
Mother asked.“Oh, I didnt! I forgot,”
Annie said.“Why? I told you to do that.Youre the only girl in the family andyoure eight years old, not four years old!If only your father was around more, andnot always at work,”Mother said.
Annie was sad. Her mother alwaystold her off, but never her brothers. Theycould get away with anything, justbecause they were boys.“Im not happy,”
Annie shouted. Her mother was not happy,either. Annie found it would be a goodidea not to be around here, so she wentinto the back room.
In the room, she found a box. But itwas a small rabbits foot on a chain2 thatcaught3 her eye. It was Grandfathers.Annies mother said it was a luckyrabbits foot. How would her mum knowif she just took the rabbits foot out for alittle time? She wanted to show it toThumper, her best friend Harriets oldrabbit. Annie could hear her mother inthe kitchen. Good, she was busy cookingdinner. Then Annie went out.
“Hey, Annie! ”Mr. Field said. Hewanted to show her his budgie4 calledTimmy. He liked talking to children. ThenMr. Field showed Annie his Timmy.“Youcan play with Timmy,”Mr. Field said.Timmy was so cute and warm.
“I think he likes you, Annie. Ill puthim back. Jacks just come in,”Mr. Fieldsaid. Jack was a cute cat. The cat likedAnnie very much and it wanted to play withher when she came to visit. But the catdidnt like Timmy.
“Want to see my secret5?”“Whatsthat?”“Look! ”Annie showed him the rabbitsfoot.“My dear! Who does that belongto?”“My mum says its the only thing frommy granddad. He had this rabbits foot inhis life. Do you know what people say aboutrabbits foot? It will give you lucky life. Imgoing to show it to Harriet, so I cannot stay.Bye, Mr. Field.”
Annie went to Harriets house. Harrietplayed with her mother. Annie could seeThumper the rabbit. He looked unhappy.“Ive got a little thing to show you,”Anniesaid to Thumper. “Oh no, its not there! ”“Whatsnot there?”asked Harriet comingover.“My rabbits foot. I must have lost it.I must find it,”said Annie. “Is it in Mr.Fields home?”Annie went back to Mr.Fields home but found he had gone out.
Back at her home, Annie didnt knowwhat to do. “And just where have youbeen?”Mother asked. “I went to playwith Harriet,” Annie said. She lookedaround and saw her four brothers.“Yourgrandfathers rabbits foot has gonemissing6. Do any of you know where itis?”Mother asked. “No,”they all said.Annie found the sad look in her mumseyes. Tomorrow she would find it, butwhere is it?
On her way to school the nextmorning, Annie saw Geraldine.“Its mine.I found it! ”Geraldine shouted to somegirls. “Found what?”asked Annie. Shethen saw her mums rabbits foot!
“That old cat belonging to Mr. Fieldwas playing with it. Its mine now,”Geraldine said.“No! ”Annie said.“Its mymums, and I was going to show it to Harriet.I must have lost it in Mr. Fields houseyesterday. Give it back to me, please! ”
“No! ”Geraldine said.“If you dontlet me take it back, Ill ask my big brotherfor help,”Annie said. “Im not afraid ofyour brother. I want a penny to buy somefood. Then you can get back your rabbitsfoot,”Geraldine said. Annie had no idea.“OK, Ill get the money after school.”“Good. See you after school then.”
Annie was guilty7, but she knew thiswas her way to get the rabbits foot backand make her mum happy again. She stole8a penny from home. “Heres the penny,”
Annie shouted. “My mum said it wasnt alucky rabbits foot. We dont want it in ourhouse! Geraldine said.“No! It is lucky. Itsaved my grandfather in the war9! ”Anniesaid, got the rabbits foot and went backhome. She couldnt help but think that hermum would be so happy.
Later that evening, Annies mother saidto her father, “A pennys gone missing. Doyou know where it went?”“Im missing apenny. Are you sure you havent taken it,Annie?”her mother asked. “No,”Annie wassad“. How come you never asked my brothers?You always ask me! ”
In the end, Annie told her parentseverything and gave the rabbits foot backto her mother. Annies parents told hernever to lie10 again. They loved her as muchas they loved her brothers.
过了一会儿,安妮的妈妈回来了。“你给米克钱了吗?”妈妈问。“哦,我没有!我忘了。”安妮说。“为什么?我告诉过你了。你是家里唯一的女孩,而且你8 岁了,不是4 岁!要是你父亲多陪陪你,而不是一直在工作就好了。”妈妈说。
1. rabbit 兔子
2. chain 锁链
3. catch 接住;抓住;引起;吸引
4. budgie 虎皮鹦鹉
5. secret 秘密
6. missing 丢失的;找不到的
7. guilty 内疚的;感到惭愧的
8. steal 偷窃;盗窃
9. war 战争
10. lie 说谎;撒谎