That Evening那个夜晚


中学生英语·阅读与写作 2023年7期


Arun was thirteen years old boystudying at a middle school in a small town.He got poor marks on monthly tests onceagain. When he got home, he found hisfather was waiting to beat him. His mothercame out of the kitchen and said to hisfather, “Vinays mother said that Arunbullied1 other children in the school.”Sohis father started to beat him hard.

After that, Arun ran away from homeand went to a park. It was about 7:00 in theevening. He saw a man walking to him. Theman looked at him and smiled. Arun asked,“Who are you? What do you want?”

The man said, “I am a time traveler2and I want to take you to your future3.”Arunsaid, “I dont want to go to my future. Myfather says that I would go to jail4 in thefuture.”The man said,“What you think aboutyourself is more important. Come with me.”

He got into a truck5 with Arun, and turnedon some machines. After a minute, the timetraveler opened the door of the truck and saidto Arun,“Welcome to the future.”

Arun got off the truck, looked around andasked, “Where are we?” Time traveleranswered, “We are in the future time in yourtown. Lets go to your home.”Then Arun foundhis home was old and the window glasses werebroken after they got there. He looked insidethrough6 the window. He saw his father lyingon a bed and coughing7 a lot. His mother wasnow old, sick and was with a walking stick8.She was saying, “Arun was going to bereleased9 from the jail next week.”His fathergot angry,“Why is he being released from jail?He should not be released until he mends10 hisways.”His mother began to cry.

Arun got shocked11 seeing this. Hecould not see all this and moved away fromthe window. His father started coughing againand he didnt want to hear that. He cried andsaid, “Please take me back to my presenttime.”The time traveler said,“You must stayin your future time and see your futureversion12 before returning to your present.”

They stayed in the future time for aweek. During this time, Arun tried to findout where his classmates were. He foundthat some of them were still in this towndoing different jobs. But no one wasspoiled13 and in jail like him.

And the day came when his futureversion was to release from jail. Arun andthe time traveler were waiting at somedistance14 from the jail. They saw ashabby15 and fat man coming out of the jail.Arun was sad seeing his future version. Hewas ashamed16 of himself. He asked thetime traveler,“Can you help me change myfuture life?”

He said to Arun, “Listen to me, boy.Your future is up to you. What you do inthe present time decides what you will bein the future. Be a good boy in yourpresent, your future will be good. You stillhave time.”

Then in a minute, Arun was in hispresent time. He got off the truck and saidto the time traveler, “Thank you so muchfor giving me a chance to look into myfuture and make changes. I will alwaysremember what you said to me.”

Time traveler smiled and said,“Havea good present and future.”Then he startedhis truck and soon the truck got out ofAruns eyesight17. Since that evening,Arun has done better and better.

阿伦是一个13 岁的男孩,在一个小镇上读中学。他又在月考中得了低分。当他回到家时,他发现他的父亲正在等着揍他。他的母亲从厨房出来,对他父亲说:“维纳的母亲说阿伦欺负学校里的其他孩子。”于是,他的父亲开始狠狠地揍他。

挨完打后,阿伦离家出走了,然后他来到了一个公园。当时大约是晚上7 点。他看到一个人向他走来。那个人看着他笑了。阿伦问:“你是谁?你想干什么?”














1. bully 威吓;欺侮;欺负

2. traveler 旅行者;旅客

3. future 未来;将来

4. jail 监狱;监禁

5. truck 卡车;载重汽车

6. through  穿过;透过

7. cough  咳嗽;发出咳嗽般的声音

8. stick 拐杖;棍

9. release 释放;放走

10. mend 缝补;修补;修理

11. shock 使震惊;使难以置信

12. version 版本;变体

13. spoil 娇惯;溺爱;宠坏

14. distance 远处;距离

15. shabby 破旧的;破烂的;衣着破旧的;衣衫褴褛的

16. ashamed 感到羞愧;感到羞耻

17. eyesight 目力;视力

