How Are Hurricanes Named? 飓风是如何命名的?


时代英语·高一 2023年7期

Before we get into the naming process, lets talk a bit about why hurricanes are named at all. Up until the 1950s, hurricanes were tracked by year and order, which turned out to be rather confusing when there was more than one storm occurring at once. Specifically, because it was hard to identify one storm from another, broadcast information was often hard to understand and left people confused or concerned with information about a storm that may not even affect them.

At first, hurricanes were named according to the phonetic alphabet, starting with A each year. The names would follow Able, Baker, Charlie, and so on. This means the first-named hurricane was Able!

The practice of giving storms personal names appears to have begun with Clement Wragge, an Australian meteorologist who in the 1890s entertained himself by naming storms after women, mythical figures, and politicians that he didnt like. The modern system of using personal names developed during World War II, when meteorologists began using womens names—often those of wives or girlfriends. Short and quickly understood, names were easier to transmit over the radio and easier to keep straight if there was more than one storm in a given area. The system was formalized in 1953 when the American National Weather Service put together an alphabetical list of female names to be used for storms in the Atlantic basin. Male names were added to the list in 1979.




So now that weve got some history, how do they actually name the hurricanes?

A special committee of the World Meteorological Organization develops lists of names to be used for hurricane. The name must be easily understood and short. Additionally, they must be culturally sensitive as they will be spoken in several different languages. For the Atlantic basin there are six alphabetical lists of 21 names each, and the lists are recycled every six years. So it is very likely, for example, that many of the names on the 2018 list will recur in 2024. For the Western Pacific and South China Sea basin, where there are a wider variety of languages spoken, names on the lists are contributed by countries in the region. If a hurricane or typhoon is especially destructive, that name will be retired from the list, such as Katrina (2005),  Sandy (2012), Michael (2018), Ida (2021) and Ian (2022).

Despite the fact that using human names might seem comical, the use of these names helps to keep people protected and informed. When it comes to spreading information, it is vital that the information is accurate, easily understood, and efficient in order to keep the public informed. The hurricane naming process is a great example of this distribution of information.




Word Bank

broadcast /'br??dkɑ?st/ n. 广播节目;电视节目

transmit /tr?ns'm?t/ v. 輸送;播送

recur /r?'k??(r)/ v. 再发生;反复出现

distribution /'d?str?'bju??n/ n. 分发;分送

