Contribution Regulations for Asian Journal of Traditional Medicines
Editorial Policy
Asian Journal of Traditional Medicines is an international journal devoted to the advancement of research on traditional medicines.The followed areas are covered:
-Pharmacology and clinical studies
-Natural products chemistry
-Resources and medicinal material processing
-Methodology for quality control
-Traditional oriental drugs pharmaceutics
Submission of Manuscripts
All contributions are peer reviewed by independent referees.Only papers that are of highest scientific quality,that are concisely written and that comply with these guidelines for Authors can be accepted.It is better to sign line number in normal text.All manuscripts should be submitted electronically through AJTM Editorial System which can be accessed at assistance please contact:
Editorial Office of Asian Journal of Traditional Medicines 20#,Shenyang Pharmaceutical University,
No.103,Wenhua Road,
Shenyang 110016,China
Tel &Fax: (86) 024-23986082
Language of publication is English.Manuscripts written by authors whose mother language is not English should be checked by a native speaker before submission.
Submissions must be accompanied by a covering letter stating that the paper has not been published previously elsewhere nor is being considered by another journal,in any language,and that all authors have seen and agreed to the version submitted.
To maintain and protect the Society’s ownership and rights and to provide scientists the opportunity to publish in high-quality journals,Asian Journal of Traditional Mddicines requires the corresponding author to sign a copyright transfer agreement on behalf of all the authors.This agreement will be sent to the corresponding author when the manuscript is accepted and scheduled for publication.Unless this agreement is received,the journal will not publish the manuscript.Copyright belongs to the publisher upon acceptance of the manuscript.Rejected manuscripts will not be returned to the authors except for original illustrations on request.
Format of Manuscripts
Reviews will generally be invited by the Editor.They should be as concise as possible and do not need to include experimental details.The main purpose of reviews is to provide a concise,accurate introduction to the subject matter and inform the reader critically of the latest developments in this area.4-6 Key words should be listed.
Papers are research articles describing original experimental results.The material should be arranged in the order: Abstract,Introduction,Materials and Methods,Results and Discussion sections.The Experimental Section should contain sufficient detail so that others are able to reproduce the experiment(s).Previously reported methods should be referenced only.4-6 Key words should be listed,without the first letter capitalized,separated with " ;".
Letters should be concise reports on new specific results of general interest.The Letter format contains a short Abstract: no key words;introductory remarks and results and discussion without headlines;Material and Methods (headline) with brief experimental details without subhead lines;references.
Preparation of Manuscripts
Manuscripts must be typed single-spaced throughout --text and references --on A4-size paper.Manuscripts should be submitted with one original and two copies.The editor encourages authors to submit their papers by email.
For all manuscripts,provide a separate title page including title,full names (the given name+family name,the middle name can be abbreviated) referenced by “a,b,c” superscripts with affiliation and addresses of all authors,and on separate pages also,a list of references,footnotes,figure legends,and tables.
The name and address of the author responsible for all correspondence including telephone.fax and email should be provided after the references.
The following sections are required and should be arranged in the following order: Title page,Abstract,Keywords,Introduction,Material and methods,Results and discussion,Conclusion,Acknowledgements,References (The initial letter of these headings should be capitalized).
Please give the title (capital for first character),and running title (not to exceed 80 characters and spaces) for header composing.The main text,acknowledgement,and references should be presented in this order.Figures,tables and charts showing chemical structures should be collected at the end,each on a separate sheet.All pages should be numbered consecutively.
Responsibility for the accuracy of bibliographic citations lies entirely with authors.References should be numbered in the order in which they are cited in the text [1],[2],[3] ...and the list of references should be arranged consecutively according to the numbers in text.Type numbers in square brackets and do not use superscripts.
List three authors (family name+the abbreviation of given name) following with “et al.” when the numbers of authors are more than three.References should include the list of all the authors,title of the article,Journal/Book title,(book publisher),year,volume number,and beginning to end page number.Use Index Medicus abbreviations for all the journal titles.
The following list gives examples of commonly lacking information:
1.Journal names (Journal titles should be abbreviated)
2.Journal volume (or months)
3.Names of publisher (for books and proceedings)and their locations
4.Inclusive page numbers or chapters for books
The essential rule is to provide sufficient information so that the reader can locate the reference easily.The following examples illustrate the format for references:
[1] Swayze RD,Lise MF,Levinson JN,et al.Modulation of dopamine mediated phosphorylation of AMPA receptors by PSD-95 and AKAP79/150.Neuropharm,2004,47: 764-778.
[2] Timoshenko SP.Theory of plate and shells.2nd ed.New York: McGraw-Hill,1959,17-36.
[3] Rukmini C. Red palm oil combat vitamin A deficiency in developing countries.Food and Nutrition Bulletin [online],1994,15: 1536-1542, [10/18/2005].
[4] Smith J.Biology Information Site. [5/12/2005].
Abbreviation must be spelled out in full at their initial appearance,followed by the abbreviation in parentheses.Thereafter,the abbreviation may be employed,except for the used standard abbreviations.All nonstandard abbreviations should be kept to a minimum.In most cases it is appropriate to use the full INN drug name.Use the metric system for all measurements,if possible.Metric abbreviations should be expressed in lower case without period(cm,ml,s).Define all symbols used in equations and formulas.If symbols are used extensively,provide a list of all symbols together with the list of abbreviations.The use of the International System of Units (SI) is recommended: m (meter),g (gram),kg (kilogram),μg (microgram),s (second),min (minute),h (hour),d(day),y (year),L (litre),μl (microlitre),ng/mL and r/min(rpm).Full name should be given when an abbreviation appeared in the paper for the first time.
Normal text is printed in times new roman font.For connection of sentences one space after a comma,a colon or period.Italic is used for variables,Latin words and expressions,including the names of plants and animals,“in vivo”,“in vitro”,some statistic symbols:number of sample “n”,mean“”,standard deviations“s”,F-test,t-test and probability“P”,some chemical symbols which indicate optical rotation,configuration,conformation,position of substutuent group:d,l,dl;o-,p-,m-,iso-;Z,E;R,S;D,L.
Preparation of illustrations
All figures and a list of figure legends should be on separate pages and meanwhile it’s acceptable to include tables and figures in the text.“Figure 1” is usually written as “Fig.1”. Submit colour illustrations as high-resolution electronic files,original photographs.Please make sure that artwork files are in an acceptable format (tiff,eps,jpeg or Ms office files) and in suitable size for publication,in at least 300 dpi resolution.The font of character,number for coordinate axis in all figures should be Times New Roman or Arial,size 9 pt (the initial letter of first word for title of X-axis or Y-axis should be capitalized);The width of figures is 80 mm (single-spaced) or 160 mm (double-spaced).
Tables should be numbered consecutively and given a suitable caption and each table typed on a separate page.In tables,the number digit behind decimal point should keep to be identical and the units are noted in brackets following the parameter (the initial letter of first word for item title should be capitalized).No vertical rules should be used.The font in tables should be "Times New Roman" and size of "9 pt".Tables should not duplicate results presented elsewhere in the manuscript ( graphs).
The initial letter of Tables and Figs headings should be capitalized.
Line Drawings should be provided as carefully prepared black line drawings on a plain white background.All lettering,graph lines and points on graphs should be sufficiently large and bold to permit reproduction when the diagram has been reduced to a size suitable for inclusion in the journal.Photocopies are not suitable for reproduction.Do not use any type of shading on computer-generated illustrations.
Photographs must be supplied as they are to be reproduced ( and white or colour).If necessary,a scale should be marked on the photograph.Please note that photocopies of photographs are not acceptable.
IR,NMR,mass,and UV spectra should be given as figures only if new relationships between molecular structures and spectroscopic properties are demonstrated or if new compounds are described where the listing of characteristic signals is not sufficient.
Structural formulas should be prepared using ChemDraw or similar programs.Structure drawing preferences (present in the ACS style sheet in ChemDraw)are as follows:
-As drawing settings select:
Chain angle 120 °
Bond spacing 18 % of width
Fixed length 14.4 pt (0.508 cm,0.2 in.)
Bold width 2.0 pt (0.071 cm,0.0278 in.)
Line width 0.6 pt (0.021 cm,0.0084 in.)
Margin width 1.6 pt (0.056 cm,0.0222 in.)
Hash spacing 2.5 pt (0.088 cm,0.0347 in.)
-As text setting select:
Font Arial/ Helvetica
Size 10 pt
-Under the preferences choose:
Units points
Tolerances 3 pixels
-Under page setup choose:
Paper US letter
Scale 100%
-Using the ChemDraw ruler or appropriate margin settings,create structure blocks,schemes,and equations having maximum widths of 11.3 cm (onecolumn format) or 23.6 cm (two-column format).Note:if the foregoing preferences are selected as cm values,the ChemDraw ruler is calibrated in cm.Also note that a standard sheet of paper is only 21.6 cm wide,so all graphics submitted in two-column format must be prepared and printed in landscape mode.
-Embolden compound numbers,but not atom labels or captions.
-Authors are urged to use only a single configurationally descriptor (heavy line or dashed line,but not both) when defining a stereo center in a chemical structure. Atoms should be kept outside of rings wherever possible.It is recommended that authors use rectangular solid and dashed lines to indicate configurations,rather than solid and dashed wedges for this purpose. Structures should be drawn in a neat manner ready for direct reproduction,and should not be cluttered or overlapping.
Documentation of Plants and Plant Materials
Use the correct botanical nomenclature.Give the plant name (Latin systematic name below genus should be given in italic),the author of this name and the plant family.Indicate who identified the plant material.The manuscript must include references to voucher specimens of the plants or the material examined including their registration number (s).Such specimens should be deposited in a major regional herbarium which permits loan of such material.
Nomenclature used should be based on the systematic rules adopted by Chemical Abstracts (Index Guide Vol.76),Ring Index and Supplements (American Chemical Society,1959a-1965),IUPAC (Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry,Parts A,B &C,Pergamon Press,1979) etc.Trivial names should be avoided unless they are definitely advantageous over the corresponding systematic names.
Description of the Isolation and Purification of Compounds: The kind and amount of material,solvents and extraction methods must be indicated.The description of chromatographic systems should contain the information that allows the reader to repeat the work.Similar information is necessary for HPLC,GLC,DCCC,MLCC and all other methods of purification.
GC identifications of constituents of essential oils must be supported by retention indices on a polar and an a polar column.
General Information
Pharmacological Investigations
Asian Journal of Traditional Medicines will only consider manuscripts in which conclusions are based on adequate statistics which account for the type of data distribution,on the number of experimental observations required for the application of the respective statistical method,and which incorporate the appropriate tests of significance.In each case positive controls (reference compounds) should be used and the dose/dependence should be shown.
In case of pharmacological investigations with extracts the latter must be carefully characterized.This includes botanical determination of plant material,solvent (s),time of extraction,temperature and other method (s),used for preparation.The drug to extract ratio must be given.A chromatographic (e.g.HPLC profile) or chemical characterization (quantitative content of typical compounds) has to be presented;thus a paragraph on standardization of the extract or fraction must be presented.The investigation must clearly indicate a dose/activity dependence in comparison to a reference compound together with the appropriate statistics.
Clinical Studies
Studies reporting on plant preparation tested in humans will be accepted for review and publication.Clinical studies must be designed,implemented and analyzed in a manner to meet current standards of randomized controlled trials.For guidelines see the following reviews: Begg Cet al.JAMA 1996;276: 637-9 and Altmann DG: BMJ 1996;313: 570-1.All methods and variables used in a trial should be described;the data must be based on adequate statistics.The herbal medicinal products used must be characterized as described above under “pharmacological investigations with extracts”.
Paper charge
There is no page charge.However,for those who could not provide the manuscript written with perfect English,the author will be asked to pay in due expense for English checking by the Editorial office.
Proofs and Reprint
Proofs will be sent to the corresponding author by e-mail as PDF files for checking and correcting of typographical errors.To avoid delay in publication,corrected proofs should be returned in 72 hours.
After publication of the journal issue,2 copies of journal will be supplied to authors free of charge.
Other important points
Please submit the revised manuscript to the appropriate person in the Editorial Office no later than two months from the date of notification of manuscript revision by the editor.A manuscript that is submitted after the two-month period will be treated as a new submission.
When a manuscript is accepted for publication,soft copies of the text and tables (Microsoft Word file)and figures (Tiff or Eps format file,Chemdraw file,etc.)should be submitted to the Editorial Office.
The authors are given an opportunity to proofread the galley of an accepted manuscript.Galleys will be sent in PDF by email.No additions and revisions are allowed other than the correction of typographical errors.
The copyrights of all manuscripts published in the Asian Journal of Traditional Medicines belong to the Editorial Office of Asian Journal of Traditional Medicines and the Publisher.The author must submit a Copyright Transfer form to the Editorial Office of Asian Journal of Traditional Medicines.
Asian Journal of Traditional Medicines的其它文章
- Application of Caenorhabditis elegans in screening active ingredients of traditional Chinese medicine
- Chemical composition and biological activities of Portulaca oleracea
- Evaluation of the effect of shodhana (detoxification) process using chromatographic profiling (HPTLC,HPLC,LC-MS,and GC-MS) and estimation of the content of toxic colchicine in Gloriosa superba Linn.tubers