Chinese teenage street dancer


疯狂英语·新悦读 2023年7期

浙江 江 丽

2020年12月7日,国际奥委会执委会召开会议同意将霹雳舞列为2024年巴黎奥运会正式比赛项目。随着“竞技街舞进校园”活动的推广,街舞已成为中国走向体育强国的重要组成部分。而年仅18 岁的刘清漪,已经在中国霹雳舞的历史上留下了浓墨重彩的一笔。

主题语境:青少年生活 篇幅:368词 建议用时:7分钟

1As a street dancer, China's Liu Qingyi won a gold medal in the Breaking for Gold World Series 2023, the first Olympic points event in breakdancing this year.

2Liu won the gold medal by defeating Japan's Ami Yuasa in a tense final.Both female dancers qualified(有资格) for the final in an 81-woman competition.“The past winter season I have put some Chinese elements into my performance,”Liu told reporters after the win, noting that she had spent nearly three months on the event.Liu has set her goal of qualifying for the 2024 Paris Olympics as early as possible this year.But this is not an easy task,as she has to face challenges from many other world-level athletes.

3The 2023 World Breakdancing Championship in Leuven, Belgium will take place from September 22 to 24 and the breakdance events at Hangzhou Asian Games could be important for the Chinese dancers who want to get a direct pass to the Olympics next year.Winners of these two events will qualify for the 2024 Paris Olympics.

4Breaking, a style of street dance that originated in the US in the 1970s, made its debut(首秀)at the Youth Olympics in Buenos Aires in 2018 and was chosen to be a competitive sport at the Olympic Games Paris 2024.It is becoming more widely known and giving more dancers the chance to turn their hobby into a career.

5Liu, a breaking dancer from central China's Henan Province, rose to fame after winning the gold medal at the Outbreak Europe 2022 breakdance competition last year.This was a milestone for Chinese breakdance as she became the first Chinese B-girl to ever win an international title.

6Liu saw street dances for the first time when she was only 10 years old.She felt deeply attracted by the performer's cool and dynamic dance.Thanks to her parents'continuous support,Liu also learned guitar,taekwondo(跆拳道)and boxing during her childhood.Her interest in intense activities then led her toward breakdance.It was through dancing that she overcame her shy nature.Now she believes that dancing will be her lifetime career.

Reading Check

1.What's Liu's goal this year according to the text?A.To defeat Japan's Ami Yuasa.

B.To put more Chinese elements into her performances.

C.To get qualification for the 2024 Paris Olympics.

D.To win a gold medal in the Breaking for Gold World Series 2023.

2.What does paragraph 3 focus on?

A.Styles of street dance.B.Two important dance events.

C.Belgium's dance history.D.Events in the 2024 Paris Olympics.

3.What can be inferred about breaking from paragraph 4?

A.It came from Belgium originally.

B.It narrows dancers'daily hobbies.

C.It was chosen to be an Olympic sport in the 1970s.

D.It appeared at the Youth Olympics in Buenos Aires first.

4.How did dance influence Liu according to paragraph 6?

A.It made her cool.B.It led her to try different sports.

C.It helped change her shy nature.D.It made her childhood more fulfilling.

Language Study



win a gold medal 获得金牌

in a tense final 在紧张的决赛中

as early as possible 尽早

face challenges 面临挑战

take place 举行;发生

breakdance 霹雳舞

qualify for 使具备资格做……

originate in 起源于……

rise to fame 成名

for the first time 第一次

feel deeply attracted by 被……深深吸引


1.You have ________(win)yourself a trip to New York.

2.Switch it on by ________(press)this button.

3.The film festival usually ________(take)place in October.

4.This training course will qualify you ________a better job.

5.I went to Sanya last year ________the first time.

6.The disease is thought to have originated the tropics.

