Cardinali lives without electricity卡尔迪纳利的无电生活
Fabrizio Cardinali, age 72, says hehas no use for electricity. For more thanfifty years, he has lived entirely without thepublic electricity network. That makes himone of the few people in Europe uncon?cerned about rising energy costs this win?ter.
Cardinali lives in a stone house nearAncona, on Italys eastern Adriatic coast.By choice, he has no electricity, no gas,and no indoor plumbing.“I was not inter?ested in being part of the world as it wasgoing. So I left everything such as family,university, friends and the sports team, andset off in a completely different direction,”he said.
In the past, he lived alone. Right now,he has two people who live with him, aswell as animals such as chickens and a cat.He calls the small community“The Tribeof the Harmonious Walnuts”. Cardinaliand his two friends use a wood?burningstove for cooking and warmth. They readby lamps fueled with used cooking oil thatis given to them by neighbors.“The Har?monious Walnuts”grow fruit, vegetable andolives to produce olive oil, and keep beesfor honey. A local group sells them foodssuch as legumes, cereals and wheat.
When possible, they trade goods forthings they need. Although some peoplehave called him“The Hermit of Cupramon?tana”, Cardinali says he is not a hermit. Ahermit is a person who lives in a simpleway apart from others. He sometimestravels short distances to visit friends. Hetakes olives to a stone press to make oil,and walks or gets rides to the nearest townto have a coffee with local people or visitthe doctor.
Reading Check
How did Cardinali and his twofriends live after they were entirely off thepublic electricity network?