

疯狂英语·新读写 2023年6期

广东 王 思











Bird song

“Let it go!”Caroline yelled.Two boys were bending over a hurt bird, as a third one held the poor creature by its wings.“You'll hurt it,”Caroline looked fearful for the bird.

The tallest stood up and glared at Caroline.“Here, catch this!”he said as he sailed the broken-winged bird at Caroline.The poor creature cried in pain, as its wings had been badly damaged.The boys ran off.

Caroline bent down to carefully pick up the bird.The poor feathered soul was wriggling(扭动)about,with a fearful look in its eyes.“Don't worry,”Caroline whispered softly.She took a handkerchief from her pocket and gently placed the bird on it.

Caroline walked back to her house as quickly as she could, careful not to shake the bird around too much.She found a shoe box,filled it with soft cotton balls and then laid the bird down in its new resting place.

“Let me get you some water and food.That's the least I can do.”She took a tiny saucer from the kitchen, filled it with water, and placed it in a corner of the box.She managed to find some sunflower seeds, as that was the only bird-friendly food she could think of.Caroline was worried.She didn't want the bird to die.The poor bird was now fast asleep,no doubt tired out from its earlier suffering.“Please don't die,”Caroline whispered tearfully.

If there was anyone whom she could turn to, it would be Mr Roberts.Mr Roberts was working at the nature museum.He had bird feeders throughout his yard, and sometimes would drop in her science class at school.Caroline never knew there was so much information about birds,until hearing him speak.She figured he would know what to do.


Paragraph 1:

Caroline called Mr Roberts and hurriedly told him her tale.______________________




Paragraph 2:

In the morning, the Blackwell Bird Rescue Society called, informing a car would come to pick up the bird at10am.___________________________________________________






Who When Where What Why How Caroline,three boys and Mr Roberts not mentioned in the open air;in Caroline's house Caroline made efforts to save a bird.Its wings had been badly damaged.Caroline brought it home,took care of it and turned to Mr Roberts for help.



本文的主题语境是人与自然,讲述的是卡罗琳寻求帮助、救治受伤的小鸟的故事。按照情节的发展趋势和续写两段的段首句提示,接下来应该是卡罗琳打电话向罗伯茨求助,他帮卡罗琳联系了当地的鸟类救助协会(Blackwell Bird Rescue Society)。经过鸟类救助协会的专业救治,小鸟最终康复。那么在续写时,我们应该如何突破写作瓶颈,写出精彩的结尾呢?



按照情节的发展走向,故事的结局应该是:鸟类救助协会的人驱车前来把小鸟接去救治,最终小鸟得以康复。那么,我们可以这样结束故事:“Two weeks later, news came that the bird had completely recovered, which made Caroline smile with relief.”。一句话交代了小鸟的结局,自然、清楚、不含糊。



续写第二段的开头,鸟类救助协会派人过来接小鸟,那小鸟最终有没有康复呢?“Standing at the door,Caroline watched the driver get back into the car,which slowly drove away and disappeared from sight.”这个结尾描述了一个“车子带着小鸟缓缓消失”的画面,至于小鸟的结局如何,结尾给读者留下了一个想象的空间。



根据原文第二段的“The poor creature cried in pain, as its wings had been badly damaged.”可知,这只小鸟的翅膀受了重伤,那么后续对它的救治也主要是针对翅膀。它的翅膀治好了吗?它能再次飞翔吗?文章的结尾我们可以这样写:“Days later,Caroline received a short video from Mr Roberts, in which the bird was practicing its broken wings and singing song lively.”。这个结尾既交代了小鸟正在康复的结果,又呼应了前文的信息,使文章内容更加紧密、完整。



按照高考评价体系的要求,高考作文要体现正确的世界观、人生观和价值观,要弘扬真善美,传递正能量。那么,故事的结尾一定是美好的、积极向上的。这也就意味着小鸟最后一定被治好了,并被放归自然。因此,我们可以考虑这样写结尾:“Weeks later, while Caroline was sitting at the window, she heard a bird singing outside in the tree.Looking out,she immediately recognized that it was the bird she had saved.”。这样的结尾不仅可以给故事设定一个圆满的结局,其中的a bird singing outside 还和文章的标题相呼应,升华了主题。



结尾时我们也可以考虑通过对环境的描写来烘托这个温暖人心的主题。比如:“Bathed in the golden sunlight, Caroline felt relieved as the breeze gently kissed her face.”。其中,golden sunlight 和breeze 都能给人带来温暖的感觉,就像这个故事一样,温暖人心。



既然高考作文要体现正确的世界观、人生观和价值观,弘扬真善美,传递正能量,那么在人与自然的主题下,故事的最终结果一定是人与自然的和谐共处。因此,我们可以用一个哲理性的句子来结束全文:“Animals are our friends, and we should live in harmony with them.”。这样的结尾由事及理、以小见大,传达了正确的世界观和价值观,升华了主题。



如果用反思式结尾来结束这个故事,我们或许可以这样写:“Learning that the little bird was getting better and better in the Blackwell Bird Rescue Society, Caroline thought,‘What I have done is worthwhile.’”。这样的结尾不仅交代了小鸟的结局,而且主人公对事件的反思和总结(“我”所做的一切都是值得的)也给读者传递了正能量,凸显了文章的主题。


Paragraph 1:

Caroline called Mr Roberts and hurriedly told him her tale.She told him about the boys and the bird.Mr Roberts was moved by Caroline's efforts.“That bird is fortunate that you came to its rescue.Don't worry.I will make a call to the bird rescue society.They canmake a pick-up for your feathered friend in the morning,”Mr Roberts assured Caroline confidently.Breathing a sigh of relief, Caroline looked at the bird, which was still peacefully sleeping in the box as if nothing had happened.She went to bed, hoping that it would survive the night.Paragraph 2:

In the morning, the Blackwell Bird Rescue Society called, informing a car would come to pick up the bird at10am.Hanging up the phone, Caroline smiled with relief.“I guess this is goodbye,”Caroline said to the bird in the shoe box.Curiously,it replied with a short chirp as if it understood what she was saying.As scheduled, a car from the Blackwell Bird Rescue Society pulled up to her house at 10 am.After examining it carefully, the driver packed the bird gently into the car, promising Caroline that they would get the little one back up and flying again.Days later, Caroline received a short video from Mr Roberts, in which the bird was practicing its broken wings and singing song lively.“You are welcome,”she smiled.



A meal with a smile

At eleven years old,my main concern was money.Where could I get it? What would I spend it on? How much did I need to buy the new must-have things my classmates either had or wanted just as badly as I did?I went to my mom.“Mom,I need more money,”I said,leaning against the kitchen counter while she cooked dinner.“What else can kids do for a job around here?”

“You think you need a job?”Mom asked with a smile.“You could just enjoy the summer like the other kids, you know?”“I'll still have time for that, but I want to work,”I shrugged.“Okay,let me ask around,”Mom finally agreed.

The next day, she had an answer.“Your grandmother will pay you to help her deliver lunch each day to the elderly.”I couldn't wait to start my new job on Monday after school was dismissed for the summer.When my grandmother picked me up, I thanked her for the job with questions.“It's simple.We pick up a large container full of hot meals in a nearby town and then we go on our delivery route,”she said.That was easy.

After our load was arranged in the backseat,my grandmother drove us to our first stop:a small house.I nearly jumped when I glanced over to see a tiny old woman in the corner looking at me.When I drew near to her, she smiled at me, revealing no teeth.The house smelled terrible and looked old like the antique stores my mom liked to visit.I held my breath until we went back out onto the porch.Was this really how some people lived? I couldn't wrap my head around it.

The next stop was much the same and the next.The houses varied in size and shape;some were nicer than others, but the same wrinkly people eagerly waited for their meals.Each person smiled at me and thanked me again and again as I hurried to get out of there.I was sweaty and tired.


Paragraph 1:

On our way back home,I sat in the backseat silently with the idea of giving up.______



Paragraph 2:

Her words touched me deeply and I decided to continue the job.__________________














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