Little-known Facts about Chocolate 关于巧克力的冷知识
1. July 7 is World Chocolate Day.
7 月7 日是世界巧克力日。
July 7 is World Chocolate Day, a nod to when chocolate was said to have been first brought to Europe on July 7, 1550.
2. White chocolate isnt chocolate.
Because it doesnt contain cocoa solids or chocolate liquor, white chocolate isnt chocolate in the strict sense. But it does contain parts of the cacao bean—mainly cocoa butter.
3. The cacao bean was used as currency.
The Aztecs loved and valued the cacao bean so highly that they used it as currency during the height of their civilization.
4. UK chocolate maker J. S. Fry & Sons invented the solid form of chocolate.
英国巧克力制造商J. S. Fry & Sons 发明了固态巧克力。
The UK confectioner J. S. Fry & Sons concocted what they called “eating chocolate” in 1847 by combining cocoa butter,sugar, and chocolate liquor. This was a grainy,solid form of the treat.
1847年,英国巧克力制造商J. S. Fry & Sons用可可脂、糖和可可浆调制出了“可以吃的巧克力”。这是一种颗粒状的固态甜食。
5. Mi l k chocolate was invented i n Switzerland.
Daniel Peter, a Swiss chocolate maker,created the milk chocolate in 1875—after eight years of trying to make his recipe work.
Condensed milk ended up being the key ingredient.
在尝试八年之后, 瑞士巧克力制造商丹尼尔·彼得终于在1875年生产出牛奶巧克力。他的最终配方的关键原料是炼乳。
6. Most cacao comes from Africa.
Despite its Amazonian roots, most cacao—nearly 70 percent of the worlds supply—comes from Africa. C?te dIvoire is the largest single producer, providing about 30 percent of all the worlds cacao.
7. Chocolate has a special melting point.
Chocolate melts at around 93°F, which is just below the human body temperature. Thats why your favorite candy bar will melt in your hands if you dont eat it fast enough.
Word Bank
contain v. 包含;含有
solid n. 固体
currency n. 货币
concoct v. 调制,配制
recipe n. 烹饪法;食谱
despite prep. 即使;尽管