摘 要:将钢丝网骨架聚乙烯热熔胶复合管作为研究对象,通过室温力学性能测试以及耐热性能测试的方式,确定外界因素对复合管使用寿命的影响。结果表明:当内压达到相应的负载量时,复合管出现强度失效情况;室温环境下复合管的极限弯矩为950 N·m,失效位移为250.0 mm,环刚度极值为45.0 kN,当超过此数值时,实验样本失效。安全温度为80~85 ℃,可承受的外部温度约为160 ℃。在上述工作条件下,复合管不会受到失效威胁。在日后复合管的应用过程中,可将此结果作为参考依据,延长复合管应用寿命。
Study on the service life of steel wire framed polyethylene composited pipe
LI Donghui
China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group Co.,Ltd.,Xian 710043,China)
Abstract:The steel wire framed polyethylene composited pipe was used as the research object,and the influence of external factors on the service life of the composited pipe was determined by room temperature mechanical property test and heat resistance test.The results showed that when the internal pressure reached the corresponding load,the strength failure of the composited pipe occured; The ultimate bending moment of the composited pipe at room temperature was 950 nm.The failure displacement was 250.0 mm,and the extreme value of ring stiffness was 45.0 kN.When this value exceeded,the experimental sample failed.The safe temperature was 80~85 ℃,and the tolerable external temperature was about 160 ℃.Under the above working conditions,the pipe would not be threatened by failure.In the application of composited pipes in the future,these results could be used as a reference to extend the service life of composited pipes.
Key words:steel wire framed polyethylene composited pipe;bending rigidity;sensitivity analysis;finite element analysis;Impact action;mechanical analysis
1 试验品制备
1.1 试验原料及试剂
选用埃克森美孚化工生产的聚乙烯原料,颜色为本色。此原料耐压等级为PE100级。聚乙烯原料相关参数:密度950 kg/m3,屈服应力30 MPa,杨氏模量1 000 MPa,泊松比0.4,断裂伸长率950%。
在复合管生产的过程中使用原料号为GS3220的热熔胶实现复合管粘合。根据钢丝网骨架聚乙烯热熔胶复合管的实际生产要求,选择镀铜钢丝制作为钢丝网骨架材料,并将其规格控制在0.5~1.0 mm,此钢丝生产厂家为安平县安轩金属丝网制品有限公司,钢丝材料为70号钢。此钢丝性能测定结果如表1所示。
整理选定的原料,并根据当前的复合管制造工艺,将复合管的涂塑参数设定:钢丝骨架直径为1.00 mm,涂塑后钢丝骨架直径为1.2~1.4 mm,涂塑线速度为100 m/min,料筒温度为180~200 ℃,机头温度为220~230 ℃,模具温度为220~240 ℃,预热处理电流为600~620 A。