邵天玉 刘思竹 谢维欣 刘兴龙 李志勇 王克勤 朱朝东 刘丹
摘要 姬小蜂科寄生蜂在农业害虫防治应用中起着非常重要的作用,但因体型小种类多,鉴定较难,导致开发利用的局限性。随着分子生物学的快速发展,通过形态学与分子生物学相结合的方法来研究小蜂总科已经成为发展趋势。利用黑龙江省的6个吸虫塔收集到了238个姬小蜂科样本。在DNA提取之前通过形态学鉴定为14属52种。对其中60个COI和68个28S基因进行了扩增和测序,并将基因登录号提交GenBank;COI基因的登录号为MG836426~MG836501,28S基因的登录号为MH169011~MH169101。经进一步计算COI和28S基因的种内和种间遗传距离发现,COI基因的种间遗传距离差异显著,最小种间遗传距离(6.00%)远大于最大种内遗传距离(3.02%)。但是,28S基因的差异较大,许多属的种内遗传距离超过种间遗传距离,重叠现象严重。用MEGA-7.0软件进一步分析了COI基因的序列相似性和系统发育关系,结果表明:COI基因序列的聚类结果与形态学分类基本一致,而28S基因序列的聚类结果与形态学结果有较大差异。可见COI基因在姬小蜂科的分类鉴定和系统发育分析上比28S基因有很大优势,更适合姬小蜂科DNA条形码分析。
关键词 DNA条形码;COI;28S;分子鉴定;姬小蜂科
中图分类号 S 433 文献标识码 A 文章編号 0517-6611(2023)05-0078-07
doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0517-6611.2023.05.020
Application and Analysis of DNA Bar Code Technology in Species Identification of Eulophidae in Heilongjiang Province
SHAO Tian-yu1, LIU Si-zhu1, XIE Wei-xin2 et al
(1.Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing 400065;2.Institute of Intelligent System and Bioinformatics, College of Intelligent Systems Science and Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, Heilongjiang 150001)
Abstract The Eulophidae parasitoids play a key role in the control of agricultural insects, but because of the small size and many species, identification is difficult, which leads to the limitation of development and utilization. With the rapid development of molecular biology, it’s been quite regular to combine molecular approaches in studying the superfamily Chalcidoidea. In this study, 238 specimens of the family Eulophidae were collected from 6 suction traps in Heilongjiang Province, China. Before DNA extraction, 52 species of 14 genera were identified by morphology. 60 COI and 68 28S genes were amplified and sequenced, which were submitted to GenBank, with accession numbers from MG836426 to MG836501 for COI and from MH169011 to MH169101 for 28S. Intraspecific and interspecific genetic distances were calculated for both COI and 28S genes. The interspecific distances of COI gene was significantly different, with the minimum interspecies genetic distance (6.00%) greater than the maximum intraspecific genetic distance (3.02%), which indicates a clear barcoding gap between species. However, as 28S is highly variable, the intraspecific genetic distances of many genera exceed the interspecific, the overlap phenomenon is obvious. Futher, sequence similarity and phylogenetic relationship were analyzed by MEGA 7.0 software, indicating that the clustering results of COI gene sequences are basically consistent with morphological classification, but that of 28S gene sequences are quite different from those of morphological results. COI gene has some advantages over the conservative 28S gene in the taxonomic identification and phylogenetic resolution of the family Eulophidae, which could be more suitable for DNA barcoding wasps.
Key words DNA barcoding;COI;28S;Molecular identification; Eulophidae
该研究将收集到的姬小蜂科样本,通过基于线粒体COI 和28S基因的DNA条形码技术,与NCBI(https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genbank/)系统进行比对鉴定,测试物种鉴定的成功率。此外,通过计算COI和28S基因种内和种间遗传距离,检验了DNA条形码技术在姬小蜂科昆虫鉴定中的准确性。建立了黑龙江地区姬小蜂科DNA条形码数据库,补充了姬小蜂科寄生性天敌物理种的地理资源信息。
1 材料与方法
1.1 样本取样
1.2 DNA提取、扩增和测序
使用QIAGEN DNeasy提取试剂盒提取基因组DNA。COI基因使用LA Taq(TAKARA)扩增, 28S使用MightyAmp(TAKARA)扩增。COI基因使用条形码引物LCO1490(5′-GGTCA ACAATCAATCAAATTGG-3′) 和HCO2198(5′-TAAACTTCAGGTGACCAAAAATCA-3′)进行扩增。28S基因使用条形码引物D2-3549F(5′-AGTCGTGTTGTGTGTGCAG-3′)和D2-4068R(5′-TTGGTCGTTTCAAGC-GGG-3′)进行扩增。所有扩增反应均采用50 μL的PCR体系。COI反应体系:5.0 μL 10×LA缓冲液、5.0 μL MgCl2(2.5 mmol/L)、5.0 μL dNTP(2.5 mmol/L)、1.0 μL正反向引物(10 mmol/L)、0.5 μL LA Taq聚合酶(5 U/μL)、2.0~4.0 μL模板DNA和蒸馏水,最终PCR体系补充为50 μL。28S反应体系:25.0 μL Mightymp缓冲液、2.1 μL mightyMP DNA聚合酶(1.25 U/μL),正反向引物1.0 μL(10 mmol/L),2.0~4.0 μL模板DNA和蒸馏水,最终PCR体系补充为50 μL。COI PCR反应条件为94 ℃预变性2 min,35个循环包括:94 ℃30 s,48~50 ℃50 s,72 ℃延伸1 min,72 ℃延伸10 min。28S PCR反应条件为98 ℃预变性2 min,35个循环包括:98 ℃10 s,58 ℃15 s,68 ℃延伸1 min,68 ℃延伸5 min。用ABI3130测序仪进行测序。
1.3 序列比對与分子分析
将测序结果导入DNAStar中的SeqMan软件[21],进行序列的拼接与手工校正,确定分析的序列,利用NCBI中的“BLAST”软件进行相似性检索,确定序列方向及目的片段;将确定的序列以及GenBank下载相应序列载入Clustal X 1.83 软件[22] 进行序列比对,输出格式为FASTA。比对结果导入MEGA 7.0 软件[23],计算各物种间的遗传距离,转换和颠换值及其比值(R值),保守位点(conserved sites,C)及变异位点(variable sites,V)等数值。
采用MEGA 7.0软件统计序列碱基组成、GC含量、多态位点和简约信息位点等参数;利用Kimura 2-parameter(K2-P)双参数模型计算群体内和群体间遗传距离;以广赤眼蜂Trichogramma evanescens Westwood(Trichogrammatidae)作为外群,采用邻接法(neighbor-joining,NJ)构建系统发育进化树。
2 结果与分析
2.1 NCBI系统的识别结果
该研究获得了60个625 bp的COI序列和68个620 bp的28S序列。所有DNA序列均已提交给GenBank,登录号分别为MG836426~MG836501和MH169011~MH169101。
2.2 遗传距离分析
2.3 系统发育分析
3 结论与讨论
DNA条形码技术广泛应用于生态学、生物多样性、检验检疫和法医鉴定等[27-28],为诸多研究领域都提供了便利。DNA条形码技术在生物分类鉴定中发挥着越来越重要的作用,是一种快速有效的鉴定工具,逐步得到各研究领域更多学者的支持[29]。在昆虫分类学研究中,DNA条形码不受样本条件的限制,对受试者的形态完整性更没有严格要求,可以大量且同时进行,大大简化了物种鉴定过程[30-31]。然而, DNA条形码不能完全取代形态学分类,对于部分昆虫分类,它仅可以作为形态学鉴定的辅助工具,为传统形态学分类提供分子基础[32]。因此,笔者将形态分类学和分子分类学相结合,对黑龙江省姬小蜂科的种类进行研究,大大提高了种类鉴定结果科学性和准确性。
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